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joes mack

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by joes mack

  1. not that i know of
  2. yes they bought it. they used it for about 8 years sanded it down and primered it but never finished repainting it. then upper cloverfork ceased operation as a fire dept. it is now opened back up under cloverfork vol fire dept and they hauled it off to the scrap yard.
  3. would anyone have a switch panel that goes on top of the dog house we are in need of one for one of our fire trucks.
  4. sad to say this truck was sold to a scrap yard less than 6 months ago.
  5. All 4 macks we have has the same pump on them. 1976 through 1987.
  6. thanks guys i have never had any dealings with 2 stroke detroits until we got the last two trucks and one is a 6 and the newest to us is a 8 both seem to be good engines.
  7. i use 15-40 delo 400 oil in all of our trucks. mack, cat, and the detroits.
  8. what should the oil psi be on a 8v92 fresh oil and filter change about 20 hours ago when the truck is cold it shows about 60 psi at idle when it warms up it shows about 10 psi at idle when driving it shows about 80 cold and 35-40 when its at operating temp. when i let off the throttle to stop the low oil psi alarm goes off for a second and oil psi is about 5 psi.
  9. do you have to add antifreeze to the truck. and or do you haul in wet areas or go through truck wash.
  10. the pump has for sure been upgraded we had it pump tested last friday during our anual test on our trucks and it passed with flying colors 1500 gpm. we have been told it has a 2,000 gal a 2,200 gal and a 2,800 gal tank. pierce couldn't give me any info except it was refurbed for somers.
  11. We were donated a truck that was originally from sommers fire dept in weschester county ny. it started as a 1979 Oren and in 1991 was sent to pierce and refurbished with a new cab and body. this truck went to greenville TN area and mcdonald fire dept donated it to us. this is all we know about the truck it has a 8v-92 detroit and a 4 speed allison auto. 1500 g.p.m. waterous pump. i know its not a mack but i figured some of the members on here would know something about this truck. thank you in advance. joe
  12. wiring harness issue or faulty sensor could also be bad cables from batt i drove a 2012 that had a bad cable on the ground side it would make the truck do all different crap.
  13. before you get too deep into thought check the speed sensor the company I work for had a engine do almost the exact same thing. new turbo injectors after cooler still did the same thing. changed the speed sensor on a tip from another mechanic and it went from 12/15 psi boost to 32/35 psi and will keep pulling like a mad dog. I hope this helps your problem and will save you a few headaches. joe
  14. the truck is located in Harlan county ky at Yocum creek vol fire dept contact chief joe wynn at 606-505-9082 the truck has the 260 engine and a 5 speed trans.
  15. We have a 1974 CF Mack pirsch 100 ft ladder truck for sale we got the truck about 3 months ago and can not use it in our area because it is too big she is 37 feet long. the truck orig was owned by river forest il. she seems to be a good solid old truck with the last ladder cert in 2017. she has a 1,000 gpm waterious pump. the dept we got it from retired her in 2018 when they got a newer ladder. if anyone is interested we are asking $3,500
  16. she is doing well. I have been busier than a 3 legged cat in a sand box with everything with her, work, and the fire department. I replied to your message and thank you for your help.
  17. thank you FWD sorry I haven't been keeping up with the post girl friend had heart surgery and with work ive been busy as a 3 legged cat in a sand box. still haven't got the truck yet but hopefully will be going to pick it up this weekend if everything works out.
  18. it is a actual telesquirt . thank you for the info
  19. hello everyone I was wondering if any of you would have or know where I can find a parts or repair manual for a 50 ft telesquirt . we are poss getting one donated to us. everything works and it was certified in 2017 but sometime last year it started leaking in the extension section and will not extend out. chief said they told him it was a gasket that cost $45.00 but it will cost $6,000 to fix it. I talked to a fire apparatus repair shop and they told me they would fix it for $2,500 but told me I could fix it my self. I have re built several hyd cylinders if that is what it is. it is mounted on a 1988 pierce if that helps any. I have not seen the truck as it is about 4 hours away from me.
  20. From all of the members of the Yocum creek and upper cloverfork vol fire departments we would like to say thank you to Don Holden aka Vals327 on here. he and 2 other men drove 800 miles one way to deliver us 2 1983 mack mc fire trucks. (pictures soon to come) this is the second truck that he has donated to Yocum creek and the first to upper cloverfork. words can not say how much we appreciate him and all who has helped us over the last few years. it takes a special kind of human being to drive 2 of the hottest trucks I have ever been in that distance over 2 days with out air conditioning and mid to upper 90s stay for a hour and begin there 800 mile journey back home. all I know to say is thank you
  21. thanks guys for the input. I have another question to ask when I was looking at lights I saw some came with a lense warmer is that a big issue in the winter if you don't get the bulbs with them or would it just be easier to wipe the snow /ice off
  22. Hello all we are looking at the pos of upgrading the head lights on our fire trucks I have been looking at the led lights for our CFs I know it will take away from the looks of the trucks but it will also give us better lighting on the back roads and the highways( which are narrow and curvy ) at night. the main concern is for the on coming drivers are the led lights on the bigger trucks too high to be considered safe for the on coming drivers? I know all of the newer trucks being produced today have led lights I actually drove a new granite with the leds and that is why I told the members about them and started checking on them for the fire department. what are your thoughts and experiences with the led lights.
  23. can you get me a phone number to the guys mentioned
  24. I'm trying to help a fire department get a truck hauled from Harlan ky to paris ark. truck is 8ft wide, 8ft 2 in high, 25ft long, and weighs 15,640 lbs. thanks in advance joe
  25. when I was hauling coal off of the strip mines I always used the jake brake to shift gears. always have shifted that way 5-6 speeds 8-9-10-12 -13-15-and 18speed quadraplex and single stick.
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