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About mackboy

  • Birthday 07/10/1967


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  1. This how the truck looks today back in the original company colors, how they bought this truck new.
  2. Sold a lot of these F models here in the late 70's in the Netherlands. This is my old one.
  3. we will come to the show with 20 people and we are staying in holiday inn &suites in york we will be there for 3 nights looking forward to see all those nice trucks and meet some freinds again :banana:
  4. i got mine this week i subscribed on the website 2014 had only 1 bulldog magazine and 2015 is the first big issue its different better to read because of the bigger letters but not easyer to handle and to keep it somewhere save
  5. we will be there Friday evening thanks guys
  6. we will be there with a group from the Netherlands wednesday till Friday 21 people from the DutchMackfanclub.
  7. those Mack Bigfoots are not built any longer and only 32 built.the mining company's wanted bigger trucks and development for only 32 trucks is to expansive
  8. Me Vlad and Ylja at the Mack factory at fathersday/macungie show
  9. Me,Vlad and Ylja from Russia at the Mack factory at fathersday
  10. yes he did he was with me on the bus so i explained him how it works there he loved it
  11. I am going
  12. wow very nice movie and great sound from the mack
  13. hey guys all the aussie engines are coming from hagerstown its only different software.they MP10 is only for superliners and titans.till now you can also order cummins in it gr rene
  14. hello Mack 3P i can tell you if you have the oppertunitie go and visit Macktrucks australia i was there in august 2010 had a great tour in the plant and saw all old Mack factories and even a nice truck museum.the people are so friendly overthere its a must to go there.very impressive how they build the 2 brands in the factory there.in march we come to visit the plant with a large group from the DutchMackfanclub so maybe we see eachother.greetings rene
  15. hey guys you can realy trust they M-drive here in europe they drive it already for years only the software could be a little bit different than the i -shift from volvo they match the M-drive with the MP 8 or the MP 10 in australia they heva tested the M-drive with the MP 10 685 HP in it and they are very happy with it
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