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  1. I dont know about this rating stuff...really dont care. Anyways this 6NZ Cat is by far the strongest ive ever been in but im not the driver just the owner. Power isnt whats important to me its the dollars. Maybe WATTS Mack can get me a set of intake breathers ?
  2. Hey fellas, Im making a trade and getting out of this 625hp/4.2MPG Pete 379 EXHD. Shes a beauty but the milage is killing me. I found an 08 CHU with a MP8 with only 200,xxx miles and im making the trade next week. Ive got a Granite TriAxle with MP7 power, a late model Pete flat top, and a Freight shaker. (not to mention 4 B'!) I cant leave well enough alone and the mack looks kinda boring next to the Petes...My idea is to put some Austrailian style twin air intakes that stand tall in the air for beginers...where can i buy these things in the States? Thanks, Shawn
  3. 41~ If you dont mind can u get the contact info on the tanks skinz? I cant seem to find them on the net...Thanks in advance.
  4. My little Granite has got some down time this winter and im thinking of paying her some attention after all her hard work. The tanks are all aluminum and im wanting them to shine....do i need to just pull them off and "wheel" them out with polish or is there a replacement tank that is more maintanence free? Im also thinking of putting dura bright alcoas and repainting the dump bed as well. I think it will make her look great! Any pics of a doll'd up granite? Thanks Guys!
  5. Im heading up saturday to look and some old iron (and may gamble!) This is a decent show and a great area...thought id pass it along.
  6. ok i called Mack Museum and the nice lady told me to look on the driverside wheelwell framerail. I'll be at the farm sunday and take a look.
  7. Sounds intersting can i see some pics and possibly a price please. Thanks!
  8. No not grease its sunday lol...hey guys, ive been looking for parts for my old dog and i guess 1st things 1st i need to know what exactly she is. I think shes a B75 maybe LT, to be for sure i need to find the VIN and i orginally thought it was on the frame just forward of the right side or left spring hanger... but no good. I need help finding this # since the cab has no tags/placards indicating. BTW i need a cab badly if anyone has an idea please let me know. Kevin at Old Mack Trucks may be my only source. currently i have located some 1 B61 tractor, 4 B81 dumps (i think) but i cant get the owner to sell me anything in my budget not to mention the cabs are marginal at best. Any help would be apprectiated
  9. Well do you think it would be "Taboo" to pull the engine and bastardize it with the new plant or should i just give the stock plant a try? I do know she needs injector/pump work for sure and maybe rings who knows.
  10. Hey fellas we have began the retore on the little B61 but i was curious what you guys thought of dropping a E7 mechanical 300 in her..the original seems to run great but i do have a complet E7 laying around...what s the pros and cons and the rate of difficulty thoughts and opinions please ..(oh and id be needing a transmission to mate to the E7)
  11. Well Mr i guess the 1st thing is ~Power plant, smash box, gear ratio, hours, wheelbase, capacity (axles) any major rebuilds, location, and lets seeee one PRICE?
  12. Hey man nice find! Good price too...i have a 1960 model about the same condtion. (For now)
  13. Wasnt Mack Dumps (Bs i think) used in a Bruce Willis/ Sam L Jackson move when the robbers tranported gold through a tunnel/jobsite in NewYork? Was it a DieHard movie? I just remember a blue B model.
  14. Looks great, i hope to get my old dog to that point soon.
  15. Biggerzbetter! Man i love it, reminds me when i was a kid in Tx riding in a Eukelid(sp?) Quarry truck.
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