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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by cgallamore

  1. i think the next time im at the shop, instead of agrevating mackpro im gona turn mine into a 18 spd. better do it there so he can bail me out if needed.....
  2. i got 393 gears 460 13spd 5.75 mpg running coast to coast, pulls like its pissed off and it will run faster than i want to ride it. i have allways had colant push issues with high gears and low rpm's. maybe i dont know how to drive them???
  3. as long as we are posting good lookin trucks, thought i'd add these
  4. the only reason i didnt buy this trailer, i gota have 102 wide. i have only hauled a couple loads that had to have a 102 wide, but every thing out here is posted for 102. very sharp trailer..... mite even help th looks of a petercar.....
  5. yes on truckpaper TNT trailer sales
  6. if you need some help with those mats????? throw me a bone.... if the guy needs some mats, my cousin kwit making pallets and makes crain mats now. timbers and mats.
  7. damit i just sold my trail mobile $3,500 it was just heavy. 13,000 lbs. good trailer al allum wheels two 60" boxes.48x96 all new bags. led's brakes 12 ratchets. T-N-T trailer sales warshington,mo. some pretty nice combos for 5 to 8 thousand. tell tom i sent you. i oh him a favor i think they got some all steel steps for around 10k??? their no. 636-239-5093
  8. i could see me taking that down 42 miles of dirt road then jump it of in that mud hole they call bald mountain mine.
  9. i had a 96 ch doing that when i went under to change senser found the yoke loose. tightend it up and was fine...
  10. happy birthday doug, im gona pass on the cake
  11. i can't order with unresolved issues such as this......
  12. went across the dam in a mini home 1992, a gravel road at 10,000 ft. dont bother me a bit, but bridges have allways spooked me. allways hated the bridges at cairo and wiclif, chester i cant believ how this new bridge dwarfs the dam, i thought that dam was the biggest thing i ever saw.
  13. crossing this bridge this weekend, probly to sceerd to take a pic then. to give it some scale, thats hoover dam to the right of the second picture. i added a picture with hoover dam in the bacground.
  14. could my muffler be full of soot???????????
  15. everything was going great, took off this morning, low boost rite off the bat. no badass locamotive sound. no boost all day, 20psi. some times 25psi for a few seconds then back to 18 or 20 JB HUNT was telling me to get out theway.. hope you got a rabbit to pull out of your hat mackpro????????
  16. if you have timeyou can ussually find a helova deal on ebay for the onepiece metal tank
  17. trucks doin great. might have to order them wheeelie bars.......
  18. im no mechenic either, but i would guess a sticking open egr valve???????????? if you pull the in and the out tubes on the egr cooler, ou can blow it out with compressed air. maybe mackpro will post a pic of his blow gun???????? might be from idleing so much, mine looked like ten gallons of soot came out of the cooler, it acts like new truck now. i have never had more than 32psi. of boost?????????? to bad you cant grab a load to get you to west KY. after first time there my troubles stopped
  19. spent a satisfying day at mcbride mack mackpro used his SUPPER HUMAN POWERS to undo a winter of neglect, in just a few short hours. at the speed of light, and in a cloud of egr dust, not even taking time to say hi ho silver, he changed timing sensor,ride hight valve,shocks,cleaned egr cooler,repaired air leak and exhaust, checked a/c and fuel filter bubbles while making sure i didnt screw up changing engine brake switch.
  20. i just had my A/C serviced, i think the put in to much freon, my cooling fan is engauged way to much. near constant..
  21. i was thinkin, if i carried the plate and plugs for coolant, if the egr cooler cracks while im out west i could bypass and make it in. im thinking worst case senareo, tow 5 grand,egr cooler 3 grand, mas flow tube 13 hunert, then it taking 3 weeks to get the parts and get it done. then limping back to mackpro for completion. i don't want no valva peckerheads in reno messin with my mack.
  22. i talked to him rite before christmas. he said he had to go in for gaul blader surgery. about a month ago i called his cell phone, it belongs to someone else now. called home phone left message, never got a return... hope hes okay........
  23. trying to book a load to pauduka 2maro unload the 6th ????????????
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