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joes mack

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by joes mack

  1. for the 8LL i dont know about that you can convert it to a 18 speed but mabey a 15 speed sence they have the same back box. i might be wrong but i think its the 13 speed that you can convert being that they use the same back box. i dont know about the front boxes on any of these trans but with the back boxes being the same on the ones that i listed mabey its poss but ive not seen anyone do it. joe
  2. i dont know if you can rebuild them or not but i tried to mine with no luck. so i called watts mack and got one for my 69 DM600 it was 66.35 for a brand new one. all of the mack dealers and parts houses around here told me that it was discontinued and they couldnt get it. but give watts mack a call i bet you that they have it or can get it within two days. if they are the same switch the part # is 745-228165N their number is 724 668 2201 i talked to tom and barry and both of them knew exactly what part that i needed when i gave them a brief description of the switch that i had... joe
  3. it does it all the time thats why he pulled the heads thinking it was a valve or a seat. you can put the hose on the block, air compressor, and the heads and you cant hardly hear it but when you put it on the front of the engine where the compressor bolts its real loud. joe
  4. a friend of mine just bought a 84 rd with a 400 cummins in it and it has a knock in the engine he pulled the heads off and had them checked and a valvejob done on them and the engine still knocks we took a hose and placed aginst the heads/block and found that its coming from the aircompressor mounting point on the block. my questions are is there timing gears under the cover. and could there be a broke tooth on one of the gears making the noise??? i dont know a whole lot about cummins engines and im just guessing about the problem with this engine. but other than the knock the engine runs fine revs up good and sounds good. he drove the truck about 40 miles to his shop and it never missed a beat. he dont want to work the truck until it is fixed any info will be a great help. i allmost forgot it is a big cam 3 ..joe
  5. ive seen this problem with duals and singles on the tractor as well as the trailers arround here. it prob dont help with hauling 50/60 tons every load on these curvy roads..joe
  6. today i got to drive one of the new trucks and the thing is awesome for just 20 more hp it feels like a 100 and the engine brake is alot stronger than the 2010s they bought 2mos ago. but the best part is the fuel consumpion( i guess thats spelled right) i hauled the same amount of loads as the 2010s and it used about 25 gal less fuel. joe
  7. the new trucks are allrite if the gov dont add new emission to truck makers in the near future they might get everything sorted out on them. they have got a good handle on things right now with the exception of a few problems that keep hapening with them. but the piss thing really throwed me for a loop. this is the first time that i have ever herd anything about it. guess i should watch more tv mabey modern marvels should do a show on the emissions of diesel engines in the near future. so hillbillys like me wont get freaked out like me about burning piss to help keep the emissions under control... joe
  8. they told us that the trucks should be good for at least 2 weeks mabey more between regens. joe
  9. have any of you all seen the new emissions set up on the 2011 granites what a crock of bull. the company that i work for just bought 4 we were talking to the local parts guy today and he really blowed my mind with the emissions fuel that the trucks use. i cant belive that burning piss is a good way to control emissions. the mix is 67.5% water and 23.5% uerea( which is piss) im not kidding look it up. this has just blowed my mind (which isnt much anyway).i wonder which volvo engineer got drunk and took a whiz in the fuel tank of one of the older trucks and found out that it would get more mileage before having to burn it off...joe
  10. the 2 that i have are dual disc pull type and the trans are both 7220's ...joe
  11. the pres relief popets are in the end caps of the steering box on the DM, R models, and the RD trucks that i have worked on they take a flat screwdriver to adjust they are 2 of them 1 on top and 1 on bottom of the boxes most times they are a pain in the butt to get to move because of the dirt/road grime will freeze them up if i remember right turn them out to increase wheel turn turn them in to decrease wheel turn. joe
  12. it will bolt up with the flywheel housing and the trans mounts but i dont know about the driveline work the quad box is a long trans. if you are close enough to eastern ky that shiping wouldnt kill you i have 2 that i would sell 1 for parts it has a chiped tooth on the big gear in the back of the main box and needs a bearing kit. the other one is still in the truck it workes good but has a whine in high split 5th thats loud it might need bearings in the back box. im going to put a 6speed in my truck because i have to hire a driver for it and not many people knows how to drive a quad box any more. plus the 6speed will handle the tork better than the quad for what im doing with the truck. joe
  13. the 900s look just like the one that my great uncle had. (except not that nice) and his was a coal truck with a 20 foot dump bed. the last tine i saw his truck after he sold it it was a log truck and that was about 15 years ago and havent seen it sence.
  14. cant get much better than that. delivered to your back yard. but it would be even better if someone would have cleaned it for you. i love animals( there delicious ) .joe
  15. that is the engine shutdown light it might be overheating, low or lost oil press low coolant level belts missing or sliping bad or it could be bad sensors or guages . any thing is poss with these newer trucks. most times when the engine shutdown light comes on on our trucks its the fan belts or the coolant levels that are the problem. but we have seen the electrical system cause havoc with these trucks also . joe
  16. those are good looking trucks. what were the other heavy trucks that dodge had was they D 1000s or something my papaws brother had one that was difrent from the bighorn and it had the same specs as his big horn.. joe
  17. i would love to have one of those they are a good looking truck my grandfather used to haul coal with one it had a 8v92 in it ilove the sound of those 2 stroke engines expecially when they are on the jake. but his truck was short lived it came out of gear coming off the mountain while loaded he jumped out and the truck made it to the bottom only it was in pieces..joe
  18. i was sitting at wotk today looking at the macks hauling by the shop and got to wondering if mack ever made any DM 700 series trucks i know they made the R models in the 700s but ive never seen a DM 700. joe
  19. if this was my truck i wouldnt put head bolts from another mfg. mack only expecially if the heads are new or remaned with warr. i would call watts mack and talk to them they are cheaper than the mack parts/dealers around here on there parts. this is just my opinionon the head bolts.. joe
  20. how do you get in touch with them the local mack dealer acts like they dont know how to get in touch with the warehouse folks for info on the cabs. (they prob dont want to)...joe
  21. i was driving a 09 granite with one on it and i could come down the mountain with 12/14% grades in 4th high split or 5th low split with a 18speed trans and hauling 38 to 40 tons without riding the brakes verry much at all. and the trucks just like it without the driveline brake had to come off the mountain in 2nd high or 3rd low and ride the brakes alot. the ones on the rds with them works well too. the only drawback i can see with useing them on a highway truck is the weight (prob close to 1000 pounds) but if you can live with the extra weight the mountain and hills will be no problem. just remember to grease the u joints every 2 days if you use it alot because of the extreme heat the unit puts out. joe
  22. sometimes the latch mechanism will get dried out like the other poster said and it can cause problems. the little thin piece of metal that is on the key cyl can get bent when trying to unlock it if it is hard to turn the key. like he said clean it and spray it down with penitrating oil should free it up. joe
  23. measure the outside to outside leingth on the old one if its only the bushing bad and the rod hasnt sliped the threads this should get you real close if not dead on. a comealong or chainfall works well to help with getting the bolt holes lined back up thats the way we change them on the trucks we work on. (my 2 cents worth) joe
  24. does anyone know if the converson kits are still avil to change from single round to dual rectangle headlights on the DM steel front end trucks? ive been thinking about changeing the old dog over to them sence im doing paint and body work on it any way i allways liked the DM800s with the dual lights and think that the old 600 would look good too... joe
  25. i will have to agree with h.k. my friend that has 7 trucks with 8speed trans in them has lost 2 back boxes this week both of them on the low side. the high side worked fine though... joe
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