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  1. How many trailers? Where are they located? -Boyce
  2. I have found the perfect match for my old B model. It's a 1954 D4 Dozer. Only problem is the tractor is too far away. I can pay, but the full shipping price is kicking my tail. Any Ideas??????? Thanks, Boyce
  3. Car, truck and tractor show in Campobello SC. Set up is at 7 with the show running 8-3. The show is beign done as a fund raisor for 3 student ambassadors. for more information call 864-468-5687 or email me at rebelend52@yahoo.com
  4. I have two B models with 673's. They are great engines and really reliable. One of mine sat for 7 years and after new batteries cranked right up with just a little hand priming. As for beign problematic...I know a guy that has used his b model (with a 673) for light duty construction work for the past 20 years and all he had to do was replace a battery cable. The engines are reliable and easy to work on..I say go for it.
  5. Thanks for the help. I got the truck started by checking all the connections for the main wire. It seems I had a short going from one battery to the parrallel switch. New battery and tight bolts and vroom....its started. Thanks for the help and Ill look into getting a skemattic
  6. Do you have any idea where to get a skemattic? I've tried the local shops but they all laugh at me. What about the mack museum??
  7. I just replaced a Voltage Regulator on one of my B-61's. The truck ran fine when it was not hooked up...but now that I have all wires connected, the truck wont start. When the starter button is pushed, there is a strange clicking noise under what seems to be the drivers seat. after a few tries of this, I melted a terminal off one of the batteries (switched from 4-6volts to 2-12volts). I dissconnected the regulator but the noise continues. Any Ideas?
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