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joes mack

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by joes mack

  1. about the only radio that i know of that will work is a 510 uniden. thats what i have in wy 69 d.m. and its the same setup as your b 61.. joe
  2. the switch should be on the top cover to the rear and right of the shifter looking down through the floor...joe
  3. joes mack


    dang that reminded me of me and my first wife.
  4. i have a cut off with part of that setup on it it has the chambers and the z bars through the frame but it dont have the rods inside the frame its out of a 70 dm600 if i could find the rest of the rods and stuff i would think about puting it on my 69 dm600 to keep it more peroid correct. joe
  5. you can get them from heavy equipment dealers that service volvo or hitachi equipment. around here its rudd or mc-clung/logan. they use them in the old international payhauler trucks... joe
  6. the only reason that i herd it is that i was in a resturant or i wouldnt have listened to the stupid crap. and another thing that burns my butt was all the people cheering every time he would open his mouth. these people are so stupid and follow him so much that if he told them he was going to kill all of them they would cheer him on....joe
  7. you forgot the part about the illegal aliens and getting them legal to get tax paying jobs. he is so full of crap he makes me sick. joe
  8. rob do you think that where randy is holding her captive that when he gets romantic with her that she is really thinking of you?
  9. if i could i would send you guys some of the rain were gettin. from sun to today parts of se kentucky have gotten nearly 10 inches. you guys dnot have enough and we have too much.... joe
  10. randy if you use your dozer to help out your fellow texans and i have a lot of respect for people like you by the way. please be careful . this is just a thought for you put 4or5 fire ext on your dozer. the forestry dept has 4 on theirs around here. you never know when something will start leaking and with the embers floating in the air it could become a bad situation. ive seen 2 forestry dept dozers get burnt because of this and they only 1 ext at the time and it wasnt enough thats why they have a min of 4 now but most of all be careful ...i hope the storm brings you all some rain verry soon . mabey someone can catch the idiot from california and tie him to a tree in front of the fire and see if he wants to take out a loan...joe
  11. ive never drove a 460 that has power . dont know what it is with them but the 427s ive drove will eat them up ive even drove stock 400s that will out pull them loaded...joe
  12. hey whats up with this guy has he smoked some of the stuff that killed elvis or something. or is he same guy that has the last r700 in the u.s.
  13. rob i guess if that is the verry last one in the u.s. then yours are not real r700s they must be imposters. and for that price im guessing that it will be the verry last mack to be sold in the u.s.
  14. it could of turned out alot worse. in all my years of firefighting i never realized how fast everything that you have worked for could be lost. ive always felt sorry for the people who lost everything but ive always been on the criticized side of it for not getting there fast enough. a few people are grateful that you put your life on hold to try to help them but most are not. but now this gives me a new level of compassion for the family that has a fire. joe
  15. went to town today to take care of taxes and other things . came home and wasnt here for no more than 15 mins sitting on the couch relaxing and herd electrical arc . looked through the house and smoke was pouring from behind the wifes curio cabinet. it took all of about 10 secs for the dining room to be filled with smoke .shut off the main power smoke was still boiling from the wall so went to the garage got 10lb hammer and started beating a big hole in the wall at the outlet all while wife is in the front yard screaming and yelling get out and going nuts. ive been a vol firefighter for 21years and the fire dept is right across from my house and im the captin but its funny that while it was going on i never thought to call 911 and have them to page them. i just started doing what i know to do. thank GOD that i was home and not at work or it could have been real bad. even though i work less than a 1/2 mile away. my house was built in 1932 and the wood is well seasoned and dry and would burn like paper.me and my dad rewired the house about 10 years ago before we moved in. i dont know how but the plug outlet shorted out inside. replaced it and turned power back on and everthing is good. thank GOD for a day off.... joe
  16. leversoe im in evarts. you are prob right man its getting bad around here for that crap.the sad thing is its prob someone i know because not many people knew i was going anywhere for that reason.
  17. i got my truck in 05 and used to work it every day but the mines shut down now i work for a mines bossing and running equipment but after we lost a contract yesterday i might have time but not much spare change to work on it with.

  18. havent seen anything yet but the cops have been here looking for a truck that has been spotted around here stealing stuff this morning.
  19. we usualy dont have many problems eith that around here fairly quiet comunity. but we have had some people move into it that everyone has said that you have to watch your stuff around i think i might take a little drive and look and see if i can see my stuff..joe
  20. just got back from a little getaway with the wife and pulled up to find someone has stole the batts out of my mack. man that pisses me off...joe
  21. thanks tryin to fix it up a little but funds and time are short right now.

  22. ive had to do that in a pinch to get home but not to try and sell something. i think i would have the comon sense to remove it before taking pic of interior.
  23. did you guys also notice the new throtle return spring (bungie cord) from fuel pedal to front of seat base.
  24. you can still be grandfathered in to get your class b cdl through the fire dept all you have to do is get your chief to get the paperwork from the county clerks office and list your driving exp with your trucks over 26,001. we had a couple of guys to get theirs that way.your truck will mostlikely have a g.v.w. of more than 26,001 our 67 f750 ford has 28,500 g.v.w... joe
  25. i would like to put my 2cents in on this topic. being that i am a voulinteer fire fighter with 21 years exp. f.w.d. you have a very good point about the bafeling in the tanks and the g.v.w. capicity. and i agree with you. but on the part about the grants we have tried every year for the last 15 years to get some kind of help from fema,homeland security, state, and local govs but with no help. but on the bright side the city fire dept gets help every year seems like but it dont help us one bit because they wont come out of the city limits to help us but if they have a big fire they call us. we have 7 trucks but only 3 are in operation engine 1 is a 67 750 ford engine 2 is a 71 c900 ford with a up grade from a gas burner to a 3208 cat in 1995. this truck was given to us by another dept that closed down beacuse they couldnt get any help. and tanker 4 is a 84 L 8000 ford that holds 2000 gal and we built it our selfs. but if we could get a grant we would get a newer tanker that is properly set up for all of the reasons you have stated exp the driver part.but common sense is your best wheapon when driving on curvy roads with a unbafeled tanker. but for now we will have to make due with what we have and can aford
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