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joes mack

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by joes mack

  1. foul that right there offends me rob. only because i didnt come up with it. that was funny but im a little disapointed with the reply from the other people. they should of atleast donated 5gallons but i guess i can see their reasoning with the economy in the shape its in 1 gallon is prob all they can afford. i would be lucky to be able to spare a quart.
  2. before i straightend up and started going to church that would of been something i would have told my wife.
  3. thats neat merry christmas to you and yours
  4. good to hear from you agin
  5. that pretty much sums up the obama way of a better way (creating more jobs for other countries) .wonder how many other major companies will cut back in the u.s. and expand elsewhere before we vote him out.
  6. no matter what its always the trucks fault. my wifes aunt hit a loaded coal truck winter before last she was driving too fast on snow covered road and hit the tractor right in the steer axle and busted the fuel tank batt box and so on. she had to be cut out of her car. the fire dept im on responded to the scene and the truck was almost halfway off of the road trying to dodge her. and guess what the dot wrote the driver a ticket for leaking fuel on the road and tried to put the blame on him for the wreck. the wifes aunt dont talk to us anymore because they were going to try to get some of the fire fighters summoned to testify and i told her whose fualt it was and now im a lieing piece of crap and i didnt see it happen. but im glad they dont talk to us anymore shes been arrested 2 times for dui and improper container but she did do anything wrong the cops were liars and set her up.bull crap i say..
  7. if i could afford it i would help you with the fare.
  8. if the seller is who i think it is he has several DM 600,800, and RD800 macks. or at least he used to.
  9. the company i used to work for had 10 GU,s with the 390 mack 10 speed set up. with 8.26 rear gear ratio they were coal trucks and pulled 35 to 45 tons every load but they also had 65,000 lb rears under them. the trans were very good the only problem we had out of them was the p.t.o. /pump they were so heavy it would strip the 3 5/16 bolts from the spacer between the p.t.o./pump until we made rear mounting brace out of 1/8 inch angle iron and that solved that problem.
  10. no not yet a guy down the road from me wants to buy it to make a water truck out of it but hes tryin to get me to go down on the price. so i told him to go price some other dm600s and see if i need to drop the price any. he prob wont be back. and eaven if he does i prob wont sell it to him just because he pissed me off.
  11. randy shes only good at a couple of things and them anit none of them.(watchin tv and sitting on her butt talkin on the phone an the computer) O.K. i miss counted thats 3 things.
  12. i know what you mean randy. if my wife reads any thing about her on here i might have to take you up on the pond haulin because ill have to move. texas might be far enough away i dont know though shes crazy enough to follow
  13. mabey randy can use that to clean out the ponds. place the 5 gallon bomb in center of pond get way back and muck the pond it might make it a little deeper also. ifin it works it would save lots of time, fuel, and wear and tear on the equipment.
  14. joes mack


    looks like shes got beach balls there
  15. joes mack


    ill guarntee you got thebetter deal when we get back into the depression to where it was in the 30s all of the big city folks can make fun of all of the hillbillys they want but we will see who starves and who dont .
  16. joes mack


    that reminds me of what i used to tell people in atlanta when i lived there for all of 2 weeks. they like to make fun of us hillbillys and some of the guys i worked with used to ask if we even had running water. i would tell them yes we had running water we had 2 creeks out in the yard and we got the drinkin,cookin,and bathin water from one and we built the out house over the other one
  17. joes mack


    she takes a bath she is just full of crap
  18. ive got class B but if i can get in touch with the director of enrollment i might be going to get my class A
  19. joes mack


    i can do that with the wife when i walk in the house she is so full of it that i can tell you what room shes in by the degree of stink.
  20. joes mack


    lets just hope she aint been eatin boiled eggs, fried cabbage, and drinkin beer at the same time and lets a good one go about the time you pucker up to kiss. that combo could potentily have a place in the military for nerve gas or something. but there are a couple of friends on here that would pay it no mind being that they like to expeariment with animals and such...joe
  21. thanks alot man im getting ready to go to the local school to see what they have available. i can take the upgrade class and get training for free since im on unemployment. it shouldnt be that hard to do sence ive had my class b for 15 years and i used to drive a tractor/trailer off road. i know some of the laws have changed so that might slow me down a little being that my mind dont work like it used to.
  22. joes mack


    randy i need to clarify something you said that you would try to do better. do you mean try to do better at not pissing other people off or do a better job of pissing them off. if i was guessin i would say of pissing them off.
  23. man this quiz is dead accuriate my first number was 6. did the math and guess what it was magic. like the computer read my mind or something .some of the other numbers were ok flicks but my favorite new release is #9. thanks rob for this great system that you have brought to the table. there is no question as why you are in such demand for the radar systems you my friend are a genious... joe
  24. $3500 wish i could find a job that pays good enough that i could have a little extra to fix it up. but i would be happy just finding a job. right now the local fast food joints arent eaven hireing. right now all there doin is taking app. thats bad around here. im thinking about going to local truckdribing school and getting my class A lisenes i can find jobs driving tractor/trailer hauling coal but dont have class A.
  25. wheres double nickel that would prove that theres not a race prob in the site i think everyone likes him...joe
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