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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by cgallamore

  1. 2007 ch 613 If it sets 2 days or 2 weeks, volts will be down to 11.4 volts New batteries jan,2011 bulldog brand
  2. I thought the same .
  3. I wound up with a box of paunchos from Ritchie bros. Auctions Each is packaged smaller than a pack of cigs Wet from the knees down, but worth it.
  4. Can't help it, I do love flatbeddinThe rain, the snow, the hot, the cold, ahhh and the tarps are my favorite. Crain mats on a butifull spring day, makes it all worth it !!!!!!!
  5. I would bet money on a tire..
  6. I like this
  7. The 2000 460 has a power band between 1675 and 1725. There is an extra 30 hp That's why I say 18spd only Don't know why Mack made an engine with such a narrow power band, and put tranies in that can't stay in the power band.
  8. I have drove lots of 460, they don't pull like other Mack motors. They are more like 71 series detroits Slam your finger in the door, drive it like you want to blow it up. If it has a ten speed , your screwed. 18 spd only, Gota keep the rpm's above 1650
  9. Stated hospice last week, just trying to keep her comfortable. Been home about 6 weeks now.
  10. Talked to Mackpro a couple weeks ago,, he has been knee deep in MP8's all summer
  11. It's only 10 miles from my house, if anyone wants me to look before you make a trip..
  12. Has anyone heard from mark
  13. 636-208-2818 $2.30 mile as long as fuel in the Midwest stays below $4.00
  14. Wonder if him and 386 went to brokeback mountain
  15. was actually in littlefield,tx.
  16. he's like a little tornado that shows up every day, but when he misses a few day you know you better be close to a shelter when he comes back......
  17. Find a tire store that spin balance with the tire/ wheel on the truck
  18. had a 1996 ch613 350,doing that, chased it for 3 months, wound up being a piece of grit in the throttle servo. if you use a air hose to blow out the floor, thats how i got it. after the second time, i vaced it
  19. snuck outa salt lake a while back going to lubbock,tx. across co. down threw nm. backroads all the way. it was only 8'10" got away with it. but it was not worth the stress.
  20. i pulled a dump trailer for several years, never hit anything, only turned over once. its easier than you would think, trany mounted pumps dont viberate. if you forget pto, when it gets hot it can flow threw up/down vaulve. that series of events that led to that may have started an hour before. its been 7 yrs. since i pulled a dump trailer, i still check my mirrors any time im comming up to an overpass.
  21. just fixed a bounce in mine with shocks. or should i say mackpro fixed it.
  22. i have a 2007 ac 460, with 540,000 miles. just wandering, how much money i need to have laid up for an inframe overhaul. in this day, igot to be ready for something like that.
  23. good luck with the smell. i was in texas last week, the lot lizzards were givin it out on credit just to get out of the heat.
  24. i am damn glad to see this. one mack lover helping another, with no intrest of money. renews my faith in america
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