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Everything posted by mrtwostick

  1. Call Bob Taylor 610-633-1788 He has a 98ish CH with 400+ 9 speed air ride and wet line.
  2. Personally I would rather have them "flash" the motor so it puts out all its capable of, and then put a 13sp behind it, simply because the more gear you put back there the slower your top speed will be. Its sucks buzzing the motor at 70 when everyone is flying by CRUISING at 75mph
  3. If your truck is a 2000 it should have an E7, Im not an expert but i don't think a 355/380 was offered yet in that year. I could be wrong. I think your problem is pretty simple, If you do have a 355/380 or an E7 350 your gear ratio is too high. I would assume this set up is in a tractor? With 3.86 gears and a 10speed your would need to be in the 475-500HP range to have a good combination. I would say a different trans like a 13sp or 18sp would help you out alot. But with only a 10speed and that kind of horsepower, I think you would need a 4.10-4.42 ratio.
  4. Wow..........looks like we need to step it up a bit around here. Hell the petes and kw's don't look that good around here, and we have some really nice trucks running the road up here.
  5. Im sure thats the easiest way.......
  6. Im sure thats the easiest way.......
  7. Wow those are some big horses, hope they stack up against the RDs and such. Who knows they might do better than the granites did.
  8. ALSO what about recreational use say to pull a racecar trailer/boat or something. I just want to be able to use the truck as i use any other personal vehical just not "FOR HIRE"
  9. Haha...yea I love an R-model mack but a long or short hood KW would really float my boat especially if it had big cam cummins 9,10,13 or15sp. I wouldn't be too afraid to drive it around if your only allowed to go to shows or parades, b/c most local cops around here don't ask a whole lot of questions as long as you have a tag and ins. But it would be nice to hook to a tag along or lowboy to move something for a friend 10 or 15 miles. Also anything i would get probably wouldn't have a decent paint job right away, b/c I'd be lookin' for a deal not a show truck. Something a bit rough but in good mechanical shape
  10. In the future I would like to put togther an older tractor (R-model or W900A) just for my own personal enjoyment. Basically just to cruise around town and go to truck shows. My question is what sort of "classic" or "Antique" tags could one get for a heavy truck. I LIVE IN PA. Also would the tag allow me to pull a trailer to pick something up with a lowboy, or pull a friends trailer in state as a favor? I'm a company driver as of now and don't see myself being an O/O any time in the next few years but I still want to own a truck!
  11. Hey thanks.....i'm just a driver but the boss is like a brother to me so it's all good. It's funny the two oldest trucks in the fleet are the cleanest!
  12. For the most part dump bodies/trailers you see are polished aluminum, it's just like polishing aluminum wheels except more work. Polished aluminum is very high maaintenance. the body in the pic i have posted is aluminum, and has been kept fairly clean in the past 20 years. Yes highly polished aluminum will look like chrome. The key is to start with a body that doesn't have a ton of dirt in it already. If not then you will have to compound acid maybe even wet sand it, to get some sort of shine.
  13. Got my tin in the wind....Lettin' it all hang out!

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