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joes mack

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by joes mack

  1. joes mack


    i like that rob.. i think its past time for that. if we dont get him out of there we wont need to wory about the engines in our trucks because we wont be able to drive them. (stupid tree huggers) or we will never see a fair electric bill any more because of (stupid tree huggers) trying to ban coal for energy use. which will put several hundred thousand people out of work in ky,va,wva,oh,pa,ind, and many other states...joe
  2. well this must be my familys unlucky week my wifes aunt got in a wreck today with a tractor trailer coal truck she slid on ice hit the truck in the tandems now she is in icu at the horsepital. with luck like this im not taking my truck out tomorrow i might be next. lol mabey its just the women drivers in this part of ky. the trucking company didnt get any fines in this wreck it was her fault. mabey we do have one dot in ky with some sense after all.(to be determend at a later date we are suposed to get more snow this weekend)...joe
  3. the gov in ky is so stupid the fire dept/rescue squad that im on got called to a wreck this morning car vs coal truck the car lost cont side swiped RD800 mack truck totaled car. broke drag link busted tire busted fuek tank on truck. after the wreck the dot fined trucking co for spilled fuel on highway. being across center line and so on. this really burns my butt because i own my own truck too. i mean come on the truck was just in a wreck its not like he could control the truck with a broken drag link (duh) th woman which is my aunt by the way is o.k. for what happend. broken leg/arm it could of been a lot worse. it just goes to show you that you have to have no common sense to be put in a a position of authority just a college grad. and that its allways the truckers fault we can never win. i hope its not this way every where for the truck drivers/owners sake.
  4. when you turn 21 if you still dont have your training you can go to some trucking co like eagle or super service and sign up for training they will train you in one of their trucks and hire you. for a set time or a set amount of miles. thats the way a friend of mine got his the inst was a driver for them and helped him with what works and what dont. (truck drivers way/ gov way). i know that they do this in somerset ky. not sure if they have one near you or not but they have a lot of terminals all over the country.i dont know if this helps you in your problem but i sure hope it will... joe
  5. those are good machines just be careful and check for cracks in the boom and stick and buckets because if they havent had the hyd pumps turned down they are very strong they are known to tear them selfs apart. i have run pc60s pc200s/270s 300s and pc1000s in the const and mining jobs i have been on if not turned down they come from the factory with more power than cat/hitichi machines do. joe
  6. my truck is a dm600 and im having problems with my shutters on the rad also mine are froze and i cant get them to move even with a 18 inch screwdriver the air ram is shot its not connected or anything how would i get into the linkage on this thing without removing the rad. joe
  7. you can spread a load with the 6 speed put the pto in when the bed starts to raise put the main in 1st put the compound in low pull out like you normaly would. trip the gate start shifting the main. just be sure you put a cable on the bed to stop the hoist pump when the bed tops out or it will bind the pump and possibly bust it..joe
  8. i think they need to move to southeast ky and take over the local dealership/parts house then we wouldnt have so many truck owners switching to the other brands(junk) if they could get some good help with their mack trucks.
  9. what kind of trans do these trucks have to hold all that power?
  10. thanks to everyone for being so friendly with help to all my questions. you have helped me with alot of info on engines, trans, air brake parts, and any other questions that i have had. i like this site and all of the members that i have saw on here. this is my favorite site on the net im glad that i have found it. you all are good people on here willing to help with the old macks. i wish the local dealership/parts house was as nice and as profesional as you people are but if it aint new they dont even want to look up parts for it. thanks agin for all your help... joe
  11. hello to everyone this is now my favorite site on the net lots of good people on here that are willing to help you out.. thanks everyone

  12. this truck owner is asking 16,000 for the truck and his spot with the company he hauls for. with the info you have given me i think it would be a good buy considering i have another truck to haul with while im changing small parts on this one. the truck has been took care of sence it was new 1 o/o he is just redy to retire. thanks for all the info.. joe
  13. the temp run between 140 when at bottom fo mountain getting redy to dump and 180 when pulling the other side loaded in 2nd 3rd direct at the hardest pull at about 1700/1750 rpm. the owner says that it does this even in the summer time. could this be bad injectors bypassing fuel. when at idle or on the jake coming down the mountain?
  14. it smells like fuel.
  15. its not the engine brake on when its at a idle its strong enough to kill the engine on the low side. its when the truck is setting long enough to get loaded at idle or when hauling coal down the mountain with the jake on. sorry for the confusion i should of clarified myself in the orig post. you have to look over me im a sleep deprived moron. joe
  16. im thinking about buying a 1977 dm800 with a 300 engine 6 speed trans my question is what would cause the engine smoke white when idleing and on the jake? when you get back on the fuel it will clear up and still has plenty of power it runs good until you let it set for a few mins at idle then it smokes agin no matter what the engine temp. i hope this is something simple. thanks for reading my post joe
  17. i hope if there going to keep them they will try yo fix them and not just let them sit and rot or scrap them i love those old macks and like to look at them. but some people just dont think like we do and are only out for their own selfish ways like scraping them for $100 when they could sell them for $500 or more. and let someone enjoy them for a hobby of to put them back to work. joe
  18. hello all im sorry to have to post this but the old macks wont be sold the guys sons decided they wanted to keep them i went to get some pictures to post and they were being pricks and buttholes about the trucks. so i didnt get any pics. the old man was argueing with them and told them they wouldnt ever do anything with them anyway so they needed to be sold but they didnt want to let them go. but i will try to check on them from time to time to see if they change their mind sorry for posting about them and getting anyones hopes up.. joe
  19. i went to this old guys house looking for parts but i got a suprise i go by this place allmost every day and had no clue what he had out back of his property he has 2 f models 3 h models and 3 b models hes getting pretty old and he said he was going to sell all of these trucks or scrap them if he couldnt sell them i told him that i would get on here and tell youall about them if anyone would be interested i will talk to him and try to get some prices for them they are all tandems but i dont know how big they are im guessing 38/44s thanks for reading joe
  20. o k thanks for the info i went to this guys house he has 2 f models 3 h models and 3 b models hes getting up in years and is going to start selling these trucks or scraping he said if any one would be interested in these i could talk to him to try to get some prices for them. joe
  21. do you have to change the whole counter shaft or does the gear come off of it? my gear is still good no chiped teeth or cracks as far as i can see. joe
  22. i was just thinking that if they were the same front box then mabey i could switch the back ones out with mine but i know there a two diffrent quads a big and a small one but i dont know about the tri. id hate to buy them only to find out they wont work i guess im just being a cheap skate trying to enginer something up so i dont have to spend so much money. if anyone knows if they will work like that please let me know thanks joe
  23. thanks for the info im just glad to know that its nothing major with the engines because of driver error or something because these engines/trucks get treated pretty rough cold starts building the air up and running on the floor with not much warm up time. will try to find the heaters on these trucks and see if it makes a difrence because its verry cold here in the hills(12deg) right now.and going to be colder tomorrow.thanks agin joe
  24. thanks for the reply i thought they might of been connected some how i wasnt sure i just didnt want to be the only stupid person on this site. joe
  25. were brockway trucks part of mack trucks my friend has one hes parting out and the cab looks just like his r model mack doors and everything mount just like it would fit on the mack. joe
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