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joes mack

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by joes mack

  1. we faired pretty well in harlan co had a couple of funnel clouds,large baseball size hail,(busted the vent lights off the top of my camper and beat the piss out of the alum on it and a few dents on my other vehicles) but harrogate tenn and lee county va which are just across the mountain both had twisters last night. london ky got hit hard by tornado killed a few people. west liberty ky all but got leveled 2 twisters in 3 days. it was rough for a while thats for sure. its sad that people lost their lives but some of the bigger storms just seemed to pop up with not much warning i know at work that it started lightning and within a couple mins it was on us.
  2. thanks for clearing that up i was starting to get worried
  3. do you blame him for wanting monica
  4. thanks for the good comments. aparently to some around here we got lucky and to some extent i agree as it was built in the 1890s/early1900. if we had not been alredy on the house fire it might have a difrent story though.
  5. looks like this guy has really done some figuring and is laying it on the table for the nation to see.
  6. i just got back from another call in the same area as the house and church( actually you could look out the window and see the church ) this time it was the post office the clerk was in the bathroom smoking and thought she threw the cig out the window but it landed on the window sill and cought some paper towels on fire and the sill and insulation in the wall but we got to it before any major damage.
  7. back when i was logging i had a d5 just like this one it was a brute. it had a hyster winch and 1 inch cable and when you were dug in if the logs got hung up it would break the cable. wish i still had it but the roller frame got bent at the front idler and the left track would not stay on if you had to turn alot.we tried to straighten it but it only lasted for a little while before it bent again so i traded it for a d6 and i wish i would of kept it.
  8. the house was gutted but the insurance adj done looked at the church and estimated it done $120,000 damage.
  9. i say move in there and set up shop if they will live up to their promises. lol
  10. the church has a tin roof and it destroyed one room and damaged the basement but the congregation room has smoke and water damage and minimal fire damage except to the floor joist and a few of them are pretty bad but it can be saved. leversole do you remember about 15 years ago when all of the fires were being set by members of two fire departments. i think there were 7 or 8 that were involved and only 2 were prosicuted.
  11. we got our last truck (c900 ford american lafrance 1000 g.p.m 1000gal) for free from a neighboring county about 4 years ago.
  12. thanks thats only the 3rd time since the dept started in 84 that we have had to get help from the big city dept (ladder truck for the church) but the other 3 depts we work with quiet often actually roll on page with 2 of them because of limited manpower and resources. (small departments) but its also nice to know that if you need a fire dept to give mut ade that most will roll but we have a few in the county that could care less if you need help or not. i will say that 13 of 16 will be there when you need help and the other 3 wont help if its a 100yards out of there jurisdiction and they have more trucks than needed to cover there own area if needed by another dept.
  13. you couldnt ask for much better it pumped for nearly 4 hours non stop then short break less than 5 min and then for another 4 to 4 1/2 with no problems except when the tankers were slow getting back. the fire hyd broke that was close to the house so they had to use tankers all total 4 tankers and three pumpers. our mack and its sister were working together again.
  14. i say pour diesel on him and light it
  15. our new to us mack got to go on her maiden voyage today. this drug head that lives less than a mile from the fire house decided to burn his house today at 10:40 this morning while fighting the house fire one of the members looked across the highway and saw one of the oldest churches in harlan county burning ( aparently he wasnt done ) so we had to split the few firefighters we had up and fight both fires until mutual aid showed up there were 5 departments at both scenes. the house is a total loss the church has major dammage but it is being investigated to determine its fate. and the prick has been caught.
  16. hopefully the set in mayor (the former mayor passed away) will be elected the next election he is much better to work with than the last few that they have had.
  17. update on the truck it just keeps getting better the fire dept that we bought the truck from just informed us that they had a city meeting and the asking price for the truck was reduced they said that they voted to give the truck to us but some legal hoopla wouldnt let them. and sence we always help them and they help us with mutual aid they told us to bring them a check for $25.00 and everything would be legal and the truck was ours. can it get much better than this???
  18. dont make sense to me why anyone would remove them they are for the truck that was built and unless you have twin spec trucks you prob wont get the right parts for another as ive seen done when using a ser# from one trying to get parts for another that is sim but diff.
  19. there is a nice looking a 40 on gov deals .com in fire truck section think high bid is 525.00 now i dont know how to post pics from another site to here so mabey someone will be interested and look it up and post pics of it also a few CFs on there too.
  20. ill try and get some for ya
  21. yea they still got it and its a little shorter than the one we got but everyone says we got the better of the two. thanks and this will more than likely will be its last home as we have had good luck with our trucks so far. we still have our first tanker and pumper we bought back in 1985 (the department was started in 84) the tanker is a 74 c60 chevy and engine 1 is a 67 f750 and both are still in service but the tanker will prob be removed from service this year.
  22. glad that youre ok but hate to hear about the truck and i hope the pricks that caused the wreck are in jail for a long time
  23. o.k thanks the tag was removed for some reason
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