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Everything posted by B61TENDT711

  1. Like I said I'm not betting the farm on it truly making 315hp that is just what the shop technician told me. I got 6.38 gears and my rev's threw the gears float between 2200rpm n 1600rpm. Rap it up to 2100-2200rpm shift it drops back to 1550-1650rpm. I'm never hard on the throttle tho ease on it then ease off it. With them 6.38s n 12.00-24 tires it rolls 65mph@2000rpm. Mike
  2. Yea they do have a uniquely unique sound them 711 turbos do... My 711 diesel has a turbo charger on it the guy I bought it from had it added. This why in my sig lines I always list is as a END+T 711 as the T was added after the fact. When it was rebuilt 12years ago they dynod it at 315hp at the fly wheel. Which I thought was a big jump from 211hp but then again its a turbo charged non turbo diesel so I guess cranking up the fuel n adding some boost I guess its possible. All I know is the beast tow 100K n not bat n eye. Mike
  3. I know the site I registered my 59' B61T there back in 01... I never thought about looking for Mack info there... Mike
  4. EN707 ?!?!? my 711 is 707CID so i basically have a High compression gas engine ? . . . that some one creatively Turbo charged Mike
  5. I did a few dozen google n yahoo and even ask searches i can not find anything dealing with or related to Mack Gas engines. . . I was chatting with a friend and even he don't even remember seeing a mack powered by nothing other then a Diesel engine. .. Was there no such things as a Mack Gasser ? Mike
  6. I found it : "B61T 24562 '59 Mike Droster Madison wisconsin" I knew i put my truck on there years ago Mike
  7. as far as what they look like or as to how and what colors to paint things ? Mike
  8. Mack is out selling V...vavav...I just can't Cuss like that sorry. . . Mike
  9. got any photos were's it at ? Diesel ? Gasser ? tandum ? single ? Mike
  10. The photos aren't 6x6's i was just trying to show what the Body looked like and what the wheels n tires looked like . . . It was an RD's Body for sure no mistaking that and it sat up high enough to see that it was a 6x6 for sure. So then if the RMM and the DMM are the only 2 factory 6x6's then it was a conversion or an old truck with a new CAB. Mike
  11. I haven't heard of Mack producing Gas engine's but i would like to learned anything about them . . . I also have never seen any of them if you got Mack Gasser photo's please post them. Specs: cubic inches number of cylinders Inlines V's ect i'd love to see and hear about them. Mike
  12. my 59' B61T was $3,000 Mike
  13. how is the project coming along ? Mike
  14. Is it possible the truck I saw was an RD 6x4 to 6x6 conversion ? Or Dose a 6x6 RD semi tractor truck exist ? The truck i saw had the wheels n tires of the Red truck on a truck like the yellow truck only it was a 6x6 there was a front diff and drive shaft. As the front axle being a drive axle caught my eye and attracted my attention to it . . . Edit: I was park sitting in traffic next to this for a bit of time but some of the traffic in my lane was moving ahead as they were turning so i slowly kept having to creep forward so i didn't have much time to catch a model number. . . I do know when the light turned green i ran threw my first 3 gears hitting 4th and he went from 2 or3 car lengths behind my B61T to tail lights So what ever Model it was it moved truck, trailer n D9 cat crawler up to speed rather rapidly Mike
  15. Ok I was able to do a quick google search and I found 2 similar rigs to the one I saw it appears the body is that of the RD688... I found 1 tractor only on Dayton wheels which looks identical to the rig I saw and a long wheel based cab n chassie truck with the bud wheels and larger tires that the tractor had... I can't seem to post photos from my phone but I will once I get home. Is it possible the truck I saw was an RD 6x4 to 6x6 conversion ? Or Old rolling chassie with newer body ? Or Dose a 6x6 RD semi tractor truck exist ? Mike
  16. That is about the hight it was but the body looked a bit More modern... The body looked like an RD-ish cab n hood... Ill see if I can find one ! Mike
  17. Sounds like you have your self a jam there... You sure its the 237hp ENDT675 your stuffing in there ? I was told the ENDT 673 675 n 676 all look the same not sure tho so don't quote me... Mike
  18. Really ? I can't seem to find any of them. . . Just wondering what the newer 6x6's look like i happened to be sitting next to a 6x6 Mack truck tractor looked like an late model R Mack say in the 98-02 year range it was slightly taller then the 6x4 truck but nothing to crazy. . . It had a low boy trailer on it loaded with a D9 Cat crawler, I happpend to meet him coming up to a red stop n go light i was dragging Goose Neck loaded with Bobcat skidder's S-160 T-190 and 763 with my B61T so it could have been taller but it wasn't but a few inches taller then my truck tho i got them huge 12.00-24's on my B61 Mike
  19. attached is a photo of what the truck looked like, it was a tractor such the one pictured only it had floats on the front and a drive axle if it wasn't so dark i would snapped a shot of the actual truck. . . Mike
  20. Really they are offering the Mil-spec Granite Rig in a 6x6 ? or they using an older unit ? I swear i just saw a modern looking R-model ish Mack 6x6 semi tractor pulling a lowboy, maybe it was a cement truck conversion to fifth wheel tractor ? Mike
  21. Dose Mack still offer a 6x6 truck ? or Have then been discontinued ? Mike
  22. I'm guessing the reason you need to use the 673's pan is the 675's pan is too deep ? you sure you couldn't fudge the 2inches of clearance from some place else ? edit: I'm in the process of tracking down and M52a1 army 5ton 6x6 semi tractor which is powered by the same 673 i am planning on swapping either the 675=237hp 676=300hp E6=350hp engines, and if this happens to me i am going to try and gain the clearances need from another location rather then go messing with the crank case Mike
  23. Sounds as tho it held up alright. . . Mike
  24. Has a V-8 ? was it any good ? . . . Mike
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