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joes mack

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by joes mack

  1. i like it too. its still a good truck just rust in the front boxes of the fire body and a couple of jb weld places in the tank. its the first actual fire truck that our dept bought. my papaw paid $10,000 out of his own pocket for the dept to have a good truck back in 1985 when the dept was just getting on their feet and it has alot of value to the dept. when the brake issue is fixed we will still use the truck as needed until we can get it refurbished with a newer body and hopefully a alum tank. it might take a while to get the body and tank done as the local trade or vocational school is getting redy for summer break. but on the bright side all it will cost us is the material to have it done.
  2. no its got the park brake band on the back of the tranny.
  3. picked up the mighty vac bleeder just a few mins ago and will try to get this thing fixed tomorow. the truck has the dual cyls but the bleeders are on the bottom cyl we have never replaced them on this truck so it must be factory but most ive ever seen the bleeders were on top to get all of the air out.
  4. ok thanks i guess i will try and get one sounds like the best option
  5. in all seriousness it would be a good deal if it was about half that in todays economy but is a sharp truck though
  6. it has been a horror ive threatened to set fire to the fire truck
  7. i like that its a nice truck that will get you noticed. it dont matter what it is as long as it is a honey wagon the smell will get you noticed lol.
  8. where did you get it from
  9. yea i bench bled the master cyl. ive done everthing that i know to do except crack the bleaders and let it gravity feed and of course i havent used a vac bleader on it ive changed the master cyl on everyone of our fluid brake trucks at one time or another and this one is the only one ive had trouble with.
  10. ok thanks i know one thing this master cyl change has been one big pain in the butt
  11. o k thanks guys i figured i beter get on here and ask because ive never been around one and a friend of mine has a few he gets at auctions and like you said he can get them cheaper than a regular gas truck he says he likes his but he has been known to streach the truth as he is a used car and truck dealer. joe
  12. were looking at a chevrolet c 6500 that runs on L.P. it will replace the c60 gas burner tanker that we have if we buy it. it has the 496 engine which in a u haul we rented a couple years ago didnt get very good gas mileage. but on the bright side L.p. is alot cheaper than gas. what is the pros and cons of one of these trucks the truck is a 2000 and the old tanker is a 1974 with a 350. also the 2000 has a auto trans. just want to get some ideas as ive never been around a L.p. burner. joe
  13. we put 3 quarts of fluid through it today and still cant get it. how do you do the vacume bleeding thing
  14. come on some one has to have an idea on whats going on with this thing
  15. i have been trying to get the brakes fixed on our ford f700 fire truck for almost a week it has a new master cyl not rebuilt i have bled ever bleeder screw on the truck and still getting air in the system and still have to pump the brakes a couple times to get a good pedal. you can hold the pedal down and it does not leak off but if you let it set for a couple mins the pedal will go back to the floor. this thing is driving me nuts and i need help figuring the brakes out on this thing.
  16. its a 1964 c900 tandem with a 2100 gal milk tank (stainless steel) and verry heavy i would of figured it would of at least had the 477 or 534 but when we rebuilt it it was the 401. its out of service right now the clutch is out and no one around here can get one for it. plus the cab has rust holes around the windshield and the fender wells.
  17. olive if you were closer we would of bought the cabover to upgrade one of our old tankers the cab is rusted and it has a 401 gas motor which you cant hardly find parts for any more
  18. the place i used to work for had the mp8s 485s and just bought a few with 505s and both had alot of power they all had 18speeds and 8.27 rears also
  19. joes mack


    googled the location and the truck is only 1 1/2 hrs away and ive drove by it about 10 times.
  20. joes mack


    id say straight 24 id say that where ive seen the truck is when i had to travel north a few months back up to around where all the tornados hit last week.
  21. joes mack


    except for the engine and taller tires its the same set up as my DM600 mine has 11.00/22 and it will run about 52-55 on the highway. i dont think that the truck is too far from me ive seen the truck somewhere before.
  22. happy birthday i wish i could be 25 again would of done a lot of things different like not putting my first wife on my checking account.lol
  23. i agree olive we need to get the croked people out of office
  24. happy birthday
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