Disclaimer-this answer may be offensive to some, if your on welfare or governent assistance cause your lazy look away now. Obummer or King Nothing as I refer to him didnt get elected because of that crap, he got elected because he said he would pass out more free shi* and extend unemployment and give everyone free healthcare, oh and he was calling himself black(which is B.S.). King Nothing does not give one little shi* about you, your needs or this country and the rest of those dip shi*s in washington are just as bad, if it doesnt keep them in power or make them money your pissing in the wind. I was actually driving a school bus when this maroon got elected and one of my 8th grade students said it best and I quote" Black folks aint gonna know how to act", she wasnt off by much but the key to the recent victories in Washington has been more free handouts to those that are too fkreaking lazy to get off their a$$ and go get a job and it inly hurts those of us that are willing to work for a living and try to achieve. I think the whole group needs to get kicked out on their a$$ and we need to start over with term limits on all positions and less govornment hand outs, ever hear of communism, marxism, guess what were there and going down fast, I work for a living but as we have proved here before over 50% of people inthis country DON'T! Heres one for ya, why in the hell do we need a social security office in Mexico? any answers? no? because they want to hand out that money to keep the votes coming in to keep them in office, if you dropped everyone on governemet assistance that could not prove without a reasonable doubt that they were unable to work you would drop the payouts by over half! ever wonder how Obummer won 126% of the vote in FL or 121% in OH? He cant if over 100% of voters turn out someone is breaking the law and it should be done again, oh and heres a shocker in states that required a photo ID to vote Romney won in states that did not Obummer won, make sense yet? OK I have to go take a prozac and drink a beer!