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Everything posted by brutis77

  1. Are you f ing kidding me. Those pieces of shit, where are you Obama? One of the four could have been you as a young man. I'm far from racist but what a joke. My shit bag governor (mass) had all kinds of stupid shit to say about Zimmerman, what do you got now stupid? This infuriates me. I'm sorry to this mans family and to his soul. I hope you haunt these pricks for the rest of their lives.
  2. Too bad he's parting it out, would be a nice original truck. People are funny
  3. Not sure if this one made it. It's a lot prettier nowadays. This was a few years ago when it was getting rebuilt. It's a biiig bitch.
  4. I like the green b81, looks like it was an ex ny truck. That pic is probably from last year, they are still running her.
  5. I have a brand new flat
  6. Ill take that 13 spd
  7. Ohh I think I known where, maybe mills is making a tri axle dump or it will end up a septic truck.
  8. Where did you find that Middlesex truck. 4019 was the last truck sitting at there plant in Littleton I think. I thought Joseph's ended up with it, I tried to buy it from Middlesex but it was a no go.
  9. Sure is an old Bruno, looked better green but that's just my opinion.
  10. Few mass other trucks
  11. I missed the show but have been scanning for pics. Looks like it was a fine show, funny how many r models and superliners were there. Anyone see any heavy lj's?
  12. Dynos make noise jakes slow you down
  13. I'm 6'4, I squeeze in an rd evyday. I moved the seat back as far as I could on the floor plate. Worked good I still rub the heater box but compared to the way it was its like a Cadillac. Sure doesn't ride like one.
  14. Tuuka is the man, Chicago watch out the bruins are coming for ya
  15. My neighbor owns cri rubber in India. They make the caps for Michelin, according to him it's bandag on steroids.
  16. The tris are 460 13 spd 50k rears 18 steerable 18 front 16 foot lembos with 4 pistons. 12 24.5 tires. Very very nice. He is getting gu713 with I heard 455 13 spds
  17. Yeah it's a dm,used to be a tractor for an oil company. This guy bob bought it and made it his tandem. Very nice truck.
  18. As far as I know the granites are the first round. Last trucks were 97 rd688sx tandems. I think he is getting ready for the upgrade, I will be looking to buy one of the tris.
  19. Anyone know this company? It was early 90's , they had what looked to be 20-30 red mack tri axles. They were parked off 84 and 91during a big highway job. I know it's very blunt but that's all I remember, I was probably 10 or 11 yrs old
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