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joes mack

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by joes mack

  1. the first one was cool looks like they have plenty of practice of running from the cops. the second one just hurts to even watch those kids dont need to get into a life of crime they wont go far.. joe
  2. aint it funny that most of the laws and crap that the gov puts on the whole nation starts in cali. 1 smog control on vehicles 2 closing private family owned land to save wildlife. dont get me wrong i like animals but when you destroy income,property,and lives to give animals more rights than the people in this country have theres something wrong about that 3 gay rights 4 freedom of religion (as long as it is the same as theres) or as long as it has nothing to do with the holy bible these are a few things that the people in this country can thank the state of cali for. joe
  3. you know what realy burns his butt? a botle rocket about a foot high. that was so stupid it was funny. i almost feel sory for the kid. but when you play with fire. one day or nite you will get burned..
  4. the trucking co that i used to work for always wanted them 180 apart. the owner said with the tube type wheels it puts the weak spots of the wheels in dif places and you have fewer cracked rims. makes sence if you run tube type wheels haulin heavy loads.
  5. i couldnt agree more the people in this country need to put people with morales and pride. in the offices that govern this country,states,and towns. but that might be a problem nowdays though. where are we going to find that many people like that today. ive got it we can pick them from here. randy for prez. how many more votes out there? or nominations..
  6. the last time i was checked by the dot i was told that he thought for sure he was going to get an impound because of the maxi brakes (or lack of )on the old dog. but after about 10 mins of argueing with him he had to let me go when the older more wise dot got to the scene and told him that if it didnt come from factory with them it didnt have to have them. he said its recomended but not required. he was peed when he couldnt write anything else.
  7. i need a pair like those in black. i need a new chute for my racecar shouldnt have any prob stoping with one that big...joe
  8. thanks for all the info. i ran the dozer today and adjusted the high idle to where it puffs just a little smoke under a load when you hit the fuel pedal and let off agin. it has about twice as much power as it did yesterday and it still dont get hot so im going to leave it alone. its still not where it used to be but it will do for now. thank agin joe
  9. the machine starts like it did before (fairly easy) and before the pump went down it would roll black smoke and push like crazy. but now it wont push a full blade and doesnt smoke at all. the guy that checked the timing said it was right. (retired cat mechanic) he has his own business and cant get back on the job for another month so im trying to find something on this dozer to make it run better. ive done everything that i know to do for it. the only thing thats left is turn the pump up but im not real sure on how to do that. it has 2 screws/bolts under the rear cover. one low idle and one high idle...joe
  10. took linkage off and worked arm on the pump by hand and the rpms still wont go up much above 1/2 to 3/4 without a load on the engine.
  11. ive been working on the dozer that my friend owns we had the fuel pump rebuilt, new injectors,timing and valves checked,turbo and heads. but we cant get it to run worth a crap. i replaced the line from the intake to the fuel pump, new fuel and air filters today and it still wont rev and it barely will pull up a small hill. my question is what does the high idle screw/bolt do? if i adj it will it make it have any more power? if so how much should i go from what the rebuild shop sent it back with. my dad said its not reving up like it should he says its only got about 1/2 to 3/4 of what it should have. (he has run these old cat dozers a lot more than i ever will) thanks for any help in advance...joe
  12. if you have a torch and some spare 3/8 metal you can make the countershaft suport plates. cut the first plate with a hole big enough for the rear of the countershaft to clear and cut a hole in the second plate to screw a bolt to the countershaft to hold them in place. or you can find some spare plates off of a old trans and drill a hole in them so you can screw a bolt into the countershaft to hold them. thats the way we did it where i used to work. its a lot cheaper than buying the special tools and works just as good... joe
  13. i understand exactly. we all cant have what we want so we have to make due with what we have. but at least you are working to get what you want a little at a time. but on the bright side atleast its not a volvo or a pete. joe
  14. merry christ mas to you too. i hope that all goes well with your driving test. the truck would be even better if it were a mack though. its good to see you on here agin. i thought you had been lost or something..joe
  15. like the guys that have their fathers b models amd h models near me their dad wanted to sell them but they threw a fit saying that they wanted to fix them up. its been close to a year sence then and they havent moved a single one of them and prob never will... joe
  16. i called a friend and he said that they would work but the ratio might be difrent. which will make it work faster/slower. the best way to check is count the teeth on the pto. he said to measure them and see how far the gear sticks out of the housing on both and that will get you close on how many shims you need to get it right. but you will need to put white lithiam grease on the gears to get the mesh clearences needed for max life of pto. you might need to add or remove shims until its right...joe
  17. i dont know if it would or not.
  18. is it a 6speed trans?
  19. sorry to hear that she is ill. i will keep your family in my prayers. and will give prayer request in at church. god bless your family..joe
  20. i hope you wouldnt have it towed to worldwide equip in middlesboro ky. it would more than likely leave the same way it came in.
  21. here are some close up pics of the sirens for you fire mack they arent in perfect cond but they might not take too much work..joe
  22. thanks mike
  23. is it possible to convert a big cam 1 or 2 to a big cam 3? if its not what are the diferances in the engines? im asking for a friend that has a 1 and he likes the 3s better. thanks in advance...joe
  24. i want to apoloigze to all of you that has sent me a message in the personal conversation i just noticed it on the side of the screen. i hope that you dont think that im a butt or anything. (if you think that im stupid thats ok) i must be to not notice it before now. joe
  25. the trucking co that i work for has 2 427s 1 is a power house and the other is very sick both trucks are 03s with 5 # dif in the serial#s the one that is sick busted a lifter and wiped out the cam after the dealership replaced the cam and lifters the truck hasnt been right. joe
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