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Joe Cummings

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Everything posted by Joe Cummings

  1. The rears will stand up no problem. The TRT is only rated about 700 foot pounds.
  2. An E-7 dosen't have the side covers to access the lifters like the E-6 did. When changing a cam you need to retain the lifters. On the E-6 I have always done it with O-rings around the top of the lifter. E-7 engines I have done with magnets from the top and with wire from the top with a hook on the bottom to catch the face of the lifter. Both ways are time consuming and a it's real easy to drop one. There has got to be a better way. Does anyone know what it is?
  3. Even if you did a nice job of it. that T2050 won't handle the amount of torque you will be dumping into it when the main box is in any of the lower gears
  4. If this thing is totally gutless, there is most likely a problem on the supply side of the fuel system (hoses or lift pump) There can be problems with the puff limiter also. I am guessing that motor probably has a PLM pump. to turn it up, you remove the cap on the govener. You will probably need a tamper-proof socket to do this. When you get inside, you want to move the stop plate forward. To get more RPMs at the top end the adjustment is under the tin cover behind the throttle arm. Don't go crazy and you will be ok.
  5. I was a little off I just looked it up. NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT PREVAILING WAGE RATE DETERMINATION County -HUDSON Journeyman W 45.63 B 22.58 T 68.21 General Foreman W 55.21 B 27.33 T 82.54 W=Wage B=Benifit package T=Total http://www.state.nj.us/labor/lsse/forms/hudson.pdf
  6. Last summer I did a job replacing a gearbox in the PVSC plant in Newark NJ. I can tell you the Millwright wage and benifit package was $49 @ hour. I had to hire an electrician for 2 days and I think his wage and benifit package was about $70 @hour. The rate for an electrical forman was well over $90. I know in NYC the rates are even higher
  7. Here on the east coast scrap is like 175 a long ton prepared. if it's a screw you got about 5 tons of good scrap there. Less the tires and other bs. How much fuel is in it? You might hit the jack pot on fuel at $3 a gallon
  8. Amen to That Nice dumps, by the way
  9. Wow that is a nice R-Model. In my opinion R- Models and RDs were the best trucks ever built. They were the most bullet proof, and easiest to maintain trucks ever. And the Maxidyne and TRL107, or TRXL107 combo was the greatest thing since sliced bread. I think the trucking industry needs another guy like Walter May.
  10. $30,000 is nuts. With that old of a truck with an automatic, I would pay about double scrap price if it ran ok. I guess it weighs about 12 tons and scrap here is about 175 a long ton (2240 pounds) If it had really nice tires I might pay a bit more
  11. The T2090 was a loser from day one, They were always problems. Look into a RTXF14609B the ratios are the same as the T2090. It has to be a B though to end up with the same amount of overdrive. Be prepared to get the right clutch housing, cut the driveshaft, and maybe change the shifter.
  12. I was in Walmart today and the Mack logo caught my eye (Rally is a licensee of the Mack logo, the box says). So I look and it is on a box with a cheap jack in it. This jack jade the stuff at Harbor Freight look like a Walker in comparison. It was such cheap junk. It even said "Built like a Mack Truck" on it. I can't believe Mack sold out their good name to a manufactuer of cheap junky jacks. Joe
  13. Pretty good handbook. I knew I had it just took some time to find it. Lot of good diagrams in it if I remember right. Here is a link. the bendix site for the download. http://www.bendix.com/downloads/air_brake_...5057_online.pdf
  14. Maxi brake diagram. I'm going to try to make this a picture. Oh yeah something I should mention. If you have never taken a maxi apart don't. That rear chamber has a spring in it that is exerting about 1800 pounds of force. IT CAN KILL YOU.
  15. Wedge Cam I tried to put this in as a picture. It is a wedge diagram. It came out as an attachment
  16. Here is a diagram of wedge brakes. I always change them over to cam brakes the first time they give me any trouble. As far as putting maxis on a cam brake truck goes the only time they don't bolt right up is on some of the older 29.000 and 55.000 rears where the maxi is larger in diameter than the old rotochamber and it hits the back side of the wheel.
  17. I remember AAA rebuilding trucks back in the day. It seems like nobody does that anymore. Acme Markets used to rebuild their R and U Models by putting a Pedigree engine in, tearing down the trans and rears and at least new bearings and seals, and a new cab. I think at the time the Pedigree cost about $6,500 and the Cab was $7,000 and change. Seemed like a pretty good deal back then. I guess nobody can find mechanics to do that kind of stuff anymore. Joe
  18. Yeah Old Red posted that he was looking for this truck or one just like it. Seems kind of funny because I read that a few days ago. He even posted a picture. Joe
  19. Does anyone know what ever happened to Ted? He was a real Mack lover. I used to stop and see him every time I got past there. He had a G Model with a 750 Holmes that he used to drive everywhere. In fact when I stopped to see him we would take it to go get hamburgers and icecream. Last time I saw him was about 1987 and he had an Airstream trailer and belonged to some kind of Airstream club. I think he had just sold his place and was going to go traveling. Joe
  20. Yeah I like that 29,000 rear axle. Looks to be a late 60's piece with a thermodyne. Joe
  21. What did you say that thing weighed
  22. Terry, That's a lot of truck. Bet it stops nice. What kind of suspension does it have under the back? I always liked the singles better because they balance on the center of the axle anyway. A bogie on walking beams or a mack camel back works good too if you put airbags under the back axle. I guess with a truck that long the steering axle never gets light anyway. Joe
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