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    Christchurch , New Zealand

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    My business is heavy vehicle towing and recovery, also refurbishing old aircraft and trucks and machinery
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  1. here it is after a repaint
  2. we had a single drive r model, 237 and 12 speed, towed a 2 axle gravel semi with 2 axle trailer behind it, used it up and down the coast and hills Blenheim to Christchurch in south island , always around 36-38 tonnes, never missed a beat, saw off many other trucks on the long pulls up the mountains.
  3. currently winter, snow and rain , temperatures around -2 in the mornings and fine day if we are lucky max temp 14 degrees C
  4. cruising through the streets of palmerston north in my CF
  5. took a couple of goes to get it right, via Dave Connor
  6. this is underway at a workshop nearby, it has a 3208 Cat with twin turbos, and it is sitting on a homemade chassis with 4x4 drive. he already has a Cadilac station wagon as a big foot, and this is next, the Caddy is at the rear of the picture
  7. the smoke is the fire heading towards our house and the boys are on the hosereel on the other side, the last one is dealing to the hotspots, we put about 12000 litres through the mack, filling up from a water race 1 km away,about 200 firfighters were on scene, but we were on our own until the helicopters spotted the scrub burning towrds the house, why own a jetski when you can buy a mack
  8. sory about missing out two of the photos, i will try again
  9. thursday 150 hectares burnt around our house, house saved by useing our CF mack snorkel and local contractors and helicopters with monsoon buckets , here is couple from my phone. also look at WWW.Stuff.co.nz and fire at prebbleton
  10. interesting to see the two little air deflectors on the roof, they went out of style back in 1982 here
  11. This mack has joined the ranks of the National Toy and Transport museum at Wanaka, New Zealand. Still in running condition, it is one of 8 4x4s that were built in the 1974-76 for the Ministry of Transport Crash Fire Service. it has a 375 hp V8 engine and 10 speed gearbox, behind the cab is a Cat 3208 driving the Waterous fire pump, 7000 litres of water is carried along with AFFF foam and BCF chemical cylinders.
  12. they are black flagged if they go over 100mph to keep the racing fair
  13. have you checked the aircleaner element, try running it without the filter
  14. I bought my superliner around 2003, did a gear oil change and the 2 end parts of a circlip came out the bung, luvly. last month we lost the use of high range, it also was leaking oil from the top somewhere and the drive yoke came loose twice on us in the last year. so out it comes, gearbox has never been removed since birth in 1986, external oil pipe at top was loose, and nearly pumped out the oil on the road. the selecter fork had broken its casting, and the remaining circlip part was lying in the bottom of the casing, it had come adrift and the air ram was over selecting , hence putting extra presure on the fork, a couple of bearings had lost there clearances, a 3 peice cluster was really worn on the mating faces , and the reason it jumped out of gear on a bumpy road, and worst of all the front input shaft had worn considerably where the teflon seal locates. bad news, new front shaft $7k ex USA, bearing kit, cluster,selecter, machine face of yoke, Parts $11k, labour $ 3k, and the clutch had worn the flywheel faces, Makes for one very expensive rebuild. Trouble is , that 12 speeds have rarely given any problems and the newer mechanics have never had to strip one, parts are no longer sitting collecting dust. picked up a second box for $3k, but its cluster is worn also, and a selector rod is broken. If I had known what I was infor, I would have dropped a Roadranger 18 speed in and modified the driveshaft, the joy of owning a superdog
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