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About eveready

  • Birthday 10/14/1964


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    townville, sc

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  1. I switched engines in my truck the original engine the injection pump was timed off the balancer, the new motor is timed off the flywheel problem is that it did not come with a flywheel and my original engine does not have marks on the flywheel. the engine I purchased is a 1992 em7-300.. any help is always greatly appreciated. Charlie Eveready Towing and Recovery.
  2. I am putting a 300 e7 mechanical engine in i have a e6 350 injection pump, will it work on the e7??
  3. I have Jake's for a 4 valve e6. Changed out the engine to a e7, kept the e6.
  4. I am in search of a recommendation to purchase a reman engine for my truck. Its a 93 ch 613 glider, put a used 93 e7 in less than a year ago, today spit a rod out the block.
  5. Wasn't sure, I noticed the computer is on the engine. Honestly I have no Idea how much would need to be changed. If anybody has any insight on this it would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Ok, thoughts on going to early electronic motor,. say 1998-2001. worth it or not?
  7. Would like to up size the motor in my 93 ch 600 It has a e-6 350 in it now. But would like to up the horse power. I have heard good things about the e-7 454 and would like to find a complete motor if anyone has any leads. Prefer running but would be interested in a complete core for the right price.
  8. No Just, Eveready Towing in Townville SC
  9. I have a 93 ch 613, It currently has a 350 e6 in it. I am looking to go to a larger engine and would like to find a reman complete. It is in a 50 ton wrecker. I often am grossing 120k +. Pulls good but struggles to much with hills. All Suggestions are greatly appreciated size and where I can find one.
  10. Thank You, going to replace all steering parts will let you know how it goes.
  11. Hello I have been having so much difficulty getting anything from the dealer. Looking to replace steering but just a vin that was right on would be helpful. My mack has a 350e6. It is a triaxle wrecker but came as a glider so my vin doesn't help dealer. steering gear box number is tas652290 Thanks
  12. 1993 Mack ch613 has a 50 ton wrecker body on it. has a 12k lbs front axle, went to have it aligned and was informed it was going to have to be replaced,. My question can I change it to a 18 or 20k axle,.. also would like to have bigger front brakes.
  13. Job finished, spiders worked went to junk yard and got chamber brackets matching original. Rotated spiders.
  14. I have a 93 CH613 glider so the VIN doesn't help on anything. Last year broke a axle and had to have the rear housing changed out. The shop that did it put a later model rear in,. It was a hub guide not a stud guide rear, so they used the good hub off my rear on one side. And notched the drum to fit over the the other.. Putting new slack adjusters on and there is one inch difference. between front axle and rear.. Nightmare... My question is can I change the brake rings and tubes from the old rear,.
  15. Name: Mack CH613 (1993) Date Added: 17 September 2015 - 02:36 PM Owner: eveready Short Description: None Provided View Vehicle
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