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Everything posted by seyser

  1. Makes the 6bt look like a Briggs & Stratton haha
  2. Take plenty of pics and keep us updated with the progress!
  3. The craigslist posting has been deleted by author. Appears to have been sold.
  4. My local dealer has caps for $250 each and all 8 would be matching cases. Truck would look great with knee deep rubber but I just dont think I need to spend that much on tires that will see so few miles. Might just check into the Kumho's and see if the guy is willing to deal.
  5. It seems like a lot of money but hard to find 8 matching drives in my area. The tires are 8/32nds.
  6. The tires on my B61 are junk and Im upgrading to the 22.5 size. I found a used set of Kumho 11r 22.5 non recaps all 8 matching drives with 25% tread. The guy wants $900 for them. Is this a fair price? My truck wont see many miles as its just a hobby truck any tires I put on it will go bad with age far before I wear the tread off. -Jeremy
  7. https://marshall.craigslist.org/hvo/5316165667.html Ran across this, Not mine. Has budd style wheels might be nice for someone looking to convert thiers.
  8. Im new to large trucks so still learning. How long of a neck does a lowboy generally have if used with a tandem axle truck? I found an old Lacrosse lowboy Im kind of interested in. The owner says there is 6' from the pin to the frame of the trailer. Is this enough be fit behind a tandem truck? My truck currently has a flatbed bolted onto the rear but I'm thinking of putting a 5th wheel plate back on as thats how it originally came. -Jeremy
  9. Looks good! What brand of lowboy is that? Lacrosse?
  10. Sometimes pull fuses one by one until the short is eliminated.
  11. Looks amazing! What color green is that, Do you have a paint code?
  12. Thanks for the heads up on the tanks. This truck was cut off a couple ft behind the cab so only one tank was remaining. I'll probably just put it with my stash of parts.
  13. Went to a guys place today to purchase some B model parts and one of his trucks was a B61 LST. How common were these? Is there a list of the aluminum parts? I purchased the hood and will be getting the air tank next time I'm there. I saw the motor mounts and spring hangers were aluminum. This is the first lightweight model Iv run across. Jeremy
  14. Anyone able to get ahold of this guy?
  15. Any of the thermodynes or upgrade to a maxidyne.
  16. Thank you for keeping it in the states! Someone will come along and give it a good home. Would make a great farm truck.
  17. Would a radiator off a B85 with a 707 gas engine be the same as one in a B61? -Jeremy
  18. My title lists the whole chassis number B61STxxxx.
  19. Good looking truck!
  20. I really do need to make it down to your area sometime with a shopping list and a pocket full of cash!
  21. Thank you for the pics. My truck has angle iron bolted onto the outside of the frame rails and it looks like the fith wheel was bolted to those with the bolts vertical.
  22. Saw that also. Looks good in the pic.
  23. I was studying the build information for my truck and it was to receive a 36" Fontaine sliding fifth wheel when delivered to the dealer. The fifth wheel was removed by the previous owner. I would like to get an original period correct plate to maybe put back on. Did Fontaine make different styles or models? I managed to find a pic of the truck with a plate sitting on the truck, Not the best pic but does that look like a Fontaine brand can anyone tell? Thanks -Jeremy
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