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joes mack

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by joes mack

  1. the only macks that evarts had is the one in question and the 87 that we got from them that came from millburn they still have the 83 thats where i got the vin# from. and the chief of that dept found a business card from some repair shop in nj under the seat and thats what got us wondering where it came from.
  2. oh ok thanks. you are the man to see on the fire trucks thats for sure
  3. happy birthday
  4. i like it and i think there should be drug test before getting all of this free stuff
  5. im tryin to get some info on this truck for another fire department. its the same dept that we got our mack from they said its a 1983 and its from n j also. they got it the same time they got our truck. the # is 1m1a139y8 DM001519 cf686f
  6. happy birthday to all
  7. wherd did you go to to get the info on the truck. as far as i can tell that is correct except wynns fire app in corbin ky got it and sold it to evarts.
  8. if you look at the white womans face she kinda looks like barry o
  9. thats a good one have never thought about it but most women get some kind of numbing meds for child birth if we got a spinal block we might not mind a kick in the nuts but ive never had one so i dont want another kick ever
  10. there was a 400 v 8 my cousin had one in a rd 800 coal truck and it was a 88 or 89
  11. the 844 k is a brute there about the size of a 972 cat they finally up sized them a little bit but still not enough in my book.
  12. man that sucks. i hope that they do you rite for the things you lost.
  13. i never could figure out why john deere never made a bigger loader than a 844 if they would of made a bigger one they could give cat a run for their money in the mining industry. if you put a 844 up aginst a 966 cat the deere will move more material in a shifts time.
  14. for the most part they are the same except the grill and emblems they are made on the same line. thats why its a tie with which one is the best.
  15. i went to youtube and watched a video of one and it showed the twin detroits.
  16. what did you get on to watch the video
  17. youre welcome. i try to help if i have a little info about something but most of the time i dont know much and the way i do it is not the right way but it works sometimes.lol
  18. one of the companies i used to work for had 4 of these 3 had cummins engines and 1 had 2 detroits 6v92s i think. one turned normal and the other turned backwards they were mounted flywheel to flywheel with a gearbox inbetween them. if you had a big enough sack of marbels they would go anywhere if it was dry. but if it was wet you couldnt pay for a ride like you would take in them on a small hill. the biggest prob we had out of them were the front springs if you hit a bump or a hole too fast it would break the springs.
  19. sorry to hear of your loss. i know what its like to lose your hero i lost mine 9 years ago. my grand father was the one who bought the firetruck that ive been working on trying to keep one of his favorite things in the world going.
  20. the white r model is verry rare also its 1 of 1 with the offset cab
  21. if it has the switches thats how you calibrate it to the sensors to make it read right. i dont know if mack can tell you where to set the switches without puting it on a computer or not. but if the switches have been moved to where it should be then it might be a sensor. mabey mack pro68 or one of the other dealer mechanics can tell you more about it than i can. you might give barry at watts mack a call and give him the vin or something and get the info.
  22. sorry about the earlier post i gave the wrong info. the info is for the speedo not the tach. i cant remember about the tach if it has a cable and the calibration switches or not on the 98.
  23. its prob out of calibration the tac should have a bunch of little switches on the back. if you have the old one set the switches on the new one to match the old one and all should be good.
  24. yes rob is a super nice guy. just like everyone else on here thats why i like this place so much ifin you have a question and they can help they will
  25. thats a sharp truck i would love to have it but ive got no money or a place to put it so i guess i cant have it. lol but if i had a rich uncle named rob like vinny does he might get it for me.
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