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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by cgallamore

  1. Can't believe spending my whole life around macks I've never driven a 12spd Mack. Older guys say that is the best dump truck tranny ever
  2. I would disagree that an 18 and an LL8 are the same I think the LL8 is the best non Mack trans for a dump truck 18spd does not have the hole gear like the LL8 I do think the LL8 is the best choice if he can't live with the 7spd I wouldn't change to a weaker tranny for a few minutes per load
  3. A 13/18 spd will help U get road speed quicker, but I wouldn't trade Ur hole gear for it That 7spd has a great low and reverse I ran in a fleet of dm688 most had 7spd two had 13spd the 13 was great on the road but broke axles and an occasional bull gear in the soft stuff The 7spds where bullit proof
  4. Boost in mountains great Engine brake double what it was Mpg up 2/10 but I drove 8 mph faster and was fighting a 20 to 40 mph head wind Quiet and smooth, power great No leaks check every day As all ways great service
  5. Let the gorila jokes start Snag in the paper work has got me laying up at the lumber yard on the edge of town
  6. Loading out of dangerfeild Wander if Randy and his baby gorila mite want to have supper
  7. I have allwAys liked the bed the same color as the cab.
  8. I'm trying to find a load going that way Still trying to get use to no one to seek forgiveness or permission What should I look for, as far as problems on the a30
  9. I want it bad
  10. I think it's under odds and ends, a guy is working on a superliner model. As for the rest of us blokes, would enjoy more pictures????
  11. It's a shame that it's worth what he is asking as scrap
  12. Not sure I can shift left handed Have tried other tasks left handed for a change and was unable to get-r-done
  13. I'm going to melborn aus in June to seek employment I'm just worried about Dayton wheels and fixing my own flats
  14. Just what I need Swift hauling flatbed freight for $1.15 a mile
  15. Yes
  16. I have been hering rumors that swift bought western express
  17. Bumped the 2 by accident on health insurance it's .04 per mile
  18. Equipment. .25 Fuel. .85 Maintaince. .25 Insurance .18 Food/cigs/shower .10 Lease/bookeeping % 8-.13 health ins. .24 What is it worth to get to the load, load it, chain it down, drive the truck, unload, store the gear?
  19. I'm in Vegas Can't find a load going east 2 bucks a mile over a thousand miles $2.50 under a thousand Some body buy this and get me outa here!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. I have been to their store in hays,Ks And was very happy with the service there The tech's were. Courteous and prompt at amirillo But the people in the office, Apear to be very unhappy they have to go to work.
  21. The most rediculas bissiness I have ever been to Heard the phrase, if u don't like it you should have went some where else. At least 10 times in the 2 days it took to get my turbo actuator changed An older couple hade been there 6 days for an EGR cooler only to be sent back to the motel because the filter had to be sent out to be cleaned. When the gentalman asked why that couldn't have be done during the previous 6 days, he was promptly told if you don't like it, you shoulda took it some where else
  22. Their pretty sure it's an actuator Would you like us to put one on for you sir Ok as soon as we can get it back inside we will get right on it, hopefully by this after noon Don't you just love what is called good service in a big corporate setting
  23. I go. Through wichita falls a lot Thanks
  24. This place is crazy big mite get to it tonite or tomaro
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