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joes mack

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by joes mack

  1. they are from holmesmill leversole they told me today that the truck was speced with a 4.86 I think rear. and it runs about 50/52 mph which is about the same as our cf I can get 55 going down hill lol which is plenty fast enough on our narrow and curvy roads our truck has the 237 and theirs has the 300.
  2. Bristol is only about 90 miles from evarts Harlan county now has 7 cf trucks that I can think of off the top of my head the one that big moose mack and the one that we have are brother trucks they both came from Essex county nj and the one that evarts fire dept has came from schooleys mtn fire dept in nj and they were sold at the same time. to wynn fire in corbin ky
  3. did you get it started and back in the station today
  4. ok thanks for the info
  5. no idea just said with the vin it used disc brakes will vin help you identify
  6. i need help knowing how to replace the rear brakes on a CF it says it has disc brakes anyone know anything about them
  7. everything is ok here except for the druggies and the thiefs. but no we didnt make it in time with the grant to file we missed it by but we learned a lot of stuff by doing it we still have the specs and we will b redy next year hopefully and thanks for the info fdny trucks you are the man!!!
  8. the fire dept that some of my friends are on are looking to buy a cf mack and are wanting to find out some info on where the truck came from and specs on the truck the vin# is 1m2a152c6hmoo1188 thanks in advance for any and all info..
  9. that sucks it just wont be the same without you on here all the time. but i hope you will be back with us from time to time
  10. bulldog the 67 is back in service new shoes, wheel cyls, and lines. drums were good with no lip or groves. it will scoot the wheels now fully loaded with equip and 750 gals of water if you want too. fxfymn. the transfer case barely had any metal at all in it no chunks or anything just fine stuff in the oil. those must some very hard gears in there.
  11. the truck is back in operation now. man that scared me when i called waterious about the prob and the price to repair if it was a shift fork bent.but thankfully it was just junk in the spring sleve binding it up and a new 3 prong push button switch to lock the trans in high gear. i guess the junk in the sleve has been building up for a while and finaly caused a prob. but the idiot not shifting the pump right didnt help either though. thanks for all of the information that you shared. joe
  12. its still in service in evarts ky. it has been re painted its now white where it was yellow. we had a fire monday night and it still pumps great.
  13. got under truck and watched the linkage again and noticed a brass sleve with a spring in it and spring was gummed up with dirt and sprayed it with pb blaster and it started to loosen up and now it works back and forth all the way but the pump still dont turn fast enough. also noticed a push button switch that the button is stuck on and dont work and the indicator lights on the pump switch dont work now. does this switch lock the trans in high gear for the pump to turn at a faster speed
  14. thanks for all replies. the truck drives fine and dont make any noise except when tryin to engage the pump it acts like it is halfway going into gear but not fully engaging it kicks out of drive gear but wont engage the pump. the electric motor looks like it has been changed recently as it has new bolts holding it to the transfer case. but im thinking the person that said it might be a shift fork might be right when we put in manual shift you can turn the shifter about 1/2 inch but no more i even tried to help turn it with my hands with another guy pulling the leaver. i hope it is not really expensive to fix as we dont have alot of money to fix anything but like was said earlier it might be worth finding another truck for parts. its a shame that this has happend to this truck we just got it in january and now this bozo done what he done if i get my way he will be looking for anothe dept to join as he will no longer be on this one
  15. i need help bad the pump shift wont engage on the mack we have tried it with the electric and the manual override but it still wont engage either way. this all started after one of our know it all firefighters got in the truck and tried to engage the pump without puting it in N and i plainly told him not to do it. well just so hapens we were at a fire and were moping up the scene and he goes and gets in the truck with it still in pump gear and flips the switch to disengage the pump. after i fignaly got to the truck and put it in N and got it to stop grinding he looks at me and says thats the way we did it at the last dept i was at. i lost it and told him this is not the last dept he was at and that he was not suposed to be fooling with the truck any way since he didnt listen the last time he did it that i better not catch him even touching the truck. but the dammage has allredy been done. the truck has a waterious pump model YBX does anyone know if the gears are brass or steel. and if they are hard to change and roughly how much they cost. i know that its a vol fire dept and i shouldnt have talked to him the way that i did but this is the nicest truck we have ever had and one of the best pumping trucks in the county. i guess i take pride in the CF and want to keep it around for a while and some people could care less because it dont belong to them. i guess ron white is right you cant fix stupid .
  16. happy birthday hope its a cool one
  17. looks like the original ones have rotted off and someone has made a set out of thicker metal. if you look at the 1st pic one is thicker than the other
  18. send fdnytrucks a message and i bet he knows where it is or can find for you
  19. so far we have two companies that are willing to build on a mack chassis and its only going to make the price slightly higher than the freight liner that they normaly offer. fema says that the manual is still an option for trucks but n.f.p.a. recomends the auto and they pretty much agree for most of the reasons stated in other post and that it is one less distraction for the driver so they can keep an eye on the road and concentrate on what dispatch is telling them instead of shifting gears. im starting to come arround to the auto a bit as the C F has one and we are starting to get more calls than usual so im gettin plenty of seat time with the auto and the C F. unless something changes the CF more than likely will never have another home. as it has now become our first out engine being that im the driver and i live next door to the fire house lol.
  20. i figured that they get kick backs from the dealers to push off brand trucks. im going to contact fema and see if they have restrictions for the manual trans or if the mfgs are pulling my leg about the trucks and trans since we are trying to get the grant from them if they are not any restrictions someone out there will build a mack im sure i have seen one on fdnytrucks site.
  21. we fignaly have a chance of getting a new n.f.p.a. approved fire truck and i have a few questions about specs for it. the tank is going to be 3,000 gal and the pump is going to be 750 or 1,000 g.p.m. to classify as a pumper/tanker. i dont like the chassis the diferent mfg.s offer as they only offer freightliner, international, peterbuilt,or kenworth. no macks what so ever. i have contacted several builders but none offer mack. my concerns are which of these is the better truck, and which engines are most reliable cummins or detroit. and what allison trans do you recomend they offer 4 or 6 speeds. i would like to get a manual trans but n.f.p.a. does not recomend them (or so i am told by m.f.g.) they also recomend a engine with at least 350 H.P. but i was thinking more along the lines of 400 to 450 because of the hills and curvy roads that we have here. if all goes well this one truck will take the place of 3 non compliant trucks. (2 tankers and 1 pumper) and we will gain 500 gallons of water in the process. the truck will only be a 2 door cab and as short as possible and still be compliant as it will be a tandem axle truck because of the tank capicity. any and all info will greatly be appreciated. thanks for reading and giving input on this truck...joe
  22. nice setup old race car and mack it dont get much better
  23. sjdjmillhose.pdf
  24. friend of mine has one in a truck that he has had for 5 years and he said it quit building boost the other day it has the turbo mounted on top of the blower and he said it wont pull verry well now. what do you guys think he should look for to try and figure the problem. the turbo feels good it dont have any slop in the shafts and it turns smooth and free and the tube from the turbo to the blower is good with no leaks and it dont have any exaust leaks this is what ive checked.
  25. the top pic has to be it the truck they have has the gate for the hot seat not the bar
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