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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bulldogboy

  1. There was snow in the White and Green Mts. last night; saw pictures of Mount Mansfield, VT and Bretton Woods, NH covered in snow. Littleton, NH received about 4 inches. Drove through Hinsdale, MA last Sunday; first time in my life although I have been to Hinsdale, NH several times. bulldogboy
  2. The Hollis, NH Mack "R" was originally delivered to Hollis as an engine. It was later rebuilt as a tanker with a body by Valley Fire Equipment. The "L" model came from a department in New Jersey (I think). It is now owned by a private collector who keeps his trucks in top condition. Last time that I saw it, it was in nice shape. The FWD was in Alexandria, NH for many years. This is the same department that previously owned MADDOG93's Mack "B" and Ward LaFrance engines. They have replaced all three with two IH/Valley engines and a 2012 Ford F-550/Smeal pumper. bulldogboy
  3. Thanks to all you guys who maintain old Mack trucks for our enjoyment. I would love to have an old Mack fire engine but I have three strikes against me: 1. I'm a retired firefighter - No money (but lots of "L" and "B" memories) 2. No place to park one. No way I would buy one to leave it outdoors in New England 3. I'm not a mechanic, I think that you have to be able to do maintenance on them. I read a lot of these threads and I'm amazed (and jealous) at what you guys know and can do to your trucks. I'll continue to live vicariously through you guys. bulldogboy
  4. Drove to the top of Pilot Mountain in 2011; it's a state park. Very unusual looking mountain. Mount Airy, NC was the setting for Mayberry on "The Andy Griffith Show". The neighboring town to Mayberry was Mount Pilot. bulldogboy
  5. kscarbel: I knew you would have the answer; thanks for the info and link to the previous post. bulldogboy
  6. Mindlessly surfing the web again and I came upon an NPR report on new fire engines needed in Afghanistan. It showed Afghan firefighters training on a fire engine built on a Ford high cabover that looked similar to the "Xcient". The story said that the engine was American built but the chassis was obviously European. Anyone have information on this model Ford? bulldogboy
  7. Yikes, I hope there isn't a quiz on this any time soon! bulldogboy
  8. Must have been a slow day in New York City when you could draw a crowd to watch a street being cleaned. bulldogboy
  9. I have a photo of the Mack when Alexandria had it for sale. Later, I saw it in Harvey Eckart's book, "Mack Model B Fire Trucks". Glad to see that it was saved. You drove it to rural Alexandria? Must have hurt to leave it behind. Alexandria liked having the Mack in their department. bulldogboy
  10. Looks like the 1932 Mack ladder truck that was restored by the Stony Brook, NY Fire Department. bulldogboy
  11. MADDOG93: Is that the Ward LaFrance that was in service in Alexandria, NH for several years? I know that they had a Ward LaFrance like that and a 1957 Mack "B"; both came from Port Chester, NY. I saw the Mack when it was in service in Alexandria. bulldogboy
  12. I thought that it was on mutual aid to Worcester and was climbing one of the hills. bulldogboy
  13. Is Charlton still interested in buying it? bulldogboy
  14. "How old can an active fire truck be?" Depends on where you live. In the mid-Atlantic region a fire truck has to be replaced either when it gets dirty or a neighboring fire department buys a new truck (have to outdo the Jones, of course). Here in northern New England, departments run trucks that are 20, 30, or 40 years old because they have no other options. Buying used trucks is big business. Rural fire departments have to buy what they can afford regardless of what the N.F.P.A. "recommends". bulldogboy
  15. To me, the quickest way to tell the difference is by looking at the windshield; "A"s have a one piece windshield, "L"s have a two piece windshield. There is also the size difference, "A"s are smaller than "L"s. bulldogboy
  16. Little tidbit of information; the famed naval architect William Francis Gibbs, who designed "Firefighter" in the 1930s, also designed the "Superpumper" system for FDNY in the 1960s. bulldogboy
  17. Saw a McDermott milk tanker out of Enosburg Falls, VT in MA this week with a Peterbilt tractor. They were a long time IH user. bulldogboy
  18. I agree. When I think of all the old Macks that used to be around NH when I was a kid; "L"s, "E"s, "B"s, fire trucks, school buses, etc. I wish that I had pictures of them all. Just memories, no photos. bulldogboy
  19. Bummer, thought that I was on to something. bulldogboy
  20. Saw this 1966 Brockway from Russell, MA at the "Big E" in West Springfield, MA. bulldogboy
  21. Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey Circus once used this Mack for its human cannonball show. The truck is on display at the Ringling Brothers Museum in Sarasota, FL. You could say that Ringling Brothers got the most bang for its buck with this "B". There is also a miniature display of a Ringling Brothers circus complete with Mack "AC" and "CJ" trucks. Well worth visiting if you are in the Sarasota area. bulldogboy
  22. kscarbel: Thanks for the info; I missed that thread. bulldogboy
  23. While mindlessly surfing the web, I came across a site that stated that the Sao Paulo, Brazil Fire Department had recently purchased 70 fire engines built on Ford Cargo chassis. I didn't know that Ford still built the Cargo so I went back to the web and found pictures of 2012-2013 Cargos. To me they look pretty impressive; very similar to the Hyundai Trago. Between the Cargo and the Ranger, Ford is building some nice trucks overseas. Maybe, someday, as part of Ford's one world program these vehicles will be available in the U.S. bulldogboy
  24. Since this thread doesn't specify Vermont construction trucks, I thought that I would post this fire engine. When Westmore, VT organized its fire department in 2001, this Mack "CF611F" was its second engine. It is a 1979 model, 1000/750/30. bulldogboy
  25. Nice T-800 fire tanker over in Irasburg. bulldogboy
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