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    Queensbury NY

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    Steam boats And steam equipment and old trucks
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  1. My other hobby Dean
  2. steamer


    These are in scohahaire NY. The gas up will be going again next weekend to but I can’t be there. One of the operators from rough and tumble came on Saturday and ran it for a few buckets.
  3. steamer


    Hi. I spent the weekend firing the boiler in a bucyruis Erie steam Crain at the Hudson Mohawk gas up it is a fun machine to work on this year we used their ac Mack to haul away the dirt it looks tired but runs great. I will try so post some pictures. I also took a video or the machinery in the Crain while it was running I’ll try to post on you tube. Dean
  4. steamer

    Photo test

  5. Looks like it has a ship steering wheel
  6. Hi I think lycombing originally designed the engine in the early 30s for auburn to use in their one of there cars and when they closed American lafrance modified it with dual ignition for its trucks. I have a 1938 junior 400 pumper with that engine mine only has one 2 barrel carb and has always been a good runner. I had trouble starting it at one point and when you got it running it ran bad. My truck has a manifold vacuum pump primer on it. When you pull the primer knob it closes one side of the carburetor off and opens another valve to that side of the intake manifold which sends the vacuum to a priming tank. On mine the second valve got stuck open and half the engine had no manifold vacuum. Mine also has a pump governor that controls the engine speed to the pump output which is mounted under the carb if yours has one it may not be fully open. On a hill the truck does sound kind of Lise an airplane. Dean
  7. Hi I put one of The seats that Barry sells in my b it is a mid hight bostrom and it fits me well but the back is a little thick so you can't slide it back very far.
  8. Great work I hope you can post a video when you get It started. Dean
  9. Hi Rusty I sent a relief valve spring the other day is it possible that the oil is draining out of the oil filter when shut down making it look like the engine is full of oil but when running the filter fills and the engine is low. I think the filter holds about two gallons. My b has a bypass filter but it is mounted to the frame behind the cab and I think is to low to drain back. I think there is a valve in the filter to keep it from draining back also could. The lines be reversed. Dean
  10. Hi I think my b was kept running over the years with whatever leftover parts were around I put a new oil gauge in it that goes to 100 and when it was cold the gauge would go all the way around and stop on the wrong side of the pin. Mine had a spring in it for a 3 line filter with the regulator on the block on the side of the engine. But mine has a bypass filter. I ordered the right spring from the local mack dealer and it never came in so I called watts mack and they got me one of the last new ones in stock from a different dealer . A few weeks later my local dealer came up with one also. If you need a new spring I have an extra one I would be glad to send you. Dean
  11. Saw this on the way home from work. They are tearing down the house and it looks like they started with some kind of pumpkin cannon. It looks like it shoots about six inch pumpkins. There are a lot of holes through the house.
  12. Hi Vinny you got a picture of my b it was its first show I just got it on the road 2 weeks ago. It's the dark red one with black fenders and a flat bed. There were a lot of nice trucks there. Dean
  13. Hi Sean I have a 1938 American lafrance that I had to put bearings in the pump transmission a number of years ago it has spicer u joints and axel and calls for oil in the u joints it has regular grease fittings on the crosses I have been using grease in them with no problems. I don't put a lot of miles on it either Dean
  14. I don't know if these pictures will all work . My boat is the one in the center at the dock with me in it we are on racquet lake in ny. The canal pictures are on the Erie Canal from little falls to Waterford and the boat set up for camping. The large steam engine originally came from boonsvill ny and ran a sawmill it is a Farquhar Ajax and has an 11 inch bore and 15 inch stroke. The tractor is a Frick 7x10 two cylinder that was used for road work it needs a new boiler I also have a steam fire engine that i don't have a picture of I would like to make that my next project It was built in 1893 and is supposed to pump 1000 gallons per min. It needs a complete restoration and would look nice on a trailer behind the mack
  15. I have been working on this for a while now and hope to have it on the road this summer. It has a 673 and duplex transmission. It's not a perfect restoration but I think it will be fun. I plan to put a ball hitch on it to pull my steam boat to some of the boat meets in the summer. These pictures are last fall putting the bed on. I have a lot of steam equipment and can post pictures if anyone is interested Dean
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