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Everything posted by b615rich

  1. Green dash is right, we can't ALL kill you... Seriously, I see so many fire trucks sitting outside neglected I think your interest is awesome. It doesn't have a Detroit motor, does it?
  2. Awesome truck and even a great brand on the tank. Was it a right hand drive unit?
  3. Hopefully someone adopts the "mutt". Frankenframe looks a little scary alright. Would love to see it from new through however many lives it's lived.
  4. Thank you both! When you said to flip the disc I thought that was right under the plastic cover, but I guess you pull it out from the back. Thanks again. And nice truck Machtech689, Mack should pay you royalties!!
  5. Yes. The switch hits the exciter terminal. Nothing is coming out to the starter. I took off all the cables, and two screws holding the cap on. It is definitely loose, but the plastic piece won't separate from the solenoid body. Again, it's pretty loose and moves around pretty good but won,t let go.. Any ideas? I hate to ask but checked on line and couldn't find anything on just the contact disc... If I was to remove the whole solenoid is it just the three screws to the motor housing or is there something holding it inside? I'd probably consider replacing the whole thing while its all apart, but would like to get her started ASAP. Thanks again.
  6. Um, duh. Of course. I hadn't even looked that close, now I remember there is that strap on the outside. I'll check it out tomorrow. Thanks!
  7. Amazing progress! Looks a lot nicer than just the refurb of a working truck you first described. Excellent work.
  8. Very shiny. Mike met you at trucktoberfest last year and have been still looking for these for you. Still haven't found any - must be very rare. Glad you found a nice one. For your AC, or too new? (That truck is awesome, still like the horseshoe grill though too!)
  9. Right Jim. I'd think taller gears with that much weight would be less than desirable i.e. more shifting etc. What's that heavy anyway? Here it's overweight vehicles or tandem 48's and how much more top end would you need? I'm sure there is a good reason, I'm just curious.
  10. Thanks Doug. I am pretty good with electrical, but wondering. When you say going thru ? Pretty sure the motor has the negative battery cables on one side and the relay completes the circuit from the pos side of the batteries. So where can you check or did you mean on the bench. Is there a way in the truck? Warm day today (40) so I'll be poking around out there. Thought about just changing the solenoid (relay is part of the solenoid right? ). I used to rebuild starters, alternators, etc., but mostly cars. Just a little rusty (aka getting old). Thanks again.
  11. The starter has a solenoid on it and I assume an integrated relay like most Delco's ..or am I wrong? When you say kicker solenoid something else or? I will try to trace the wires back. I m pretty sure the clunk comes from the solenoid on the motor but I ll check. Thought brushes may be hung up or a bad winding.
  12. Got five of these on eBay. $15 each. Not as easy to use as a toggle, but look period correct on the B. For headlights, marker, back up, interior. The guy was good to deal with and had a lot of switches etc. MrDash?
  13. Got five of these on eBay. $15 each. Not as easy to use as a toggle, but look period correct on the B. For headlights, marker, back up, interior. The guy was good to deal with and had a lot of switches etc. MrDash?
  14. Funny. Thanks for sharing. Yeah, awesome R model Paint looks good with the banana !
  15. Glenn's like a Cummins savant! Hey, to change the subject I think the starters bad. During the fall, it seemed to be fine but every once in a while just the solenoid (or relay?) clunks. Try it a bunch and then suddenly it's good for many more starts. Doing it again now. So I looked at it. It's a Delco Remy MT41. PN 10478897. Now the Remy site says it is obsolete and replaced by an MT42 (and actually says the MT41 is for up to 600 cu in, not my 855?). Now I found a 12V MT 41 model number 10478812 and the Remy site says that is still a good part. So I guess all MT41 CW rotation, 12V I starters are not the same? Should I get mine rebuilt or? Any ideas? Another riddle, sorry!
  16. That looks like it could be a good project. When they say "aluminum frame" is that full aluminum rails and cross members? Do they ever have issues?
  17. Very cool. Nice to have the storage. I've thought about adding a small tool box to keep the hardware out of the sleeper. Truck looks pretty versatile. Not many B-55's either. Nice
  18. Really coming along nicely! Battery boxes look great and it's surprising how nicely the sheet metal cleaned up. Looks like it was a solid find. Can't wait to see the next installment.
  19. Yeah, I think there is someone... Can't blame him I guess
  20. No connection. Looks like a decent little tractor. http://newyork.craigslist.org/brk/cto/4939060008.html
  21. Real nice. Still has the V-8?
  22. Thanks for sharing! Some really nice trucks at that show. Nice AC's, don't usually see that many in one place.
  23. Good one. I remember guys in those GM car carriers (trucks and cargo) wearing old school hearing protection on the highway.
  24. Really nice. It will look good with the sleeper. Even if you don't go over the road it's pretty handy. Nice look too.
  25. Seems worth the parts alone but too bad nothing left of the original hood, they are so hard to find in decent shape. But the windshield, trim, tranny etc. all worth something.
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