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joes mack

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by joes mack

  1. when we removed the engine out of our 1979 cf we used a mechanics truck with a 5 ton auto crane.
  2. got a couple more pics of our fleet of Engines that I couldn't get to download the other day.
  3. I sent you a pm
  4. I sent you a pm with my contact info
  5. the head lights on engine 1 was put in when the truck was refurbed at pierce they have strobe tubes in them which all the lights on it are strobes. I personally don't care for them I think it would be better if they would of put the strobes in a set of round ones.
  6. I know there all your favorites don but you kind of have a special bond with engine 2 after driving it almost 800 miles for 2 days from conn to ky at 55-60 mph.
  7. here is some pictures of our mack engine fleet. left to right engine 1 1973 1250/750 engine 2 1976 1250/750 engine 3 1250/1,000 engine 4 1750/500
  8. oh ok so if I want to get hold back I will have to manually down shift.
  9. 1986 how do they hold. do they stay in the same gear do they down shift I have no clue
  10. we have got a cf engine that has a 350 and Allison auto. I have been working on the truck and fixed the engine brake now my question is how does it work with the auto
  11. we haven't tried for any kind of grants but I know that the state of Kentucky has grants for the fire departments for everything from gear to buildings. I'm not sure what the match is though. I do know that we get $11,000 a year in state aid and we can use part of it for building repair and construction. but with that being the majority of the money we receive for the year its hard to do much with it when you have to buy gear and equipment.
  12. General Ike thank you for your comments. it is tough to do what we do with what little we have to work with as far as resources go and the roads. but to us its just normal if there is such a thing. to answer your questions about cawood/martins fork area sunshine fire department is covering the area as both departments are now closed. the conditions are not idea for them either because of the time it takes them to get there (20 to 45 mins ) depending on where the fire is located. but there are plans in place to build another station in that area soon. they are already getting the trucks for that area to go in the new station as soon as its built.
  13. the 76 cf is a great truck we also have a 73 cf that we run almost as much as the 87 when its all said and done we will have the 87 and 73 and 2 2,000 gallon tankers at station 1 and the 76 and 86 and 2 2,000 gallon tankers at station 2.
  14. as far as I know they are different engines but I don't know much about international engines. except they will last forever when treated right.
  15. engine is a 6v92 T A 350 hp @2100 rpm
  16. here are some pics of the truck we are wanting to sell it is a 1985. the truck runs and drives good but it will not pump. I'm not sure if it is the top gear in the transfer case or the pump shaft splines stripped or both. truck was bought new for plainview NY sold to lower cloverfork and now yocum creek has it. if anyone is interested in the truck I can take more pictures.
  17. after doing more research on the engine it is a 446. it has dropped the exhaust valve on the #1 cyl the head is junk the block doesn't seem to be bad but I haven't had it checked yet. carlotpilot would you be interested in selling one of the engines? if so you can call me at 606 837 8333 (home) 606 505 9082 (cell) my name is joe
  18. Hello everyone, I am looking for a 404 international gas engine for one of the fire trucks we just inherited from a fire department that closed its doors. We have taken over their trucks and their station, and the 1980 pumper/tanker has a blown engine. The #1 piston is laying in the oil pan in 1/4 inch chunks and the rod is bent. I haven't tore it the rest of the way down yet to see what all else is wrong. (former members of the former department have it to where it is now ). The oil pump and pick up tube are missing and a few other parts are missing as well. The truck is an S1800 if this helps. if anyone knows of any where we can find one please let me know. Thanks, Joe
  19. I have driven both the e7 350s and 400s and in a hard pull the 400s would pull the same weight a lot easier in the same gear but not enough to go to the next gear with a 8 speed. but then again we normally hauled between 38 to 42 tons of coal on the mountain haul roads which were a lot steeper than most of the highways in the whole country.
  20. bull dog lower cloverfork got shut down for not being in compliance with the state for several years they lost all of there funding from the state and county governments including workers comp. I don't want to throw anyone under the bus but it is what it is. this has been a ongoing problem for the last several years and we all tried everything we could to keep them open. but the economy in Harlan county and the state of ky just made the officals decision to close the doors easier. they have been shut down 2 times before this but were reopened and this time they just said no more. we will be putting 1 engine (76 cf from Cromwell ct ) and 1 tanker in the building as soon as we get the go ahead from the county government. and I will begin getting a couple of the other trucks running that are down there.
  21. sorry guys I did type it wrong it should of said we now have 4 cf macks and we are going to be getting rid of a 84 American lafrance sorry for the confusion
  22. I know this is a Mack forum and don't know if I am in the right spot, however Yocum Creek Fire Dept has taken on the former Lower Clover Fork Fire Station and had a suggestion that we needed to thin down the fleet. We now have 4 Mack CFs we are going to get rid of and an 84 American LaFrance. Would there be anyone interested in this truck? The truck runs and drives but will not pump due to a bad transfer case. I will try and post pictures of the truck soon. We are selling this truck to try and purchase much needed tools, gear and to try to get some of the other trucks up and running. Thanks, Joe
  23. we have one off of the 79 cf were parting out but I know its a long way from you
  24. you can take another truck or a good hydrant and push it out it took about 100 psi to push the last 3 out of ours and waterous says you can do it with the truck its self if you can engage the pump which I couldn't due to not having the drive shaft in it put the pump in volume if its a 2 stage pump and slowly build pressure (may take up to 300 psi ) to push the packing out.
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