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Everything posted by fauthpk

  1. Rhinebeck is may 6. Locust Grove is in June. Not sure of the date yet.
  2. I don't think so. That a tough time to get away.
  3. nice- look for me in the B20. My dad who will be with me grew up in Yaphank. Not sure how old you are but he graduated Longwood in 66. Looking forward to meeting you.
  4. Most of the shows are n Sundays and this year I refuse to work on Sundays.
  5. Just curious if anyone is going to any of the following shows; Flohram Park, NJ Rhinebeck, Ny Locust Grove, Poughkeepsie, ny Macungie, PA If so let me know. Would be great to hook up with some of you on here. With a top speed of 40 mph the little B20 will be a trailer queen to most of these shows. Best, Pete
  6. Definitely go uncorked with the exhaust.
  7. I would see her drive by. Her face and shoulders were fairly normal. But from the waist down it was an enormous woman.
  8. That happened to me once. There was this super cute chick who worked down the road a ways and would wave and smile at me all the time. So one day I foolishly asked one of the guys I worked with to check her out as she got out of the car. Holy Shit!!!!! She had to go an easy 275-300lbs. I never heard the end of it. That girls personality on a hot chicks body would ave been the perfect match.
  9. That was funny!!!!
  10. I am not a truck driver.... Just respect the equipment and the men operating them. Drivers need to respect truck drivers a bit more. I am on the highway 3 hours a day and nothing upsets me more than a tractor trailer waiting for a signal frm another driver that it's safe to change lanes. First thing I did when I met my wife is taught he to flash (sorry guys) her lights when it was safe to go back into her lane. God Bless you all! Pete
  11. Believe it or not pitching speed and endurance comes from your legs especially your left. Spend some time building up those muscles and working on your form. Most importantly- have fun!!!
  12. Also, clean all ground points to the frame.
  13. Vin, baseball, trucking, getting woman it all requires the same. Patience and a lot of practice. The kid on the pitchers mound is as nervous as you are. Keep your eye on the ball, chip up and swing through.... Pete
  14. Olsons gaskets will probably have what you're looking for. Check out eBay. I believe nostalgia parts were selling tie rod ends. Pete
  15. fauthpk

    Rodeo Sex

    Grocery bag? I would need a stainless steel rubber, pint of moon shine, an extremely dark room and two grocery bags just in case one breaks.
  16. fauthpk

    Rodeo Sex

    Vinny- you'll be posting vides in a couple of years but they won't be of your u model. Just remember to tape over the flashing red light.
  17. I found this site. Mecanicapedrosa.com. It's a supply house in puerto rice. Also, call Kevin all. 607-652-7704. Sorry to hear the news.
  18. Nice. Enjoy. Looks to be in great condition.
  19. Little man. Put a trickle charger on the batteries to keep them fully charged at all times. Do well in school. That's your number one job at your age. The truck is coming along. Remember take a lot f pictures so you remember how it all goes back together. Label everything!
  20. I meant to tell you that if the tree dies the replacement is 1000.00/inch. Multiply 1000 times the diameter of the tree and there is your number. Don't add anything to the tree. The salve holds in fungus and other damaging micro-organisms. Best to leave it alone. Tree will heal itself, just like we do. Next time some broad follows you home due to a little fuel spill, be a gentlemen. Offer a free car wash and proceed to pull out your pecker and hose it down. Or give it a sprinkle- depends on your equipment!!!!!
  21. Btw. She is a beauty!
  22. Superdog I was having a similar problem with my B20. The day my wife decides to take a ride with me the truck dies right in the middle of the road. Long story short it was a faulty ignition switch. A 5 dollar part. I replaced it last night and the truck has never run better. Something was shorting out in the switch when it was running. I tried everything! It was the last thing I would have thought of until I jingled the switch and she fired up without making a full revolution. Let me know how you make out.
  23. Keep up the good work little man. I assume the buzzing is low air. I saw a u model today and could not snap a picture for you. Straight stack with a rain cap (or flapper as you call it). I am thinking you should go with a 5" uncorked exhaust. Then she'll really get everyone's attention. Keep the videos coming. Pete
  24. Call Kevin All. 607-652-7704. The guy has everything imagine able. But like Rob said, best to figure out what other drums will work. Best to take it to a good truck parts place like fleet pride or napa and see if the boys can match it up for you. A 20 for their help goes a long way.
  25. Looks good. Remember a little patience goes a long way. Before you take anything apart take a picture of if so you remember how it goes back together.
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