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Everything posted by b615rich

  1. Great looking tractor btw. Yeah, probably makes sense in some way ? but just an oversize cargo ON the gooseneck, illegal as a trailer by itself... Glad u get some work out of the deal!
  2. Whole cab looked newer...what's that big unit on the upper right of the steering wheel ? Looks like a clock ... Something with the lift, but? Units been on a while. Nice conversation piece but looks like a lotta parts and pieces.
  3. Very nice tow rig. I like that 70's (?) R model with four headlights. R models are timeless. Any B-7#'s, and for a cabover a Cruiseliner (getting so rare).
  4. http://www.corbitttrucks.com/ Nice web site. Pictures of this truck on "for sale" page. Another one for sale- old boom truck.
  5. Nice rig. Looks solid. Almost looks like a fire truck - chrome, big lights, long hood. Like the single flat windshield. Thanks for sharing. Tractors too
  6. Everything about this truck is cool. Two dogs? Any of you real experts ever seen that before? Reminds me of those Huskydrive Brockways with the two dogs. Nice picture. Thanks.
  7. Real nice. Like your B-42 too! Keep the pictures coming. Thanks
  8. Guess you work with what you got too. I'd say taking a survivor or bone stock truck custom probably rubs a lot of folks wrong, but some trucks were used and loved for so long people made lots of mods. That's history in itself. I say to each his own. But the more gears the better, and some days I do dream about power steering (but on the highway I like the manual steer). Mike's original paint trucks are awesome - that horseshoe grille always makes me
  9. Would seem a good deal. To back up, looks like a 73 or 75, and with the cummins motor a 73, the Mack motor a 75. The interior actually looks pretty nice, (seat covers very easy to get done), probably would clean up well. Like he said, the S is for six "wheel", a tandem ten wheeler. Looks to be a good deal, but better have plenty left over for the project. Nice find and good luck!
  10. Looks really roomy (wide) plus a large windshield, err sorry, windscreen!
  11. Rock Auto - on line, they have almost everything. Great prices and two day delivery. Not sure where the corvair comment came from, but my old auto parts store (Delta Auto Parts in CT) was/is great... they had an old corvair ramp side pick up in back.. ran great in 1985 he wanted to give it to me.. said it was so ugly no one wanted it.. i thought so too, but now "one that got away"
  12. Pretty solid truck. Plans?
  13. Real nice. Probably does a nice job with that gooseneck. The 70's series (and the 615) have a little less of that classic deco B-model look , I guess some pros and cons. Seems most were built with disc wheels, helps them look a little more modern too.
  14. I think it was only Dodge & Chrysler. Their engineers were always trying to be "progressive". I learned the hard way on a Coronet ? Mid 60's. Then 35 years later the hard way again on my AC. Never heard of Erie wheels. Different from Daytons some other way too?
  15. Still love the flames!
  16. Very cool. Remember seeing that truck, an amazing piece of history. That interior is awesome.
  17. Thanks for sharing. You put together a lot of nice vintage B shots, but the AC album was amazing. I am always impressed with those logs on the back (4-5 FT! In diam) as well as some of the other cargo - cranes, railroad cars, etc. that's with a 4 or six cyl gas motor and a three or four speed! Thanks again.
  18. Welcome. You'll find the guys very helpful and also good in helping with decisions you may have to make. Good luck, what's first on the agenda?
  19. Great picture. They are always so clear on details. Love the AC on what look like balloon tires on Daytons. Cool
  20. Very cool story and pictures. Hey, when did things from the 80's become "antiques"?! I still remember our first new Mack - a 1982 MR! That tiny steering wheel because it had "real" power steering. I'm starting to feel old...
  21. They all look good - on 24.00's of course.
  22. A bizarre state of affairs only gets worse and worse. We now deny human nature and ignore economic principles, then double down on the last bad idea which didn't work. It seems they* can take an indefensible position and mandate we accept "group think" as the reality - increasing statism requires dissention be suppressed. Through the history of mankind, the ones who promise to save us from one another have always been the devil in disguise. All this said I climb under my old Mack, with my Craftman hand tools, and listen to country music - as a break to control a little of my own destiny. *nothing to do with partisan politics, just human nature.
  23. Wait long enough you'll find what you want - probably right after you give up. Or, you just might see something you never expected. Best of luck either way but as the guys always say, buy the best you can afford. Cheaper in the long run.
  24. Good luck. I'm sure you'll find a good home. Nice looking tractor, you really don't see many.
  25. Good advice from SD. If you like it (B-75's are cool), go for it but I'd definitely negotiate. That rear end looks like a lot of work (can't really see what's holding the rear axle). Would be an "S" if a factory tandem, but lots were stretched. Good luck!
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