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joes mack

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by joes mack

  1. this might be one of the dumbest questions ever but do all of these engines smoke like crazy and smell like raw fuel when you start them up? the fire dept im on just got two trucks 1 is a 1971 ford cabover pumper with a turbo engine the other is a 1985 L8000 tanker we got them from another fire dept that got some newer tuucks via federal grants. (for some odd reason we cant get any help getting them guess were not a big enough community )but both engines were remans 1 in 95 the other in 96 and both smoke like that when cold but when they warm up to about 100 deg neather one of them smoke. they both run fine expecialy the turbo engine any help would be greatly apprecated thanks joe
  2. thanks for the info called aldermans today they dont have any in stock but they will rebuild mine for 2000 for shiping gears and everything. i was shocked to hear the price because it was so cheap to rebuild compaired to other places. now i have another stupid question does the triplex and the quad have the same front box? a friend told me where two triplex trans are at that are in cabover trucks that i pass every day and i didnt even know that they were macks. thanks agin for the info this is the best place on the net in my book and the members are the best too.. joe
  3. thanks for the info do you know how to get in contact with them. joe
  4. thanks for all the info on the trans looks like in going to have to swap in the 6 speed took it out last nite split the cases. main shaft roller bearings on tranny was in bottom of trans not good. broken gears on main shaft 3 teeth missing on big gear at back. (rip quad box) hello 6 speed thats gonna suck. love the 18 speed for haulin coal off road/highway just cant beat them. thanks agin for all the info and time to read my post.. joe
  5. its me agin back on here to bother you all with another question since the 8ll got sold allredy im back to the drawing board agin i scraped the whole tranny to get the numbers this is how they read. stamped nos 0 1220 9B4456 11KBA5916 BP2 cast# on r side of case 284KB5152A LFC 12-3-73 rear box cast# Part#222758 HF2 part# 281KB588p1 i know some parts are discontinued but im hopeing some of you may know where i can get a rebuild kit and gaskets/seals for this thing its driving me nutts. just kidding im allredy there. any info on this thing would be greatly appreciated local mack dealer/parts house wont even try to look up parts for me. (bunch of snobs) if it aint new they dont know anything about it. youall are my only hope for geting the trans fixed. thanks joe.
  6. have you had this truck long? it could be a lot of difrent things. tires mismatched, mismatched rears, throughshaft penuts/gears, bearings in rears, top section dry of oil in rears if mack rears. pinion dry on oil,wheel bearings, brakes hanging rears dry on oil. thats about all i can think of in the rear of the truck. power divider should not cause it to feel bound up but its a truck anything can happen.
  7. i know the engine is only been rebuilt for about 5 years by local mack dealer it was an exchange i think it is the newer style it has 2 oil filters the one that came out of it only had 1 big one dont know if there are that much difrence in them. old style or new style. how do you put pictures on here id like to put some on here like you guys have? (love the B models almost bought one i think they are one of the best lookin trucks ever made) you guys have some sharp trucks.. joe
  8. if the goverment gets their way they wont be any mines left. will the bell housing off the 350 mack fit the 237? i have no idea about this stuff ive only changed engine/trans with same type that was in the truck ive never tried to retofit any thing on a mack done alot to race cars before though. ihave no idea who rebuilt it but were probabily paid with pot or beer arround here. joe
  9. everyone around here that has parted out trucks thinks there goin to quit makin trucks or something you can just about buy new parts for what they want for theres. i found another quad pretty close bit the guy wanted 5000 for it i think it had gold gears in it or something. i guess he didnt want to sell it. i gave less than that for my truck 8years ago. but had to do a lot of work to it to get it road worthy but shes starting to have problems agin. joe
  10. do any one know anyone that does rebuilds on the quadbox trannys mine is so loud you cant stand to be in the cab in high split it was suposed to rebuilt when the guy gave it to me but it dont sound too good. i was also wanting to know if a 8ll out of a 87 RD888 would be fairly easy to swap in to my 1969 DM600 with a 237 the RD has a 350 in it will the bell housings match up? i dont know anyone whi has ever done a swap like that before most put a 6 speed in but that would slow it down too much sence my truck has 7.58 rears and the RD has 7.29 and it used to run about 55 on the highway before it was wrecked. any help would be greatly appreciated. i want to keep the truck running good because it drives like a dream loaded or empty and i like it better than some of the newer ones i have drove for years. mabey it is because it is mine or it is better built than the DMs/RDs ftom the 80/90s. i would like to retire it so i can restore it one day but cant aford to sence coal busines arround here is so slow. cant even find a haul for it now. evereone has under cut the haul bills no one can make any money. thanks joe
  11. my ole dm 600 has a 237 with a quad box when driving down the road loaded or empty the trans starts makin a noise when i shift to direct when i go to hi split it gets so loud you cant stand to be in the cab. the rears are in good shape i just put this trans in a couple months ago. someone told me it was the back box. the one i took out wasnt nearly as loud. and this trans was suposed to be rebuilt.
  12. does anyone know the part# has 1 male fitting from tank 2 female fittings 1 from foot valve other to brake chambers has rubber top with terminals. local mack dealer says part not av any more.local napa, carquest wont attempt to look for it. need help finding one (no brake lights) dot's love to see me on the road. easy ticket..
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