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Everything posted by 57Mack

  1. Do you still have parts for that MB?

  2. Hi Alex, I can use those tubes if you still have
  3. Is the yellow H for sale?
  4. Wish I knew about it here in FL, would have taken it
  5. Looking for a complete roof mount AC system for a 69' Mack R600. Something close to the era.
  6. Looking for an original stylebumper for a 69' R600
  7. Looking for cab cut out pieces lower middle center of back of cab, the area behind the air valve left rocker panel
  8. Looking for the duplex shifter levers and mounting assy Complete air filter cleaner assy like the style in the pic Single round fuel tank
  9. Looking for a complete engine brake for a 69' R600 with a 237 maxidyne
  10. Hi is the engine brake still avail?
  11. Hi Alex, how much for the complete air cleaner with ducts? Thx
  12. Ok thank you. The only issue I have, is that my front cover doesn't have the small inspection plate that most engines have. That's where I'm lost.
  13. I recently bought an MB with an additional new cab. Looking for some odds and ends. Twin shifters and linkage Air cleaner assemble, style that has a snorkel that mounts behind cab Decent steering wheel Mirror brackets/frames Fuel tank I'm located in South FL
  14. Shipping prices are ok, if we can make a big enough parts list, it will be worth it.
  15. Is there a way to manually bypass a hydraulic govenor to fire quickly? My engine cranks way too long until oil pressure builds, then fires. Any thoughts apreciated.
  16. Is there any literature out there for timing an American Bosch pump with a Woodward govenor? need to remove for service.
  17. Hi Alex, I would like to purchase the air cleaner and plumbing from you. I also need a decent steering wheel, and the entire shift linkage mounted to the chassis and trams. I believe you said your truck has a duplex. Thank you
  18. Thank you, the F model I'm looking for is a cab over from the 70's
  19. Looking for a single axle L and F models for sale for restoration.
  20. I just bought the MB in FL. Its in excellent shape. Just needs paint. Came with everything, including a chassis with a rotten cab.il be looking for misc odds and ends. Right now I need an air cleaner that mounts behind the cab with the tall stack and all plumbing, and a decent steering wheel.
  21. Hi Alex, I just saw the post. That's what I have now, and it's rotted. I would like to replace it with the tall stack style mounted behind the cab. If I can't find one, I'll get yours. How much for the air cleaner you have? Thx
  22. Hi Alex just checking in on your parts? Thx
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