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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bulldogboy

  1. joemac: I know where you're coming from. Years ago I drove a 1959 Mack "C" model aerial ladder. It was a nice truck, no outriggers, just two jacks to support the truck while the aerial was in use. I remember those cold N.E. days and nights riding the tailboards of our "B" model pumpers. That's just the way it was early in my career. I would not trade those memories for anything. bulldogboy
  2. Just for the record, the number of 2.5" discharges is not always indicative of the pump size. My department's "B-85F"s were 750 GPM but were spec'd with 4 discharges, 2 on each side. That's the thing about fire apparatus, while they may look similar, everybody spec'd them differently. bulldogboy
  3. MADDOG93: Yes, that's the one I saw a picture of years ago. I forgot that it was the body, not the cab, that was r/w/b. Nothing beats a "B" model fire truck! bulldogboy
  4. 57 bcr: That's probably it. I should have noticed that the advertisements were from 1972. bulldogboy
  5. It says that the Prestonburg "CF" was the only red, white and blue Mack fire truck in the U.S. I seem to remember that the Baltic Fire Company in Sprague, Ct. had one also. Reading the Baltic website, it said that in 1976 they painted both their 1958 "B" model and 1968 "CF" pumpers red, white, and blue. Unfortunately, they don't have r/w/b pictures on the website. Perhaps Prestonburg's was the only one delivered from the factory in that paint scheme. bulldogboy
  6. Nice idea but do you think that Volvo would ever sell Mack? I'm sure that Volvo knows that an independent Mack would be serious competition to its brand so it would rather keep Mack as a niche model (think of Autocar) in their lineup. bulldogboy
  7. Always like to see a "B" model fire truck. Too bad it wasn't in better condition. Thanks for the photos. bulldogboy
  8. Did not know that, I'm not all that familiar with PA fire departments. I know that takeovers have happened in NH when a larger fire department merges with a smaller department in the same town. Not all of these mergers started out friendly but they have usually resulted in smoother, more coordinated operations. bulldogboy
  9. It's been a long time for me but I seem to remember that you had to pull the switch out to activate the fuel gauge. Why it was set up this way, I haven't a clue. bulldogboy
  10. Luckily, northern New Hampshire didn't fare too badly in the ice storm. I read that there were not many power outages. bulldogboy
  11. Drove a few "B-85Fs" and "B-95Fs" with those small mirrors. I learned a lot about backing a "B" model into a fire station with those small mirrors vibrating all over the place. Those were nice trucks, but in looking back, those coupe cab fire trucks were really cramped; the "L-85s" and "L-95s" were roomier. Of course, the fact that they were semi-cabs probably made them seem bigger. Ah, the "good old days". bulldogboy
  12. According to the news northern New Hampshire dodged a bullet and did not have a very bad ice storm. PSNH brought in crews from out of state but the power outages did not occur and the command center was closed. Good news, especially just before Christmas. bulldogboy
  13. Yes, I remember Holmes; they were big in New Hampshire. I believe that they had a terminal in Manchester (or Londonderry). In NH they also ran "MB" and, later, "MC" model straight trucks. That's a name from the past along with Yale, Jones, St Johnsbury, Carolina, etc. bulldogboy
  14. Check with "joes mack", he's looking for some parts for Yocum Creek, KY Fire Department's "CF" that was recently in an accident. bulldogboy
  15. Congratulations, Al, the truck looks great. Where is it from originally? bulldogboy
  16. Joe: Good luck, hope that you can buy those two "CFs" and get yours back in service. As to the driver, give him a little space and time to recover, eventually he'll feel ready to drive again. Almost all of us have put a ding (or worse) in a fire truck, it's part of dealing in a hazardous and ever changing environment. bulldogboy
  17. Nice "C" model. Years ago I drove a Mack "C" model aerial ladder; it was a great truck, had a few "big ones" with it. Was that '73 "R" model the one that Brighton donated to Bon Weir, TX to replace its pumper that was destroyed during Hurricane Rita in 2005? bulldogboy
  18. Speaking of I-495, a couple of weeks ago on 495 I passed a TT unit from Roaring Spring, PA. Smith Transportation or something like that? I don't remember the company name but can't forget the unusual name of Roaring Spring. I have passed by Sinking Springs, PA which is near Reading. bulldogboy
  19. Where in northern Vermont is that? bulldogboy
  20. Vinny: I don't know what kind of tractor it was. I think the "R" model dump truck in the photo may have been a town of Alton truck. bulldogboy
  21. The dam break was in Alton, NH, March 13, 1996. A two year old earthen dam gave way dumping the contents of Meadow Pond onto the unsuspecting citizens below. Unfortunately, one woman was swept away and died; her body was located several days later. She was trying to flee in her pickup while her husband attempted to move his tractor-trailer. Both were caught in the flood but the husband was rescued. That's his TT unit in the photo. Ironically, their home was spared, it would have been a safe haven for them. Hindsight is always 20-20. A tragic accident. bulldogboy
  22. Probably too late on this one but jhancock has a posting on "Trucks For Sale" showing a 1983 "CF" for sale in Winchester, NH. The closing date was November 6, 2013; if not sold it may be still available. That '91 looks nice and has an enclosed cab. Mack stopped making complete fire trucks in 1984, after that Macks came with a variety of different manufacturers' bodies. Grumman built a lot of the Mack "MB" bodies. bulldogboy
  23. Joe; What happened? Hope that the accident wasn't too bad and that no one was injured. bulldogboy
  24. "L" model fire trucks had hand crank starting, if needed. Fortunately, I never had to do it, those trucks started right up (most of the time). The hand crank for the booster reel was also the starter crank. bulldogboy
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