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Everything posted by dirtfarmer163

  1. now that is a bunch of good lookin dodges......wish i had all the old dodge pap had at one time but he never had a bighorn....matt
  2. I drove 2 UD trucks back in the late 90's early 2000 and they were great rollback/tow trucks. with 21foof beds you could still turn them around in a 2 lane road and not back up. the air over hydraulic brakes were a lil wierd but did good, full air would have been better. matt
  3. I think I'm right on this the NH had the fuel lines on the outside and was a line and nozzle engine. And the NT hat the PT system and cam opened injectors
  4. Oh I have a question what was differant between the LT,LTL,and LTH?? and great story, your very lucky to have a that!! I have a 57 IH that i was lucky enough to get all the papers for also Matt
  5. i might have one in the shed but i forget if its a 711 or a 673
  6. Good luck finding a baby quad ........i have een looking for a while now with no luck matt
  7. I was told to find a TRQ770 by a member here, but are they a #2 or a #1 And does anyone have one for sale Thanks matt
  8. Hey Fellows, I am looking for a COMPLETE baby quad. I need the trans, sticks, linkage and bell housing. I'm planning on bolting it to a 6BT cummins. what size bell housing does the baby quad use????? A SAE 2 i hope. Is there anyone that knows where i might find on or has on they want to sell plaese contact me thanks matt
  9. looks as if i might be S.O.L. till i get home. dad has a old ford with a V8 and 5+3 that is a tri axle dump i might have to study that and make some calls to the boys at cresson ridge and see what i can piece together to get the ratios i need but thanks to every one for your help If y'all have any other ideas let me know thanks matt
  10. Rob first of all thanks I have checked into that option and this is what i have found the spicer 6+1 and all the ones i have found are 1:1, is quite pricey used plus i would have to still get a rear. But now that we start talkin bell housing size the sae 2 was tight between the rails so i guess im back to square 1. Now im gonna ask something yall may not know so here goes in the old trucks "IH FORD GM" that used big block V8s what size was the bell housing in those trucks???? im thinkin i could go with a pair of boxes made for those trucks and find the right combo to get the .6ish:1 ratio i need. didn't realy want the short shaft between boxes but if thats the way i gotta go what do ya do just a thought matt
  11. superdog what model numbel is associated with the "baby quad" so i can begin my search for one. and would a triplex work or will i never find parts to mount it to the 5.9 thanks matt
  12. well i used to drink alot of the PA beers Rolling Rock and Yuengling but now if i drink beer its coors light or mic. ultra and still drinks a few rolling rocks. but for me most of the time its JIM BEAM or CROWN ROYAL
  13. yes you are very right about running high rpm. its not gonna be an everyday driver just a play toy so im not to worryed about that. now if i can get a shaft size and the diameter of the bell i might be on to something
  14. according to the road speed calculator 2500 rpm with 10.00r20 tires with 6.88 rear and .69 od comes out to 64.3 mph so that i can live with. now the question lies, as to what bell housing is used and can i get what i need to bolt it to a 5.9 cummins and what does it cost to buy a quad or a triplex
  15. the truck was a 5 speed direct with a 2 speed rear 6.88 high and 8.86 low. the reason im stayin with the original rear is 1 it has air brakes and 2 i can keep the original spoke wheels to match the front spokes and 3 finding a IH rear that light with air can be a challange. i have some IH rears at home with fast gears but none are fast enough and parts are not avalable. I agree i might not need all the gears of a quad but im after the .66:1 ratio and with all the gears i should be able to run in the 65mph range but a triplex would work
  16. I need y'all's help on choosing a tranmission. I have a 57 IH single axle that had a BD308 gas that i have replaced with a 5.9 cummins since the 2 engines had the same block size. The truck has a 6.88 rear that i can't find a faster gear set for, so i was thinkin of using a TRTL 720 or a TRQ 720. So now for the questions what bell housing to these trannys use and will i be able to bolt them to a 5.9??? how hard is it gonna be to find one???? are these tranys one piece like the duplex?? or is these a better more avalable tranny that finishes in the .6-.7 to 1 area??? Sorry guy i know its going in a IH but this is the only way i can think of to get some speed out of the lil truck, and i don't realy wanna mess with a short shaft between boxes. i will mainy be using it to pull gooseneck trailers and the most it will ever see is maybe 15000 pound on the deck. its just gonna be a play toy but i want it usable also. thanx ahead of time for any info y'all can share matt
  17. the INFIDEL shall get 72 dry cracked recaps
  18. gettysburg
  19. Well hello I'm matt from southern PA. I grew up with old macks when i was a kid and learned to HATE the old, slow, noisy macks that dad and the neighbor had. The neighbor had a bunch of R model dump most with 2 stick six speeds in them and dad had a U model with a 673 and a duplex, and F model with a 711 and a duplex and a pair of b models onw had a triplex and the other has a duplex with a air shift on the compound. now that i am alot older i would love to have all of them back. (we still have the b model with the air shift) I learned on the old macks with the pair of clubs and i concider myself lucky to have been able to learn the 2 stick art since i am only 30 years old and most all of my buddies look at a pair of stick and get lost. I'm just glad i found this board as i learn more and more everyday about these great old trucks thanx for letting me pe a part of this great group matt
  20. http://www.holcombtrucks.com/roadSpeed.php try this
  21. DOT blitz first week of june
  22. Saying that us people under 30 shouldn't vote is like saying that all people over 65 shouldn't drive!!!!!!! Not all people under 30 have no clue what is going on, just like not all people over 65 are bad drivers. But i will agree that there is a lot of people young and old that vote based on party not the canidate or the policy that they promote. We do need to go and clean DC out and start over but no matter who you send there big buisness will hand money out and corrupt even the most honest man. just the way i see it matt
  23. well thanks fellow. what the deal is, i have a friend that has one and he was wandering about it,and he is not much of a mechanic. And i myself have never seen one on the ground to know how it looked and worked, so we asked and have scraped the idea thanks matt
  24. so can anyone tell me if it is possable to do
  25. see we don't want a look like 2 stick i have seen that bs before im talkin a true machanical linkage to the shift fork like the old 2 stick six speeds had thanks matt
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