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joes mack

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by joes mack

  1. rob i took the pic of the 1968 r600 just for you i thought you would like it. having a soft spot for models and all.its got a hyd boom on it that will pick up about 12 tons all day long. i herd that the new petes will have heated frontends so tom wont have to worry about the wrecker driver getting frost bit hands in the winter tryin to hook the chains...joe
  2. hi randy the legal load limit in ky with the over weight permit is 94,500 on a tandem 120,000 with a tractor trailer. most times the trucks are way over weight so you can make a little money until the dot is around then its legal agin till there gone. cant remember the correct laws on over hang i think its 2 1/2 feet for them to be legal on the highway. most of them have car catchers under the rear of the bed at the legal space but with beds that long it makes dumping in a hopper or bin a pain in the butt without tearing the car catcher off.
  3. its tripple steel just like the macks except the front area the holes for the susp is drilled dif for the weard front axle thats under it.
  4. most of the RDs are early to mid 80s 2are 91s and the one with the 427 is a 03 and it has almost as much power as the granites with the 485 mp8s.joe
  5. fan clutch is going out. we had one of the granites do this a couple of weeks ago put new fan clutch on and hasnt done it afterwords. joe
  6. the good thing about it is they are going to part it out for extra parts and scrap the cab and frame. joe
  7. they are all coal trucks with 21-22 foot beds they will haul 50+ tons of dirty coal and about 35-36 tons of clean coal with no problem. joe
  8. here are some more. here is the tag of the trans and aux ive never herd of a 6-4. there are more but i didnt get to get pic of them. joe
  9. here are some pics i promised to get of some of the trucks where i work here is the pete with mack rears.
  10. who has been in my back yard. they stole my parts quad box and my goat. they should have knocked on my door and took my wife and the two stupid dogs with them. joe
  11. had to use 2 post to get it all on here. i forgot to write down the #s on the light. the fire dept has an even bigger wind up siren that is shaped like the two chrome ones in the pics with a red light mounted in the front of it if i can find it. they also have a big round red light and a bubble gum red light but the motors are shot in them both..joe
  12. here is some pic of the stuff i was talking about.the siren is a model 28 with ser# 2D15N1 if that helps. about the only things that are not rusted is the hood and the front bumper and grill.
  13. i tried posting in the classifieds but couldnt get it to post. im parting out a 59 c60 fire truck most of the body and cab are shot but i thought someone on here might be interested in the siren shells (no speakers) or the fender emblems. it has a 4speed bulldog trans 2speed rear and 4 fair rear tires 8.25/20s and 2 good steer tires with 2 extra rims they have 6 lugs with the rear having the double nuts and studs (i guess thats what you call them) the springs on front and rear are good. it has a federal wind up siren that takes a good battery to run it will whine verry loud and for a long time if you hit it too many times it will kill the battery. and it has 1 rear red light that is about 3-1/2 inches round and about 4/5 inches tall that is federal.the chrome is rusted some and i dont know if it rotates or just blinks or if it eaven works but the globe is good. this stuff might be of use to some of you on here. i dont have any use for this stuff i will try to get some pics tomorrow when its daylight out. joe
  14. thanks i will check the gov i was calling it a regulatior for some unknown reason (i must of had a brain fart) the trans is a 5 speed without any air to it i think its a spicer. ill look and see if i can find the check valves and check them for sealing.. joe
  15. the air will bleed off to 0 on the primary and secondary air systems over nite. but i cant find a leak any where. then it started building really slow and high air pres all at the same time. this has me wondering about the regulatior.. joe
  16. oh yea i forgot to add the truck has a belt driven air comp and the belts are tight. the truck has a 3208 in it. joe
  17. will a bad air reg let air feed back through? the truck always built air fast but now it leaks off over nite and slowly builds up and goes to 130/150 psi. normaly wouldnt be a prob but its on a fire truck and every sec counts. the truck just started doing this and i believe the high air pres caused the low air switch to start leaking. i changed the switch today... thanks in advance joe
  18. why is it every time someone gets caught with drugs or drugs are found in a vehical that they were driving and no one else has drove and they are found that they say it aint mine? the owner found a pill in a truck yesterday while we were servicing it and the driver says its not mine. but no one else drives the truck but him.
  19. tube type rim liners work well if you cant find the strap liners. just put them under the tank and straps and when you get the straps tight trim the liners with a razor knife. they look pretty good. thats what we use on the tanks when we have to change tanks.. joe
  20. heres a joke for you How do you know when a muslim is old enough to have sex? when they take the diaper off of their butt and put it on their head.. joe
  21. sorry about the pics i cant find my camera but i will get some soon i promise. but there are 14 RD 800s 2 dm 800s and 9 granites that are hauling coal from the job that im working on now. there are 2 R 600s 1 is a water truck 1 is a fuel truck. 1 DM 800 water truck and 2 DM 600s that are fuel trucks. around here mack is the king of off road hauling in the mountains. joe
  22. look in the for sale section on this site there are two MH 612s for sale. just saw them after reading your post..joe
  23. a friend of mine just bought a cool parts truck its suposed to be a 84 pete but it looks older than that to me it has a butterfly hood front end and a fiberglass cab the engine is a 400 cummins it has a 5+4 trans/auxil in it but the best part is it has 65,000 mack rears. 23,000 front axle also mack. they were told that it came factory with the tripple frame and rears. it has a coal bed on it. the truck was suposed to be made for working in the log woods in canada. the guy that sold it to them bought it at auction in michigan about 15 years ago and ran it as a coaltruck until he got out of trucking last year. im going to take my camera to work tomorrow and take some pics of it and all of the other macks that are running around.. joe
  24. your local dealer isnt worldwide equipment is it? thats who is around here and they are as useless as tits on a boar hog...joe
  25. the split ring tires can be dangerious i leave the tires on the ground and air them up to about 10 psi just to make sure the lock ring is centered and then i put them in the cage but this is not a sure way to mount them we have still had them come apart like that. about 4 mos ago one of my good friends was airing a tire up with the owner watching him everything was going fine and then boom it came apart it broke his arm, cut off his finger, dislocated and tore ligamits/tendons in his shoulder,and put a cut on the top of his head shaped like the lock ring where it hit him. the only thing that kept him alive was the good lord above most people that this happens to arent so blessed. even though i do everything i can to make mounting them safe as poss it still scares me just thinking about what can happen the cages are a good thing but we have destroyed one whih just 1 tire coming apart .. joe
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