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General Ike

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Everything posted by General Ike

  1. I went to Gettysburg College. Was a firefighter there my whole 4 years. Spent a lot of time on the battlefields, during the school year studying (because they're peaceful now, how ironic) and during the summer months running EMS calls for visitors succumbing to the heat or extinguishing brush fires that threatened the National Park. The battlefields, of which the Eisenhower Farm abuts to, are a piece of our history. The left is trying to re-write history. They just succeeded in removing a confederate statue in Lake Eola Park in downtown Orlando. Destroying or desecrating any piece of a National Park or monument to our past (whether or not the past was very pretty) is NO DIFFERENT (yes I'm yelling) than what ISIS is doing to historical religious sites throughout the middle east. The Civil War was fought over states rights and Lincoln's ego. Slavery was only a component, yet what we are teaching our kids (the ones that are ready to destroy national monuments) is that it was all about slavery and how awful the South was. Well kiddo's there is a good chance the war would have been fought anyway, even if slavery didn't exist. Teamster lady.... your level of disrespect is astonishing to me. You live in a fantasy world hiding behind a screen name. You support a party aligned with individuals who promote violence and incite hatred. Do conservatives smash windows, set police cars on fire, loot businesses in the neighborhoods where they live that are owned by their own neighbors, disrupt the lives of hard working people who are minding their own business, attempt to kill politicians that are practicing for a bi-partisan charity event, shame our soldiers, assassinate law enforcement officers .... the list goes on forever. The sad thing, is that you are clearly a smart and extremely intellectual person. You're just focused on the wrong stuff.
  2. Looks like an Air Force rig.
  3. Posted this in your other thread as well... Call Lady & Taylor Body Shop / Pennsylvania Fire Apparatus in Heidlersburg (Gettysburg). 717-528-4196 Jere Lady is the owner. There is no better source of information on old Mack fire apparatus that I'm aware of, and I've been around fire trucks for 25 years.
  4. Call Lady & Taylor Body Shop / Pennsylvania Fire Apparatus in Heidlersburg (Gettysburg). 717-528-4196 Jere Lady is the owner. There is no better source of information on old Mack fire apparatus that I'm aware of, and I've been around fire trucks for 25 years.
  5. So I guess China is the 12,000lb pink communist elephant standing in the room that you can't see?
  6. No connection. http://www.ebay.com/itm/112401752454?rmvSB=true
  7. I pass the E-One factory often in Ocala Florida where my family has a horse farm. 10 years ago the yard was empty. Barely looked like they were working on anything. Now its full. The City of Boston just placed an order for 23 E-One pumpers. Photo credit to the Greenwood Emergency Vehicles Dealer website.
  8. Nice work... By a splitter, do you mean a two speed rear?
  9. Something about the radiator looks off. I wonder if he's put a bigger unit in to deal with the conditions that this rig is accustom to.
  10. That CF Aerialscope Tower from Hazel Twp is still in service. They've also got a Granite elliptical tanker. Used to run a MR heavy rescue and a CF pumper.
  11. Not that its as tough as backing in a trailer.... But there are some FDNY companies that are in the classic horse drawn steamer fire stations of old that are that close. Fast forward to the end of this video of Squad 18 in lower Manhattan... Check out the clearance to the mirrors. They do this a couple dozen times a day. The second piece (Frieghtshaker) is driven by a FF that isn't the normal chauffeur of the main piece so he's not as proficient at putting it back in the barn.
  12. Paul Cheshire aka 41chevy, provided this typical Detroit diagram to me for my recent problems. Maybe it can help.
  13. Oh my B test when I was 18... In downtown White Plains, New York. Done with the test about to pull back into the DMV lot but have to make a left turn across two lanes of traffic. Two cars stop to let me through because the light in front of them is red. I initiate the turn just as the cop 3 cars back lights em up and blips the siren. The guy in the far lane pulls forward and I have to stop. He stays there and now I'm blocking the two lanes that the cop needs to get through. Pull the brake, turn the truck off, put it in gear, get out and run to the back of the truck to check and see if its clear, run back to the cab get in, fire it up, brakes off, back up 4 feet, continue my turn in front of the car that was blocking me and I get into the lot and traffic clears and the cop goes by. Guy says with a straight face.... "You should have put the truck in neutral before you started it again instead of just pushing the clutch in". I must have looked scared as could be, because he said "relax you passed" and proceeded to laugh his ass off.... Then I look out over the hood to see the guy who brought me for my test laughing his ass off.
  14. Rowdy... dude you have no idea how lucky you are. That easily could have sent you into cardiac arrest. The locking up of every muscle in your body could include your heart. Glad the only residual is a sore chest.
  15. Did that thing get leased out as a rolling set for the filming of Boogie Nights? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Between the air box for the filter, the firewall and the exhaust coming above from the turbo, it was a bitch to get it back on. Essentially working blind. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Well I think the problem might be solved. Put a pressure gauge on the filter housing and it pegged above 80lbs. Old timer suggested that a restrictor fitting on the return line being plugged wouldn't cause that. Told me to check the pump. Pulled the fuel pump and turns out that the plunger on the pressure relief valve was rusted closed. Used a small bolt to work it free and pull it out. The bore was clean but the plunger had rust around the back of it. Used an emory cloth to clean and reinstalled. Ran out of time before I could test drive. But at 3/4 throttle pressure topped out between 55 and 60lbs. Keeping fingers crossed that the problem is solved. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Gasser it is. That's a shame. A 653 or 6v53 would sound so much better then the over muffled gas-lit V8. I really don't mind the sound of a 707, Hall-Scott or a Continental but the commercial big V8 gas mills that have no growl and all you hear is gear noise drive me nuts.
  19. There is a video of it getting getting yanked out of the woods prior to restoration on Penske's FaceBook Page.... i'm not on FB but maybe someone could search for it and post. I suspect that this rig had a 53 series Detroit in it with a 5 speed main and two speed rear.
  20. When we used to run at the 24 Hours of Daytona (1999-2004), we stayed at the Super 8 on International Speedway Blvd. We called it the Stupid 8... It was awful.
  21. Yeah its funny when I'm on biz in bigger cities I'll stay at a Hilton or Sheridan or even a higher brand name, but when I'm in less urban areas its Holiday Inn Express all the way. Central Tennessee, Western Illinois, Austin and Houston, Between Louisville and Indianapolis, always a Holiday Inn Express.
  22. "I used to touch Fawn this way." "I know, she told me." "She did?"
  23. I could go on and on with quotes from this masterpiece of a film. Bluto: "Guess what I am..... I'm a zit... Get it?" Bluto: "My advice to you, is to start drinking heavily" Bluto:" Kroger, your Delta Tau Chi name is Pinto." Larry: "Why Pinto?" Bluto: [burps] "Why not?" Kent: "What's my Delta Tau Chi name?" Bluto: "Dorfman, l've given this a lot of thought. From now on...your name is Flounder."
  24. Tim... You're back overseas? Last I read you left Christchurch and returned to Vermont.
  25. I had something happen to me once.... I was in College and just home for a short break when I was doing driver training to qualify on our TeleSquirt the following day. I was backing into the bay (the same one I mentioned above that was accidentally converted from double to single door before my time) and the overhead door got stuck above the top view of the side mirrors of the rig. I had no idea it was +/- 12 inches from the top when the turntable of the Squirt hit it. Broke the coil springs and the door couldn't stay up. A pair of extension ladders were used to prop it so we could get the rig back out and it was fixed the next day.
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