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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by cgallamore

  1. got there a day early snuk in found it on the wash rack. holy cow what a pos looks like it fought it's way to a 25th place finish at bristol, drive it like you stole it takes on new meaning here. don't know why im hanging around til tomarow, 1500 mile round trip,food,motel. this truck was advertised as sharp ready to work. not run in the ground.
  2. don't know what else i could put on it besides an old school quilted weather frount
  3. if it rides,drives and is as quiet as my 2004 cx i will be happy. im still worried about emission system. if i can get 200,000 miles trouble free, i will again be a mack lover, but this is their last chance,mine too. if this one is like the last one ,it will put me under.
  4. a great big thanks to you jerryb. if not being able to talk to others with the same problems and where it ends i would have dumped thousands into this truck and chalked it up to bad luck. at least this way i have hope of it being okay. now that i have got rid of mine the water pump and housing is gona fix yours, and it will be trouble free for the next 500,000 miles.
  5. plenty of work i just hope it will be dependable
  6. that'll make you wana throw rocks at a petercar
  7. thanks to every one who helped!
  8. http://www.truckpaper.com/listingsdetail/detail.aspx?OHID=2254967 my truck and $31,000
  9. suppose to pick it up mondayhttp://www.truckpaper.com/listingsdetail/detail.aspx?OHID=2254967
  10. i have heard about an america that was concerned with making products now all its worried about is making money
  11. ebay rite now $569.00 or make offer
  12. i was surfing and found after market bumper for less than $500 my truck has one on it they are not curved they have strait ones and angled back like mine, looks kinda like a cl bumper. google chrome for mack trucks. hope this helps.
  13. did some checking no warranty. mabe the guy who bought it forfited warranty for better price? dont know for sure. kinda worried 20,000 miles later its for sale maybe problems?
  14. i thought the price was high,but it is pre emission with 30,000 miles guess its worth what ever some one will give. if it werent for the rejections for being to old i would give that for it, or if i had a dedicated run that made the age a non issue
  15. i emailed pictures of my madvac 101d to both dealers trying to get them to take it on trade along with my 2004. hoping they may need a good parking lot cleaner, seen them on the intrnet for 10/15 grand offering it for 7 grand on the trade. well see.
  16. did some checking around, nobody wants their freight on a 12 yr. old truck regaurdless of miles. i knew it was to good to be true.
  17. i made a couple local runs still full of coolant. was planing on going to va. this morning to trade trucks but am afraid im gona spend $35,000 and still have the same problems.
  18. http://www.truckpaper.com/listingsdetail/detail.aspx?OHID=2241052 Talked to owner this morning. This is wht he told me. This was a Mack show truck that debuted Mack motor, Mack transmission and Merritor rearends. This truck got lost in corporate bs. He found it about six months ago in NC. It had 10,000 miles on it then. He said he is having driver issues now and wants get rid of a couple of trucks. What kind of problems do you forsee with a truck sitting this long? Thanks in advance.
  19. i fond out guy got at least one kw. they will trade my truck and $25,000 for the cx. that is with new bumper,full tanks,my new mitchelin tires,my fridge,they will install new 5000 watt voltage converter. as for the ch their offer over the internet was my truck and $35,000 wata u think
  20. got till 9:00 am monday to decide. gota do something, maybe close one eye and wind my watch till then.
  21. i had serios thoughts about putting a nacaduct on the side of the hood on my cx and aim it at the egr cooler. what do you think about that?
  22. guy has 5 trucks all of them WHERE macks. i didn't ask what he is running now, but he was very clear, there will never be another mack on his yard. maybe i should listen to this guy, i have never driven anything else, maybe i should try.
  23. i spoke with owner this afternoon. all problems fixed, just tired of egr problems, has good driver who was tired of truck being down. he made his mind up when last repaired he was done with it, bought different brand of truck. best i can figure he spent around 12 or $13,000 on this truck at 406,000 miles.
  24. it appears this truck has all of that, except rocker bolts
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