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joes mack

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by joes mack

  1. mabey u can buy it back cheap and find another with bad powertrain. then u will still have part of ole crusty with you. but most of all you werent hurt too bad besides the slight limp and the stiff neck and the hurt back.
  2. that would be cool goin down the road. lookin like you were back in the late 50s early 60s. im a chevy guy but you cant beat the old fords...joe
  3. i thought you were talking about me at first when i was reading the caption. ive been called that and a lot more in the last 2 weeks because i wont back up for cars in the middle of intresections when they run in on me when its my turn to go and they try to run the stop signs and cant go any where because im in the middle of the intersection...joe
  4. i just cant believe what im reading. a fine outstanding fellow like other dog flat out lieing to this poor guy.i never would of thunk it. how could you other dog after all of the cold and lonely nights stranded on the road while waiting a tow in this truck you tell this guy that its a good truck. but on the other hand it does have some good qualitys. the warning/malfunction light doubles as a search light(searching for the nearest wrecker to pull it in) nice paint and rims/tires. thats about all i can think of. i think that you used to be a car salesman in a past time and in the future you stand a good chance of being a politician. lol
  5. if you have a 20,000 front axle you can change the spokes and go to 12.00/ 24 like we run on the coal trucks they are a lot taller and heavier though.. joe
  6. the closest i have come to killing a deer this year is seeing one when i didnt have my bow with me last weekend it was on the back of the 4 wheeler in the case and i steped over the hill to take a piss. i think i need to quit using guns,bows,and muzzleloaders and start using my mack to hunt with. it seems to work for you verry well...joe
  7. glad to hear everythings ok.
  8. i forgot about that. that could be a posibility . or he could be on a rescue mission to save a endangered animals from texas... what hapened to the gorila havent herd anything about it in a while....joe
  9. broke belts or plies ive seen brand new goodyears and bridgestone khumo tires do this after running over rocks, rough roads railroad crossings e.c.t.
  10. around here the local napa and carquest have all dif size of nylon tubing and brass fittings. fairly reasonable too..
  11. i hope that everything is o.k. with his family. if it is there are 2 more posible explanations 1 he is hiding from momma after talking in his sleep and telling his plan to save as many R model trucks as possible. 2 he is in the woods hunting for a new bear since a guy in texas borrowed the other one and flat out refuses to return her to him.
  12. the owner should be hung from a tall tree by his sack for doin that engine swap to a classic truck
  13. thanks i didnt know but i figured it was the single axle and small single frame..
  14. the wife saw what i wrote and it didnt make her laugh though..joe
  15. this may be a stupid question but what is the diff in a U model and the Dm they look the same to me..joe
  16. hey now rob im not that old. but you forgot one. how many people are thinking about sex right now.
  17. its a good thing that i went to take a piss before i took a shower. but on the other hand if i can talk the wife into it. she is always pissing me off so mabey i can piss on her.
  18. or for the people of finland. being that us americans are to stupid to put together electrical connections from batteries to switches to the motors...joe
  19. that was so funny i almost pissed myself.joe
  20. you know i think this rob fellow is alot like my teenage kids he knows better to do some things but he just wont listen. one of these days i hope he learns before momma realy gets fed up with him. i mean what else does she have to do? shes done chewed off his nails and aflicted bodily harm (the boys) whats next? mabey he will just learn to listen and realize that all of this tourture as the teens call it is un necessary.
  21. if that hapend here in kentucky people would say they feel sorry for him because his mom and dad are brother and sister. but out in calif they just think its neat that he expreses himself that way
  22. sorry to hear this we will keep you and your family in our prayers
  23. i figured that sence i cant help leversole with pics of the inboard frame mounted spring brakes for the late 60s early70s macks. that i would still try and help him out by asking if anyone else on the site has a truck with this setup. if you do would you please post pics of it on here so he can see it. ive tried to send him pics but my computer wont let me download and post pics. so i figured that i would still try and help him out the best way i know how. thanks...joe
  24. cut open the oil filters to see if there is any metal in them.. joe
  25. how do you get pics to download to this site from the folders. ive tried everthing and cant get the picsi took for leversoe to download from the folders. joe
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