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About supershepy

  • Birthday 08/15/1973


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    Love Trucking!!!
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  1. Just an update on the 105 ,had my girl to the Mack dealer and got her turned down to 105kph,(64.7 mph),so I won't be fined $480.00.I also got the "Loss of power "box unchecked in the Spedo sensor settings,ran a duel wirefrom the top of the transmission (breaking the connection on the Spedo,ran the wire through a plastic tube up to the fire wall(so looks factory cause the dot are looking for gismos),and hooked her into a factory switch on my dash.Hit the switch and away I go!Just use my tach for how fast I'm going ,great rig too for doing LTL work all day around the city,saves wracking up miles on the odometer and recording it in your Log,then half to run all night.Thanks for the sugguestion BMT!It's working great!
  2. We will brother,and we'll try not to pick on those poor DOT officers in Ont.,anyways,off to Boston I go...ya all take care
  3. LoL!I hear ya!Most of us Reb's are like that!Good Idea on the 12 volt to the plug in,fry up Mr. DOT's scanner.But why not go all the way,juice up a capacitor run it down to the new plug in.I can just picture the look on the guys face when the scanner would melt in his hand.
  4. There is a great product they use up north in the Industry sector.It's called POLAR LUBE.It is quite exspensive (about $100.00 a gallon) but only a small amount(cap full) works wonders.It is used for the purpose of getting away from any kind of achol base stuff(Methal hydrate etc.)which is as you all know hard on seals,valves etc.The Polar Lube stops airlines from freezing and gunking up plus acts as a lubercant for seals etc.Not sure any help to you
  5. K, what about the reverse switch that is on your trans,that tells you when you are in reverse,(light comes on the dash),if you were to put a toggle switch on it and ground it when you are in top gear,would that not tell the ECM that you are in reverse and there would not be any shut down then?Heard this being done to a KW one time....
  6. Yes I have heard alot of horror stories.I know a company that has a fleet of them,yes cheaper truck to buy but will put you under when it comes to repairs.I have been very lucky in that department(knock on wood!),just an exspensive trubo($5000)and two EGR coolant valves,a bearing in the rear end,starter(normal),plus not the greatest on fuel,but all in all she's been pretty faithful,she runs pretty hard each week,but usually only tandem weight(45,000lbs would be heavy for her).I see your girl is a heavy hauler.Hopefully Mack WILL go back making REAL trucks again someday.You couldn't beat the old ones!
  7. What a SweetHeart!A Beauty "B"
  8. Correct my friend,it is a device that gives you Maxium RPM in your top gear.The only problem with Mack programing they have a lot of Anti-tampering programing in their ECM,which in English if you mess with anything the computer picks it up and put the truck into LIMP MODE,(turns down the truck so you just got enough power to pull her to the side).As for the DOT plugging in and NOT being able to determine if your truck is turned down because they cannot get a reading from the ECM,you will be fined just the same,they got their ass covered on this law.It would be the same as being pulled over for a drunk driving and refusing to blow into the breathalizer to give them a reading.But I appreciate the Input,good thinking.
  9. Okay,I'm sure this quetion has been asked a lot,but gonna ask it again.Not sure how many of you drivers run the province of Ontario (Canada) but if you do you all know about the laws they have(a lot of B.S!).In order to drive in this province or state your truck must be govern at top speed of 105kmp(roughly 65 mph).Its the law and if you go in for a spot check and the DOT plug into your truck(your ECM), and its not turned down there is a nasty fine.now a company has developed a item called"SafteyPass Pro" which hooks into your speed sensor and can override the 105 kmp shut down,but it does not work on Mack engines(only Mack engines),Mack has a problem, Anti-Tamper settings (if they are enabled) that are tough to overcome. They can hook up to the speed sensor alright but we can't get a signal through to the ECM with the current unit.Just wondering if anybody has heard of any tricks to the trade of overiding the speed limitors without putting the truck into "LIMP MODE"? P.S. Its a Mack Vision 2005,13 speed www.fastertruck.com/safetypass
  10. Do have Eger colant problems and are exspensive as hell for trubo(up to $5000 to replace),but nice riding and good for getting in to tight spots(shorter wheel base)
  11. Wondering if anybody else ran into this.I have a 2005 Mack Vision with a 460 13 speed eaton trans,I'm getting every once in a while engine shut down light and "check trans" coming on,when this happens my heat gauge for my trans drops to nothing,then when the light shuts off it goes back up to normal operating temperature.Checked all the wiring going to the heat sensor on the trans back and seems fine,possibley a heat sensor on trans getting bad?Or when the heat sensor on the transmission goes it just goes?Any input would be great ,thanks! p.s. she has high miles on her
  12. Great to see there is a web site for all us Mack Nuts!I love my little puppy dog(even though she is trubo exspensive!).Hope I can answer any quetions out there and plan on asking many,happy trails to you all in 2010!
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