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Everything posted by fauthpk

  1. I own a business in CT and one day took all my trucks to Whethersfield to have them inspected. The inspector told me they would do it this time but in the future take it to a commercial truck place for the inspection. So I paid a guy last year $320.00 to inspect one of our F550's. He used the form from JJ Keller and we now do our own Federal Inpections. Best to get advice from the guys on this site. When we wwent through our FMCSA audit the inspector did not bat an eye at the yearly safety records. On your doors install not for hire. When I went to DMV to register in Norwalk I brought the truck with me. They didn't inspect anything. I handed them the paperwork te requested handed me a set of plates. I was a bit baffled....
  2. It amazes me the amount of money they are spending on their campaigns. I will be honest and say I am not sure who I am going to vote for just yet. I own my own business and pay a yearly salary in taxes a year. It's one of the definites in our lives besides death. Romney on the other and worries me. I feel he is a shady individual. I pay my taxes to support my country. I don't hide money (not that I have any) in foreign banks or off shore accounts. I leave it in local banks. It is with the taxes I pay that brings this great nation back to where we once were. Money to get the trucks and construction crews back to wrk on our roads and bridges. The message should be simple...Buy American!!! Stay out of Wal-Mart. As consumers we should demand goods made here in the USA. If anyone should get a break it's the large corporations that bring their business back home and hires the many people out of work. I am sure there will be a lot of controversy over this. Bottom line, I want our country back!
  3. I know that truck well. A builder in Greenwich ct used it as a site truck. Did not get much road use.
  4. fauthpk

    B'day boy:

    not true. we love you buddy!!!!
  5. Nice trucks. B30 with the budd wheels is nice. According to the build sheets I have they were options.
  6. fauthpk

    B'day boy:

    Thank you guys. It was a great day. Big 36! It's flying by.....
  7. fauthpk

    B'day boy:

    Thank you guys!!!!
  8. Thank you. The only thing I want to change is the wood. Currently pressure treated. At some point I will change it to White Oak. Thanks again.
  9. New seat belt....I have one ordered for each vehicle!!!!
  10. Thought I would post some pics of the old girl
  11. I will call you tomorrow. What is a good time?
  12. Ask Rob. He will know where to get it. Have you tried EBay?
  13. Try restoration specialists. They have a shit pile of rubber parts. I found with my B model a lot of those parts are interchangeable with dodge and ford.
  14. Looks awesome. At some point I will need to do a complete tear down. Enjoy!!!
  15. fauthpk


    All of us got our balls broken at one time or another. I drove a 1952 Dodge M37 to school and I hated it then. I would give my left nut to have that truck back. I still live in the same town I grew up in. Mst of the "cool" high school kids are either dead or so burnt out its sad. If I had children I feel I would prefer them to read some of the posts on here rather than somewhere else. Kids need to understand that high school sucks. The one who look like tey ave their shit together don't. My greatest accomplishment was getting into college. There I was able to be myself surrounded by guys and gals with the same interests. In my sophomore year I became an RA and made it my number one policy to help the guys on my floor realize their full potential. Door was always open for them. Bottom line to you guys as parents, uncles, sons, and grandparents. Turn off the television and spend sometime with your kids. Understand wat s going on in their lives. My Dad had the best advise. If you start a fight, your on your own. If you are getting bullied ad you need to take care it I will support you 100 percent. After that chat I felt the old man ad my back. I was comforted in the fact that he knew I would stick up for myself rather than be pushed around. Peter
  16. I have had great success with uship.com
  17. I own my own business. It was my sweat, tears and sleepless nights that built it. Unbelievable!!!
  18. Gents, Looking for some interior parts for my B. Map lights, headliner, and other misc items. Any help is always appreciated. Pete
  19. Hey Tim, man to man- you must be pretty proud of your boy for bringing girls around that look like that. I was not fortunate to have children but if I did have a son I would be damn proud of him. I will see if I can make it to Watts show. Best, Pete
  20. fauthpk


    My two cents; Rob has supported Vinny and took him under his wing. I am not sure what prompted the Dr. Phil photo but I am sure it was supposed to be taken lightly. I could care less if you are straight, gay or have a life's ambition to chop your Weiner off. My obsession with woman was secured the second I got my hands on a nice pair of titties 20 something years ago. I am not sure how much more we can support Vinny other than taking out our wallets. I see nothing wrong with a good ball busting here and there. As I wrote o Vinny. This is a rite of passage to becoming a man. One day he will be in a position to do the same. I worked construction around his age, nothing major-swept floors, but I got screamed at, laughed at, picked on, etc. I learned to deal with it. Ben handled properly. Can we get back to talking about trucks. Peter
  21. Ben, I apologize. Your dad is 100 percent correct and I commend the both of you for it. Nice to see there are Dads out there looking out for their children. I was your age once and missed a few opportunities... Hate for you to look back and feel the same. Hope to meet you one day. My wife grew up in Lehigh Valley, PA. Is that near you at all. Pete
  22. I apologize its a TR73. Just checked out the wiki information on this site. Taking her to a show in Fishkill, NY tomorrow. If any of you are around stop on down.
  23. That my friend is some good advice!!! I hope he reads it. I might tell my wife...anymore bullshit about the mack or anything else- your shirt comes off. Brilliant!!!! Something tells me she wants her shirt off- Bad!
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