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About Sterlingpark

  • Birthday 07/31/1962


  • Location
    Sterling, CT

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    My campground, my construction equipment and my 1969 Mack fire truck

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  1. I am looking for a 18" stream shaper for the deck gun on my Mack cf. If anyone has one they are looking to get rid of please let me know.
  2. For Mack cf parts call Art Vega (817) 881-2901, e-mail: avegafiretruck@sbcglobal.net. He he doesent have it and he cant find it it ant there. Let him know bruce at sterling park gave you the number
  3. How much afre you looking for shipped to sterling, ct 06377
  4. Thanks for the help I will ive him a call.
  5. Good day I have a 1969-1989 Mack CF pumper. I am looking for the chrome rails and bull dog base for the front of my Mack Fire truck. Did you find the base you were looking for and if so can you let me know where. Thanks and good luck with the truck.
  6. I have a 1969 Mack fire truck type CF611 F SN CF611F(12)-1695. I am looking for the chrome bars above the mack on the front of the truck and mounted just below the front center of the windows. I am also looking for the base for the Mack Bull dog. Truck is plumbed for a water cannon with bolt on flange looking to purchase one. Looking for three section fire truck ladder and roof ladder. I have found the front chrome parts and will post a new photo when I have the doors redone and the parts on. Looking for a 18" stream shaper for my deck gun let me know.
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