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Everything posted by B61TENDT711

  1. You said your dad could rebuild a 350 in 24 hours. . . I was just stating my 350's could not have been rebuilt ! they all seemed to spin #7 rod bearing and bust a whole in the block . . . There for leading to my comment of you can't weld up the holes in the block ! still confused ? Mike
  2. I wished my 350's were rebuild able, Kinda hard to weld the wholes shut ! Mike
  3. I don't much care for automatic Transmissions myself all across the board. But i have to Admit GM's automatic transmissions have seem to Last under me. I have increased my reliability by simply not Buying GM's powered by 350's and not buying Fords driven by automatics, and Not buying Dodge's at all . . . EDIT: If you'll notice i have 2 AMC's 2 GMC's and 2 Mack's Only the best repeat themselves Mike
  4. Now as for the GM v.s. Ford ? Every GM 350 i've had has blown up and every Ford automatic transmission i've had has failed. I don't know as either brand really Likes ME I kept what held up, and recycled the ones that didn't. I have had the best reliability from vehicles the in the 1952-1978 year range and the most trouble in the 1984+ year range for all brands ! Now with every rule there is exceptions, My 1988 AMC Jeep hasn't given me a lick of trouble and my 1961 Dodge D400 had tons of electrical issues . . . I have say there is 1 Brand i have never had to fix and that was AMC i haven't had break down with the 69' AMX nor have i had a break down with the 88" Jeep MJ. AMC no problems to report. Studebaker minor issue's nothing major. Mack Minor issue's nothing major. GM engine failures. Ford Transmission failures. Dodge Minor drive train failures Major chassie n suspension failures. Top most reliable #1 AMC #2 Studebaker #3 Mack . . .there's my vehicular history . . . Mike
  5. I'd use the FL-70 Chassie myself with the 8.3L Cummins and 5aspd manual trans, how ever the 5.9L 7spd manual trans powered FL-70 is an ok truck as well just a bit doggy. . . The 5.9L fine engine lots of rev's will run 3,000rpm all day long and make some decent power with work. . . The 8.3L fine durable engine makes lots of power with hardly any work at all,it's limited on the revs but it'll run 2,500rpm all day long. . . Option 1 fast in highest top speed n doggy under load or option 2 slow in top speed n powerful under load. . . the Commercial 12 valve 5.9L Specs: 190hp n 520tq. 210hp n 600tq. 230hp n 660tq. The pick up engines where detuned 160hp-215hp 400tq-460tq yet there more sought after as nobody realizes the 5.9L is a medium duty engine detuned for light duty app's so there for your paying more money for less power seems foolish to me . .. Go with a Medium duty app 5.9 pay less for it and have more power. . . Mike
  6. Can some body post up some photos of this "BIG 6" ? Mike
  7. My truck was an embarrassment even die hard they all can be saved collectors where like yank the glass and recycle it . . . I showed them Old 's never die they just lose weight increasing Payload My truck is a running driving working pulling truck that starts runs drives steers and stops with shiny paint So now its my turn to at them . . . Mike
  8. WOW . . . AWESOME ! I wished my truck looked half that good when i got it . . . My truck started out a LOT ! ! ! worse rust dent's wholes rotten steal missing parts broken glass engine with no oil cap crank case full of water. . . you got tires with tread and side walls ! . . . I had bald cord's popping out tubes sticking threw almost off of them where flat ! they had more crack's then rubber, some how with 4 fresh batteries a sheet of ply wood and several gallons of oil and a boat tank full of diesel fuel i got it to fire up and drive home . . . Tho it it blew out 4 tires on the way there 2 tires on each axle held air long enough to roll on home most of which blew out the following morning when the summer sun came out ! Months n months $1000 bill after $1000 bill i finally i had a truck almost as good as your's . . . Great find you lucky devil you Mike
  9. I like the sound of "half the price" . . . Mike
  10. Duel stack's sounds spendy But i like the look of it Mike
  11. " When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way! " . . . My has 12.00-24/12.00R24 tires would i be the 4 way "champ" ? Mike
  12. Most Gasser's of the time period normally have a cruising range of 2900-3100rpm, from what i was told tho they were designed to run 2800-3200rpm, but its been my exp they run there best floating between 2900-3100rpm. . . Edit: you also have to remember them 12.00-24/12.00R24's are about 50" tall. i would go from the 9.00-20's to 11.00-20's ,myself that's is what i did to my Studebaker M275Gasser its runs 66mph instead of only doing 55mph. Mike
  13. Welcome aboard Mike
  14. According to the Rpm + tire size + mph i got about a .70 OD in the 15spd. . . 5spd-OD n 3spd-OD ? . . . 5spd w/ 5th .85:1 + 3spd 3rd .85:1 ? .85-1.00 = .15x2 = .30 30% OD . . . Edit: I wounder if this whole bloody truck wasn't a customized build ? 711 Diesel with a turbo charger,2 stick 15spd with about .70 OD, 6.38 Gearing, and 12.00-24 tires . . . Truck runs 65mph@2,000rpm which would require a 30% or .70 OD ratio. Mike
  15. yea i would have to say thats a No to the B52. . . I tried searching it out all i got was air planes and singer's Mike
  16. Yea it dose kind of have that "GIT ME OUT FROM UNDER HERE" look to it don't it ? Mike
  17. Goofy looking is for sure. . . Mike
  18. you would you would. . . Mike
  19. So Mack & Va vva va va vva I can't say it is now going to be Known as "North American truck" ? So its going to be a GMC/Chevy 1 plant 2 assembly lines ? Brand A on line 1 brand B on line 2 ? Now the only issue i see there is since 1975+ GMC and chevy have been 95% identical trucks, tho yes the GMC came with few things standard that were up charged add on's for the chevy counter part, but still you get the idea. . . Are we going to end up with Vava looking sally Mack ? or are we going to be Getting a tougher stronger Vava ? I could see it going either way. . . I'd rather see them stay 100% to there own then have Mack out do Va va n watch va va bankrupt itself trying to catch Mack. . Mike
  20. 401-2? care to enlighten me ? for some reason i always seem to use the clutch in the 2 stick transmissioned truck but any of the single stick unit i clutch 1st gear and i clutch reverse and shift the rest with out it. . . Mike
  21. 2 coils ? 2 set's of wires ? 2 park plugs per cylinder ? I'm guessing not starting wasn't an option ? or was it for more power ? Mike
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