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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by bulldogboy

  1. Is that because they removed the enclosed jump seat doors? My vote is for Long Trail IPA! bulldogboy
  2. DocF225: Welcome. My experience with Mack trucks also involves fire apparatus: "L", "B", and "C" models. I also drove a "MS" model box truck. There is a lot of good information here for us non-mechanic Mack fans. bulldogboy
  3. I've heard of '56 "fat fender Fords" but never "fender flapper Macks". Nice! bulldogboy
  4. Check out the website: http://www.bostonfirehistory.org. There are many pictures of former Boston F.D. apparatus listed by year, manufacturer, etc. bulldogboy
  5. Yes, I heard that the F.D. passed by a few votes. Do they have any fire trucks picked out yet? bulldogboy
  6. If you have ever driven through downtown Boston you'll know why fenders took a beating. Add a little snow and the old cowpaths become even narrower. Some of the old Boston Macks had two deck guns mounted over the hose bed, one fore and one aft. Boston F.D. had a lot of "L" models and several unique bodied "B" models. Those were the last Mack fire trucks in Boston. There were never any "C" or "CF" models. Must be a story there but I never heard why Macks were banned in Boston. bulldogboy
  7. Troy's old Aerialscope is a former FDNY truck; don't know what companies it served. Maybe Bubba can fix it up and Coventry can put it into service as its first ladder truck. bulldogboy
  8. Check with the boys down in Whitehall, LA posted under "One for Vinny". They could probably hook you up with some red paint. Seriously, I'm an old timer from the seventies but I think that the lime-yellow looks good. I've seen red, green, yellow, blue, and other colored Macks. Macks always look good no matter what the color. bulldogboy
  9. Yep, once for training; not too smart. Our ladder trucks carried life nets so one day we said, "What the heck, why not". You had to land just right or the jumper and the holders could get seriously hurt. Never did it again. bulldogboy
  10. That's a former USAF aircraft refueler. Refuelers have the mufflers mounted under the front bumper away from the fuel tank. Most USAF refuelers were built on Mack or Dodge chassis. Many found their way into civlian fire service after their military service was finished. bulldogboy
  11. Looks like a homemade vehicle. bulldogboy
  12. On page 11 of Harvey Eckart's book, "Mack Model B Fire Trucks", there is a spec sheet that shows the standard equipment that was supplied with either a "B" or a "C" model pumper. In addition to the electrical system, brakes, axles, etc. there is also a list of small hand tools such as a 10' pike pole, 2 axes (1 pickhead, 1 flat head) and so on. Almost everything was out in the open on the running boards; the good old days (sorry for sounding like the dinosaur that I am). Chem ox mask!!! I trained on one of those in the USAF. Never used it in a real situation though. bulldogboy
  13. I've seen pictures of a Mack "Granite" 6x6 tanker built by Pierce for the Seminole Tribal Fire Department in Florida. Not sure if it was a factory installation or a later modification. bulldogboy
  14. I remember when Milford was a Mack town with 3 "CFs" and before that an American LaFrance town. Good luck with your HME. bulldogboy
  15. Tim: I know that in 2001, Westmore, VT, up in your neck of the woods, started a fire department. They might be a resource for you if you start a department. What kind of trucks does Coventry have in mind? bulldogboy
  16. In the automotive section of the "Boston Sunday Globe" on March 3, 2013 there is an article about VW and its plans to surpass GM and Toyota as the world's largest car manufacturer. The VW product manager said that VW has no plans to produce a pickup truck for the U.S. (he said this shortly before leaving VW to work for Chevrolet). Their feeling is that American pickup truck owners are extremely brand loyal so it would be tough to break into the market. I saw a new Ford Ranger in St. Maarten last year; it looks a lot like the VW pickup. Maybe when it's time to replace my Ranger I can import one from SXM (that wouldn't be too expensive, would it?). bulldogboy
  17. Didn't Dodge once sell a red pickup that came factory equipped with dual exhaust stacks? I think that it was called "Little Red Wagon" or something like that. To be p/c, it is no longer Dodge, now it's Ram (a rose by any other name, etc.). bulldogboy
  18. When I started my full time career as a firefighter in the early 1970s, I don't think that my department's 10 Macks cost $430,000 total. bulldogboy
  19. I remember several local "R" and "MB" model fire engines that had Scania engines. I assume that Mack offered these as a lower cost option to help win municipal bids. Did Mack find this more cost effective than building its own smaller diesel? bulldogboy
  20. I have this brochure; it's 20 pages long with two pages of old Mack fire apparatus. There are two pages for each of the following pumpers: "CF", "R", "MC" and Midliner ("MS"). There are also two pages each for the "Aerialscope", "Bulldog I" aerial ladder, and the "MC" and "R" model chassis only. It brings back memories of Mack's glory days in the fire apparatus business. bulldogboy
  21. Yes, it's a shame when old Mack fire trucks are left out to deteriorate. The one from New Haven formerly served West Fairlee, VT. There is another picture of it on www.firenews.org sitting in a field, presumably in Vermont. I think that it is a shame when a department gets rid of an old Mack. I know that there are money issues, lack of space, lack of interest in old fire trucks, not the original owner, etc. but I like to see departments keep their old Macks for parades, etc. A lot of small departments near me had second hand or home made Mack fire trucks, now they are all gone. Wish I had pictures of them all. bulldogboy
  22. According to Offset-U-bet on another thread, some NMX tractors are for sale at McDevitt's in Manchester. I believe that NMX had at least one twin screw, there may have been others. Most were singles. Sad to see them go; I always liked seeing the Nashua logo on the highways. bulldogboy
  23. Don't confuse Nashua Motor Express with Nashua Corporation. The only things that they had in common were; they both were located in Nashua, NH and both ran Mack tractors. NMX is the company that recently went out of business and will be selling their fleet of Macks. Nashua Corp. manufactured tapes, printing inks, and other computer products. The last Mack that I remember was a sharp looking blue "R" model. Offset-U-bet: I think that Nashua Corp. still has an office on D.W. Highway in Merrimack. Maybe you could contact them. bulldogboy
  24. Back in the late 1970s there were a few departments near me that had tractor trailer tankers with "U" model tractors. Wish that I had taken pictures of them back then. They weren't very practical so were replaced by newer straight chassis tankers. fifth wheel: the website; www.firenews.org has a section on N.E. fire apparatus past and present. Under Holden, MA they mention the Mack "B" tanker but have no photo of it. Any chance that you could scan the Mack tanker photo to them? The webmaster is John Galla and he is always looking for N.E. fire photos. bulldogboy
  25. Hey, Vlad, better wear your hard hat when you venture outdoors. Seriously, that meteor crash in Russia was unreal. Hope that everyone heals quickly and that the damage will be repaired soon. bulldogboy
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