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About Threedog

  • Birthday 04/19/1962

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  1. I ran an old Freightshaker with a VT 903 Cummins in it and you upshifted at 2400 and downshifted at 1800. Here I am today idling my Mack up hills at 1150 rpm. Engines have come a long way.
  2. Well after a month with the M-Drive I am absoulutely loving it. It took a little getting used to it pulling down to 1100 on a hill but now I don't pay any attention to it. I just drive and let the machine do the work. If I was to buy my own truck it definately would be a Mack with M-Drive.
  3. @ logtruckman. You guys would be running the weights I am running so that is good to know. @ reel addiction...I am thinking you are right.
  4. Thanks Steve. That puts my mind to ease. LOL. I certainly am impressed with the M-Drive and the MP8 so far.
  5. Ohhhh this might be fun then. I am presently hauling a dry bulk pneumatic but once the summer hits I will be probably be hauling asphalt with no baffles in the trailer. It will be interesting to see how it handles that!!
  6. I just started driving a Mack Pinnacle with a MP8 505 engine and M-Drive transmission. This is the first time I have run a truck with one of the new automated ones and like it so far. I was worried about starting power where I haul a set of trains and gross 138,000lbs but so far there has been no problems. I am just wondering if there is anyone else running an M-Drive and if any niggles or problems are popping up.
  7. Name: Mack Pinnacle (2012) Date Added: 23 March 2013 - 03:05 PM Owner: Threedog Short Description: None Provided View Vehicle
  8. I think the second vid was staged. The first one was plain and simple someone who didn't give a hoot....and also knew he was on camera.
  9. Absolutely stunning!!!!!
  10. Cab Over sales took a nose dive up here in Canada after the length laws changed also. They had a bit of a resurgence here in Nova Scotia back in the 90's when B-Trains first started appearing due to the length laws but when they changed them to allow the longer conventional tractors to haul them, (we are limited here to 244" Wheelbase) sales dropped back off to practically zero. USMCJimbo has it right, also. Drivers want to walk back and stand up in there bunks now days, not crawl over the dog house. And a long hood conventional will attract drivers where a COE definitely won't and even a short hood aerodynamic isn't all that welcome. Personally, I like a COE, especially doing tank work. I think you can still get a special order Kenworth COE but from what I have heard they require something like a 50% down payment up front before they will even submit the order.
  11. Hi all. Just found this forum the other day off of a link from Hank's Truck Forum and have been like a kid in a candy store reading thru the posts. I haven't had the opportunity to drive a Mack for quite a few years but am thinking about buying my own Granite next year if the dump trucking looks like it is going to be busy. Kind of waiting to see also how the MP7's and 8's are working out. I drove a few different Macks back in the 80's and loved them. Took my driving test in a B61 with a quaddy transmission when I was 16....car had broken down and you should have seen the look on the testor's face. But it was back in the 70's so they weren't quite as picky back then. Last one I drove was a Superliner with a 500 E9....what hill??? Heh Anyways...loving the forum!!!!!
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