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About thunderdog

  • Birthday 05/01/1974


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    Mack trucks and race cars
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  1. I have been gone for awhile getting my new truck ready to go !
  2. Made me cry to see pics of that truck when they got it and what is left! I did get the remains.........
  3. Got the RWS all done and put it to work today.
  4. Not me Mike! It as an E9. Identical specs as my MH Magnum.
  5. According to the build sheet - no. It had 110 gal round tanks
  6. Thanks guys! With the help of Mr. Wingo and the build sheet, All records show that this the last Freedom Edition truck built.
  7. Been working on the MH . Had the seats recovered with an added touch. The dual exhaust was missing so replaced them. Fixing all the little things that needed attention. With any luck, I can get away and make it to Gerhart's with it.
  8. Been very busy the last month trying to get my new truck done for our town's 150th anniversary parade. I made it!
  9. This truck was from my area when it was new then disappeared. A father and son team bought two identical 1989 Superliners- e9 450 with 12 spds. They were both orange and this one will be again! Hard to believe but only 230,000 miles on it.
  10. I am a diehard Mack man and I did have a 2012 Granite,505 18spd. Power and fuel economy was good BUT I had problems with coolant leaks and had it to the dealer five times and never got it fixed. Other small issues too. I loved that truck. Like was said in another post, a dealer can make ya or break ya! I sold it a month ago with only 10,000 miles on it. I got a 2013 Western Star glider with a 6nz Cat in it. My local Cat garage treats me VERY good.
  11. Bringing this one home next week. Dad misses his old Superliner so he wanted another one. They look similar too!
  12. Trying to get some of my project trucks done and this is my latest. She is an 84 with an air to air 350,12 spd on camelback. Very clean and straight truck. Adding a wetline for my dump and walking floor, and fixing some little things. I have a local fab man building me a stainless construction bumper for it.
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