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Everything posted by seyser

  1. Here is a little of my latest progress on the B rejuvenation. This past weekend I pulled the mirrors and radiator guard off my truck to refinish. The brackets were pretty rusty and pitted especially the driver side. I used my sandblast cabinet and also a wire wheel to clean them off.
  2. That's impressive!
  3. That's a great story!
  4. I know its sometimes common for turbo vehicles to have oil In the intercooler hoses.
  5. That is great!
  6. Iv used rubbing alcohol and a new razor blade. Comes off great.
  7. That's the arm for the roll up tarp that covers the dump box.
  8. I have been researching the ENDT673 engine and still have a handful questions. ENDT 673A 205hp No piston coolers? ENDT 673B 211hp Piston coolers ENDT 673C 250hp Piston coolers Does the above info look correct? What respective years would each of the engines been available? Did Mack stamp the series (A,B,C or just B,C) in the castings along with the other numbers? Anyone have any pictures of theirs? My truck is a 1964 with the original engine, It reads ENDT673-xxxx on the front, Can I assume my engine is the "A" series 205hp? Jeremy
  9. Found this on craigslist. https://northernwi.craigslist.org/cto/5419435626.html
  10. Are those large zip tie's? I guess the dealer didn't inform the owner that his prius is front wheel drive.
  11. So was the truck in the pics above originally a tandem?
  12. Found this while browsing: https://milwaukee.craigslist.org/hvo/5399421733.html
  13. First thing I would do is email the seller and get his number so you can speak with him and find out more about the truck. Alot easier to gets details via phone vs emailing back and forth. Explain to him that you have interst in the truck so he knows your not just another tire kicker but dont come off as overly intersted. Ask his bottom dollar and then make an offer after that. You would be surprised Iv have times were something was listed for say $4000 and I was all set on offering $3250 but when I asked bottom dollar the seller would mention he just wants it gone and comes back at $3000. Id then offer $2800. You have to feel out the seller and see how bad he wants it gone. -Jeremy
  14. What a great looking old structure!
  15. Mine is original and still working like a charm. Knock on wood.
  16. Post some of those great oldies. Here are a couple of my favorites: Nitro express - Red Simpson, Junior Brown Six days on the road - Dave Dudley Wolf creek pass - C.W. McCall -Jeremy
  17. You can still find small owner operator shops that will work on them. Never understood why people don't fill in their location.
  18. Post a wanted ad. I have been meaning to put some welting around my tanks where the straps hold them to try to slow this from happening.
  19. Yes they are quite valuable and rare. You could work the field all day then take the dolly up town with it in the evening!
  20. Minneapolis Moline UDLX also know as the comfort tractor. A guy from southern MN has #1 and brings it to the local shows. Wish I could open my shed and find one of those in there
  21. Welcome! When the time is right another will come your way.
  22. I passed on the tires. All had already been regrooved and 4 were junk imo. Will keep my eyes open for used otherwise may just go with recaps next summer.
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