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joes mack

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by joes mack

  1. this might not be the right way but i always try and ger the two cups that i want to remove turned to the sides and take a dead blow hammer or a 2pound with a piece of 2x4 and tap on the yoke and push out the cups. like i said it might not be the right way but most of the time when i take one out im going to change it any way. joe
  2. happy easter to everyone
  3. ill try and post some tomorrow or the next day for you to look at but im replacing the whole transom except the outer hull all of the plywood was rotted and im trying to replace it
  4. i am trying to re build the rear of my boat and im trying to put two pieces of plywood to gether and its been a great while since ive fooled with fiberglass and cant remember exactly how to mix
  5. me and my wife used to have rodeo sex but now we have verbal sex
  6. rob you are a world class fiberglass repair man and ive got a question for you if you mix the resin with the hardner and dont put enough of it in for it to set up in the timeframe it should will it eventualy set up or will i have to do it all over again? joe
  7. happy birthday
  8. happy birthday
  9. thanks for the good coments about the trucks. the 67 is the truck that has the brake problems and i have not got around to taking the chains off yet but i will be taking them off in a couple of days as im going to pull the spokes and drums to check the shoes as there is not a hole in the dust cover to check the thickness of the shoes. if they have a lot of wear on them i will replace them and hopefully be able to get the brakes fixed on the truck.
  10. no the old man passed away and his sons wont even talk about the trucks leaving their place anymore they are suposed to fix them up but they havent been touched yet
  11. aint that the truth about the jobs. it just hit me when i was working on my boat about who made the bed it is built by kirby mfg.
  12. that bed is a 1969 model bed its on my mack cant remember the name of it but it was made in arjay ky. they have been out of business for a while they used to be alot of them around here but now that scrap is up they have all but disapeared.
  13. i wish i was but its sad that our good ole boy justice system here is a joke they sent him to a mental hospital for evaluation and he was released the other day. he alredy draws a check and plus people say he is a rat for the sherrif dept (drugs) so they will prob never be any charges on him.
  14. thats the whole fleet of trucks we have some of you wanted to see pics of our other trucks so i fignaly remembered to post them
  15. 1963 ford c900 2200 gal stainless milk tank truck is retired (cant find parts to fix ) we are currently looking for a newer cab/ chassis to put tank on would like to cut wrap off of tank and polish the stainless if we ever get a truck to put it on
  16. 1978 ford f 600 1000 gal tank
  17. 1974 c 60 chevy 1000 gal tank this is the truck we are poss going to replace with the propane burner.
  18. 1984 l 8000 2000 gal tank 3208 cat (old smokey)
  19. 1971 ford
  20. 1967 ford f 750 500 gpm pump 750 gal tank. this truck orig came from mich. we bought it in 1985 it was refurbed in 1981.
  21. 1971 ford truck was converted to diesel in 1995 3208 turbo 1000 gpm pump 1000 gal tank. sorry for the double post truck orig came from maine
  22. 1971 ford truck was converted to diesel in 1995 3208 turbo 1000 gpm pump 1000 gal tank
  23. here is some pics of our trucks after we got them lettered amd some of the whole fleet
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