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joes mack

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by joes mack

  1. the axle and rollers im talking about are the ones that go on the s cam they are 2 piece not 1 piece like the newer ones the older ones had a axle that goes through holes in the end of the shoe then the roller goes on the axle then the axle goes through the other hole and you line the axle up and lock it in place with a roll pin. joe
  2. that would prob be to good for him. wouldnt want to get that stuff on my chain..joe
  3. the guys at worldwide equipment (MACK dealer) are the ones that tols me that they were not avil anymore buy like i said before on here if it aint new they dont want to look up anything for them if they cant find it on the computer thats why everyone around here are going to other brands of trucks.. joe
  4. what a waste of time we had today went to get the truck which was suposed to be in fair shape the frame was broke behind cab the bed had holes cut out of the floor where they removed the drop ins the hood was missing the only thing left of the engine was the block crank and 5 rods/pistons my friend was pissed when we got to guys house and saw the truck i had to laugh at him for trusting the guys word and not going to check it out first this guy is known to do things like this but i didnt know this was where we were going or i would have told him about him and his good deals. joe
  5. a friend of mine just bought a 1974/5 DM800 with a v8 (blown up) and wants me to help him put a 300 in it what will be involved with this engine swap? will front engine mount work with the 300 or will we have to find one for the 300/237? will rad be a problem? going to go pick it up this morning when the roads get plowed/salted stupid snow..joe
  6. im getting redy to do a brake job on the old ugly dog and the shoes that are on my truck have the old 2 piece rollers on them i guess that is what you call them they have a axle with a roller on them and the axle is held to the shoe with a roll pin. but the local parts stores say that they are not avil any more. a guy in the store told me that the best option would be to convert it to a 44,ooolb quick change shoe.my rears are 55,000lb i know the only dif in the centers is the axle gears but what about the housings. will i have to change the brake spyders to fit the quick change shoes or will they fit the reg brake spyders??? joe
  7. me and my cousin had a pete with a det 470/500 in it i dont know if the mack engine works the same way but when the det got in a hard pull is when it would go to 500 for a little extra power. but with gross weight under 80,000 (road truck) it didnt get in a hard pull verry often. i hope this helps a little...joe
  8. just glad to know that you are allrite and not pushing a ford to the garage to stay warm .
  9. ididnt know what happend i thought mabey you got into trucking school or something and didnt have time to pick i mean talk to every one any more. lol...joe
  10. rob that almost sounds like some of the hunting trips that i have been on with my brother he snores so loud we have to camp about a mile and a half from where we hunt and the deer still wear ear plugs.joe
  11. man that aint eaven right but verry funny i thought mabey he traded his chevy for a ford and him and rowdy were trying the hand warmers out on the tailgate pushing it from one garage to another.
  12. how is that possible
  13. what happend to double L havent seen him on here for a while? did he get to start trucking schoolor something?
  14. biggin my friend has a 2010 (forgive me for this) pete and the exaust was mounted to the cab and his air ride wouldnt work eather and we took some 2x2 tubing and made some exaust mounts and tied it together like the mounts on a R series truck and it worked really good for him. air ride works now. he said it made all the diff in the world with the way it rides (rubber block susp verry rough ride) . joe
  15. nice lookin fleet you have there really like the b my fav color too. joe
  16. i know where a superliner is i think it is a 87 or 88 model with a 400 cummins with the piss cranked out of it 15 speed RR trans 52,000 hend walking beam rears (heavyspec) tractor coaltruck but the price is too high for me to givefor it and worn out trailer (40,000).joe
  17. thanks i figured it out ckicked on everything fignaly hit the avatar and it got it.thanks agin joe
  18. how do you post pics where your name is i cant figure it out. joe
  19. its fairly heavy but i wish it was heavier it has 55,000lb rears and double frame. when i hauled with it full time it would usualy 40-45 tons a load without any problems but that is just too much weight for a double frame truck in my opinion but you have to do it or you cant make any money arround here. the bed is only 19feet long it was about 20inches taller but i cut the side boards off to cut down on the weight some but it didnt help a whole lot it still would haul 38-40 tons. im still in the process of getting another truck(hopefully) eather a dm800 or rd800 with tripple frame and 65,000lb rears and a bigger bed 21-22 foot/96-102inches high then i can haul the weight that i need with a little more peace of mind. joe
  20. i think i figured this out (how to post pics) here are some pics of my old ugly truck 1969 DM611SX orig had 250 thermodyne 18speed quadbox but i have repowered it with 237 maxidyne still has the quadbox 7.49 55.000lb rears. if the snow ever quits im going to start rebuilding the bed and fix the cab and paint back to orig colors. dark blue with white stripe or silver stripe.
  21. i went out and checked the bumpers yesterday and they are made out of 3/16 sheet metal and have rubber conveyor belt riveted to them they eaven have extra brackets and bolts with them i took pics but cant get them to post so i will try something else. joe
  22. if you guys are still looking for one i have 2 curved bumpers 1 looks like it is made for a mack like gambis and 1 looks like it fits a IH they are heavy duty home made from 1/8 or 1/4inch steel not really sure (snowing too much to check them out close) i dont realy know what they fit got them with in a lot of misc parts someone gave to the vol fire dept im on. they look real good someone knew what they were doin when they built them if you get me some measure ments i will check them out will let them go cheap if they will work. they (wont fit anything we have). will try to get some pics if i can figure out how to do it (may have to get the wife or kids to post them)joe
  23. i know what you mean about that we had a fire call one day and had to take all of the trucks (we have 5 but only 2 are diesels with the cats) and the neighbors son came down to the firescene and told us that the ststion was on fire he lives out of town and didnt know we had the two old cat motor trucks it was pretty funny when a couple of the guys went to check it out. joe
  24. this might be a stupid question but what is the diff about the wedge brakes? i got a cut off for extra parts for my truck and the cams and shoes are difrent than the ones on my truck the cams on the cutoff look like Z's and the shoes have a flat spot on them instead of rollers. are these wedge brakes? joe
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