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Everything posted by MADDOG93

  1. MADDOG93


    After 24 year's in New York this Mack did another 19 year's in the Lakes Region area of N.H. 43 year's front line not bad for a Mack
  2. MADDOG93


    707 gas with air brakes but no maxi just drive shaft brake. All of my photo's are pre computer so have to scan over
  3. MADDOG93


    This is my 1957 B-95 #1070 EX Port Chester New York It has been sitting for a while and will be taken out this year for some fun
  4. 14 inch's,-5 here in Westchester County along the Long Island sound. It was reported to me at the coffee shop this morning that someone saw a ship that looked like the Titanic may have hit a iceburg !
  5. Well to start off that's not a Ford cab but is a Budd cab, and welcome to this nut house and if you have a helmet, put it on !
  6. I paid $75.00 for mine but it did not have a top last year and I can't find one that fit's.
  7. Another one bites the dust. As of 1700 hrs 5pm east coast time Amercain Lafrance shut there doors.
  8. My life is planed around Macungie , Family and some of my friend's make the trip with me and my 3 kid's love the truck show pool as they called it when they were little, now 32,30,20,years old. The show brings us all together for a fun and relaxing weekend. We camp on site for three night's and leave on Sunday late to enjoy the pool and watch the Truck's pull out. Will be bringing the Ward Lafrance this year and hope to park right next to FWD so he can smell and hear the 671 come to life, ok maybe down hill from him so he will not get oil on him .
  9. That's sick, can you lease it out for let's small job's ?
  10. I didn't want to touch that[Harvey] because I just sent him some photos.
  11. No he is not right. it is very simple and you already have it right. The C-85 is the 707C motor with a 750GPM pump, The C-95 has a larger pump[ more discharges ].. at 1,000 GPM with the 707c. The 125 means 1,250 GPM pump. The sheet metal is all the same but can be larger and longer body with a bigger size tank or more compartments but the cabs are all the same, what ever the dept wanted. Each discharge is 250 GPM so a C-85 has 3 discharges, a C-95 has 4 and the C-125 has 5 discharges. Hope this helps.
  12. Here's Baltic's nice 58 B, Bulldogboy !
  13. Like it was said, It is owned by Pat Archiere Sr from Danbury Conn. He has it a long time and just sold a R model same blue that he used to haul it around.
  14. Standard IH cab up high with the fire wall cut out just like the budd cab on the big ford's.
  15. What are you smoking ? one day early, get me some!
  16. or this, NOT !
  17. or this one
  18. like this one
  19. Just but a new Mack production truck and make it a fire truck, it's done every day with a few upgrade's.
  20. And a few hundred for the DPW, that's were that cab came from .
  21. Problem solved !
  22. Randy it's simple , just put a 671 screaming Detroit in there and your good friend Obama will give you a tax brake. How's your blood pressure now !
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