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Everything posted by genoredstar

  1. Does any body know how to test an electronic tach. I've got an E tach from an mr that i want to install in my r model. I think i have all the wiring right but don't know if my sensor or pickup is functioning or if the tach is bad. I've got the pos and ground on the tach hooked up and two leads to the pick up on and have a little clearance from the flywheel., but no needle movement. I get a little bounce when it wakes up to voltage initally but nothing later when engine is running
  2. I ran a dm800 with those same rears and a rogers lowbed moving heavy equipment. the truck had an 865 v8 and a six speed. loaded or empty 65mph up hill or down. Rode like a baby carriage with those walking beams. Held the road great with 12X24 michelin xzys. I miss the 80's.It was an old Gotham sand and stone truck from ny!
  3. Jason, I've got an 87 r600 that i'm looking to put an overdrive tranny in. It's got an extended range TRXL107 with the rear mounted pto. Email me back the tranny is good could use some seals though, maybe busings in the aux stick . Gene redstarcontracting@hotmail.com
  4. How bout on the very rear by the fire wall
  5. I've got an 87 r model into which i've transplanted an e7 300, soon to be 350 when i swap the pump. Need info on injectors and turbo. Can I run with what's stock for the 300 or do I need to upgrade as well. Any part #'s would be helpful. Along with thiese upgrades, i'm looking to further the truck from obsolesence to 2010 by swapping the tranny to an overdrive to lower cruising rpms and increase roadspeed to around 75 mph to 80 mph @ 2000 rpms. I'm running 4.17's with 22.5's and currently am getting 62 @ 2100 rpm which is alot for the E7. the rest of the truck is superb and wants to keep living. If youv'e got info pass it along. Also deals on parts will be greatly appreciated! Geno
  6. Has anyone ever encounterd a power divider remaining locke when air switch is disengaged? I encountered a situation going down hill with a steep grade loaded and heavy engine braking in a low gear vand had a severe banging noise. I'm thinking the power divider is locked and cant handle all the torque when locked on hard dry pavement. The truck drives fairly well but am experiencing poor fuel economy. Also doesn't seem to roll well down hill. Looses road speed on gentle declines when you would think it would gain speed. Could this possibly be mismatched rears?
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